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Tiffany Haddish, Common broke up after two years

Tiffany Haddish leaves Common.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
NEW YORK — You can stick a fork in Tiffany Haddish’s relationship because it’s done. The 41-year-old comedienne and rapper Common have called it quits after two years of copulation despite the fact they share the same depilated coiffure. A close source said the Hollywood stars were simply “too busy” to be a couple. “They are never in the same city together,” the source explained to People Magazine. “Both of them are just too busy for a serious relationship.” Tiff and Common, 49, hooked up on the set of Andrea Berloff’s 2019 crime drama “The Kitchen.” After a few weeks of dating, the quondam lovebirds effectuated cohabitation. There was also scuttlebutt claiming Tiff was gravid. But at the end of the day, Common refused to buy the cow because he wanted the milk for free. “They’re not teenagers,” the source said. “You can’t go ‘date’ a woman for two years and not talk about marriage, or an engagement or something.”
“It was clear Common wasn’t ready to be married, so Tiffany’s not wasting her time,” the source continued.
“Yeah they’ll still see each other, but Tiffany’s trying to find a husband.”
Are you happy to see them split?
Is marriage imperative?
Share your thoughts.
I can’t get mad at Haddish. If everybody knows she’s a female Pookie, then a 49 year old man should know what he’s getting. She probably told him to his face about her dysfunctional behavior and he likely went to his closet to pull out his white knight armor. IMO – Common could have been with many normal, non-industry women who would have been excellent partners but instead he has sunk to Karrine Steffans and other industry types for the last couple of decades.
They tried to turn a one night stand into a relationship.
If you have a relationship that’s working why do people always have to come with the “contract talk” aka marriage? Just live and let live…We should be counting all the good time together and not worried about a piece of paper to define what you have in a person..That’s crazy!!
Common need a common woman
George Clooney was in his fifties before he found someone he wanted to marry. Don’t do it if it doesn’t feel “right” otherwise you could end up paying alimony and or child support for years when you didn’t want the marriage anyway. Ignore what others have to say about it.
She did common a huge favor by walking away with no ring or a baby. I’m hoping he locks the door and cuts her off completely. Enjoy your freedom common and I hope you learned what kind of woman you don’t want in your life.
She has a mannish attitude. You can’t have two men in the house!
Common dodged a bullet with her, she always gave me weirdo vibes like she might be les or something. Maybe just want a pookie or rayray. She defintely overrated as far as a comedian and actress
The relationship was a publicity stunt on her part. Common sold out long time ago he went from being conscious pro black to kissing up to whites when he started acting. He started with women like Erykah Badu to settle for the likes of Tiffany Haddish who had sold out at day 1. She picked him to get Black points that girl is more appealing to white humor than Black humor. She used him for publicity and his goofy ass trying to appeal more to whites picked a favorite comedian of whites. He got exactly what he deserved…how you get played by a chick who ain’t even a dime? There is nothing about her that says: Black Queen who exuberates afro pride, roots and love. He dug to the bottom of the pool when he picked her, she has no class. Like Lizzo she’s a rich Clown with no substance.
They’re both #Gay Stop It!! Theirs was an arrangement! Like Corbello!!
Common needs to repent, confess his sins to our HEAVENLY FATHER asking for HIS forgiveness and WHOLEHEARTEDLY come back to JESUS CHRIST (ROMANS 10:9-13 KJV)! The reason why he’s (Common) choosing these wrong women is because of a demonic spirit of familiar spirits! Instead being led by the HOLY SPIRIT to choose his PROVERBS 31:10-31 KJV wife, Common is choosing what his flesh wants, likes, and use to (familiar spirits). Therefore, Common must understand that none of these women of his past, including TH, are GOD-FEARING women! These women are unequally yoked with Common’s Christian values and beliefs which the Bible tells us to “be ye NOT unequally yoked with unbelievers” (II Corinthians 6:14 KJV). Therefore, Common needs to find him a GOD-FEARING woman who is TRULY SAVED and lives her life according to the WORD OF GOD and not according to her lustful-flesh. And, he must do the same as well and stop saying that he’s a Christian and not live it! IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME!!! AMEN!!! GOD BLESS!!!🙏😇
Common is a weirdo. Why do women keep dating him? 😂
He “dodged a bullet.” She’s definitely going to the Jada Pinkett Smith School of Marriage. All the way down to the bald head.
Common can’t keep a real one PERIOD!💯
Too busy, exhaustion, we will remain friends…all bs trigger words hiding the REAL reason for the break up. We all know Tiffany’s work commitments bc we see her movies. Idk what Common does. Is he now a bona fide actor? I forgot he was in those John Wick movies. I thought his character was killed off in the first installment. I’ve said it before and I will say it again…if you really and truly care about someone…you will take the time to make it work.
But Tiffany ain’t no catch she’s been ran through in the industry. Nothing solid… Common still playing the field. Give me someone who can challenge me physically and emotionally and supporting and I do the same… growth mentally… understand when we both need our space without acting foolish and being into one’s feelings
This was completely a pandemic relationship I never saw long term In it…
Quarantine entanglement and Tiffany was sweet sweet on common and caught feelings and emotions.
Yea right, paint that bull crisp narrative
Tiffany knew what it was and is,
For, Common is a playa playa from the Himalaya and needs to get to know himself to be better and NOT lead ALL those women along knowing darn well, he wasn’t going to commit and or even married.
What was his childhood and young adulthood about for at his age, status and station in life, he needs to forgive himself, then all whom wrong him and move forward to fruitful and joyful life
It is not the women in part, most of the time its common insecurities and commitment issues
Poor thing
# brush self off ladies and see the truth before catching feelings. STOP giving up the tootsie cat without fruitful marriage relationship. Do it God’s way and never mankind wayward ways
Just saying
All these entanglement and affairs, flings are abomination
Too busy, but wasted over a year.😂😂😂 I wish they will be more creative in their lies. What wrong with Common y’all??? Why these women keep walking away from him.
Man no surprise at all. Neither of these two wanted a marriage. Tiffany clearly stated she didn’t want to settle down & Common discussed in his book about why he doesnt like long term relationships. Some of y’all man haters need to stop talking out of your behind & making everything a mans fault just because you’ve had bad relationships.
Suprise suprise 😂. I saw this refaketionship ending in my sleep. Soon as Tiffany decided to shave her hair off that should’ve been a 🚩 🚩. Y’all dudes better stop calling this chics “natural beauty’s just because they have short hair because it’s an indication of trading femininity for masculinity. Look at Sanaa Lathan, Chrisette Michelle, Tiffany, & Jada. Half are single & half aren’t submissive. You get the gist ✌🏾
She needs to get that nasty mole removed.
He’s got a pretty long track record of masculine leaning women.
Why do Common keep dating these average looking or below average👀 looking celebrities💩 🤣😂🤣😂😳😖🥴
Pandemic love 🤷🏽♀️ lol
Common at 50 years has the mind of a teen. He has a very chequered record in relationships….he needs to start acting his age and get settled.
He left Serena Williams too.
I’m glad she found her true love.
Common is too mature and cultivated for Tiffany Haddish. He knew he wasn’t going to stay with her but knew she needed a dose of goodness in her life to keep her on tract. Dude is like a spiritual guru.
Tiffany should have made time to be with Common if she really wanted a man and to be with him. Tiffany is 42 years old. She is single and childless. The biological clock is ticking. Despite the hoax that social media has sold women on, biology is will. At some point a woman has to choose and make a sacrifice if she wants that. Common on the other hand can still produce children into his 70s. It is NOT the same.
Common you need me in your life…you need time I got u baby….stop wasting your time with these celebrities and get u a average hard working woman such as myself who can give u what u need. ❤️🤗
we ALL loved him and tiffany together and we ALL wanted it to work. sometime being a grown up and looking at things for what they ARE and not what you WANT them to be sucks lol. still love them both and the fact that they went their separate ways with no animosity for the other. classy and adult way to break up and something we can all learn from
I love Common but…………Purleeeeeaaze!!! Ladies let me tell you from experience. If a man wants you, he ain’t letting you go for anything. He will keep you through thick and thin, through long distance and career traveling responsibilities. Common did not want Tiff anymore, period because like Tiff told us all, she ready for a kid. Common likes her but he didn’t love her enough to put a ring on it and then that kid issue. Anyone old enough to remember the perpetually single George Clooney? George Clooney used to say in interviews “never, never” and then he met his RIB, Amal. Maybe Common will one day be George Clooney 2.0. He will find his Amal, his REAL RIB and will not let go of her for anything, period.
Ok Common at least she doesn’t look manly like Serena,you moved up,now move on
Maybe Common is gay?
He may be borderline slow..also he’s always come off to me as Gay. I’m usually shocked when I hear that he’s hooked up with a WOMAN! He’s Wack in my eyes now..not 100%
Common is not trying to be kept.