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Lizzo released nude video

Lizzo released a nude video.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
LOS ANGELES — Corpulent songstress Lizzo (né Melissa Viviane Jefferson) damn near broke the Internet on Saturday when she shared a nude video with her 11.9 million Instagram followers. The diminutive clip shows a butt-naked Lizzo rubbin’ herself down as she gazes seductively into the camera. One of her songs can be heard in the background. The plus-size vocalist is asking eligible bachelors to love every pound of her; fat booty and all. “If you love me… you love all of me,” Lizzo, 33, captioned the video. “You dont get to pick and choose. We should be unconditionally loving of one another, starting with being unconditionally loving to ourselves. Take a moment today and think about the conditions we hold so tightly to that keep us from the freedom of true love. Do you really wanna be so tightly wound? Free yourself in love. You deserve it.” Well, there’s certainly plenty to love. No doubt about that. Lizzo weighs roughly 300 pounds. Social media reaction was mixed. One viewer wrote, “Thank you Lizzo girl. You bomb as hell.”
Another added, “PUT SOME DAM CLOTHES ON!!! & GO ON A DAM DIET!!!”
Lizzo, a 3-time Grammy Award winner, is a stickler for body positivity.
But some people think she’s bipolar.
Should men accept women the way they are?
Are you a sucker for a plump derrière and juicy embonpoint?
Watch the sexy video.
Share your thoughts.
I make 15k a year “love all of me, or don’t love me at all.”
What does she mean nobody wants her? McDonald’s be calling, and she always answers the call.
I don’t want to see this, I don’t want you as you are. I am busy working on the betterment of myself. If Lizzo took all this time that she’d been complaining to work on herself instead she’d be in a different place now 🙄 Adele did something about her situation look at her now compared to before. See this will keep on going Nothing will change. She should look at having relationships with guys her size. Body positivity that is.
She post nude…
We dont want to show you.
We dont want to see that!
If she wants a man to accept her as she is again and she needs to accept the man as he is if he weighs 400 lb and she doesn’t want to be with him. She needs to lower her standards except that man because that’s the best she going to get. If she wants to pay for the guy to be with her to be able to keep him as long as she can afford to pay him the second that she loses her money he’s out the door and he’s going to have a side chick because he’s not going to be serious about her. So if I was her I would get the fat guy that you know you can turn around and help out maybe help him lose some weight but not by much because she’s all about a body positivity so it is what it is lol.
Why she don’t just get her big ass in the gym?? Sheesh the bufoonery😫
Time to ignore her
Why isn’t Lizzo on my 600 pound Life?
I think she’s falling off she only relies on antics lol what a waste of talent
She’s like that turd in the toilet that won’t flush whhhhy won’t you gooo away already!?!!?
Or what about when the men works on himself, he makes all the changes, then they say oh, that’s not good enough, you need to do more, go above and beyond, and as a man you do that, then she says that still not good enough, I want a divorce
A woman who lacks self discipline will lack with a man of value
I like fat girls 😝😝😝
Men change to always better them selfs not just Money but mentally. Women want men to accept there bad attitude and big belly with Huge appetize for food.
was she wrapped in bacon?
The thing is lizzo wants men way out of her league
If she wasn’t acting so desperate even at that weight she could have gotten a man because she’s pretty but I think she should lose the weight for her health.
One thing she doesn’t want is to workout.. she wants everything else but that…
I don’t think Lizzo has issues getting men. The problem is the type of men she wants to get!
What part of “I don’t want a fat b****” don’t she understand?
Being fat is so uncomfortable. Every time you look in the mirror you can’t help but be disgusted. You are on this cycle of self destruction you hate yourself you eat to comfort yourself then you get even more fat and hate yourself even more. She needs to join a gym and cut off people who coddle her.
Is it really that hard to go to a gym or get on a diet to improve your self esteem and attractiveness? Like god damn.
The BW is the dumbest, most wicked woman on the planet. It’s best to stay away from these wretched, simple minded, easily fooled by propaganda, CRETINS and DEMONS.
It’s nothing attractive being OBESE 🤦🏿it’s a lot of stress on your joints and internal organs
just lose weight u got money get a personal trainer , eat right or lipo do something shit…
300 lbs? Like her weight…fat chance!
Yall be giving these chics too much airtime…they’re attention seekers…ignore them…I bet they’ll fall off the face of the earth then.
Get yo big azz in the gym
Lizzo needs to be banned from social media. 2 years minimum
THEY want the world, but only offer crumbs in return!!!!!
No black man or man wants to see this human Whale Naked, she is trying to force men to like it GTFOH with that madness. This chick doesn’t want a obese man like her self, she wanted a real life Captain America, got her ass embarrassed by Chris Evans a white guy at that, this chick is delusional.
Meanwhile you gotta be 6ft, 6 figures, 6 pack abs and 8inch d*ck just to talk to her 🥴🥴
Ooooo I wish I had a Coochie like Lizzo
This chick is fake all over! She ain’t got bipolar, she’s just a pure clout grabber. It’s not even bout her weight, but then again, she should never wear da s**t that she wears when flashing and exposing herself. It’s not necessary! I never saw Missy, Jill Scott having to expose themselves the way Lizzo does. Are we spose to be celebrating her music or her weight? Lizzo is all gimmick, her music is trash, maybe that’s why she does and say some bulls**t, just to get attention. Well she got mine, just not da way she wants. Behave y’self, girl!!
Lizzo, you have a cute face. Lose the weight and tone down the antics. You will surely have suitors.
Most men want a woman with a coke bottle and hour glass figure.
Lose weight woman! It’s not easy for any of us who trying to be fit and healthy…. but it’s so rewarding. I don’t feel sorry for her one bit. You don’t need anyone’s permission or approval in order to get your stuff together. No one likes being FAT… I don’t care what yall say 🤣
This is so true with me & a lot of black men who are single & childless… These black women telling us (blk men) to better ourselves so we can be with them (blk wmn)- yet they themselves (blk wmn) remain stagnant. Furthermore they (blk wmn) bring their debt, bastards, weaves & life style issues to a black man- who has bettered himself & has options above what that black woman qualifies as… Sorry Sista- you loose. No black man should settle for worthless endeavors… Period…!
What I don’t understand is why she thinks she can get with fit men because she has money.
She’s beyond beautiful but goes about things the wrong way. The extras aren’t helping either you will not get a quality man doing the most. The extra exposure which is not needed when you are that pretty is just taking away from anything beneficial. She’s one of the prettiest women in the business. But the behavior can make people view you negatively.
Being built like a whole poop emoji will not get you the man you seek😆
Where is 50 cent when you need him??? 😂🤣😭. I think she believes her money and status will make guys not focus on the fact that she’s fat asf. 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️ “love me as I am” there’s not enough love in the world 😭🤣😂😒
Lizzo’s problem has NOTHING to due with her weight… It’s an insecurity, yes, but what is REALLY hampering her happiness is her IMAGE and BEHAVIORS. Her outlandishness is over-the-top and beyond reasonable. No man wants a “bhad bitch”… They want a GOOD WOMAN… One that understands the roles they both MUST play to become a successful relationship. One that isn’t haughty and foul-mouthed. Reputation is everything. It is attached to your name and has proud impact on your LEGACY. SHE doesn’t this. Hell, I would have her if she calmed down and was humble and modest.
Her calling… Her DESTINY is to be a regal, majestic Black woman who is poised, delicate, and mannerly. She would do better by leaving her current fan base, who are mostly young urban trend riders, for more mature (over 30) audiences who would greatly appreciate some cool R&B, light Hip-Hop, or smooth jazz with her in an ELEGANT flowing dress and playing her flute, which she has virtuoso level proficiency in playing, on the rocks on a beach, or on a cliff side at sunset. She must realize that the young female youth NEED positive role-models that can show them that they don’t need to flaunt there bodies or fill the air with noise pollution from their mouths to get attention.
Thats why as a business owner i only mess with high class white woman. Its just a fact that white women are more classy and successful than black Women
I used to be a tubbo myself, at 380lbs but realized that getting fucking winded from tying my shoelaces sucked so I cut sugar out of my diet and now I’m 215lbs (I’m 6’4 btw) … yeah being fat sucks pruny cojones
300 pounds??? God damn! I am a 6 foot tall guy, 220 lbs and I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT!
Lizzo is a royal pain in the ass.. Like she knows damn well once she makes a video like that ppl will come for her because they know 2 days later she will be crying about her weight.
She opens herself up for these attacks online.. 🤦🏾♀️
Its a free world she can be big as she wants. But she needs to realize most men dont want a woman that big. I sure as hell dont.
Not wanna shake her world but high value man want a fit, very attractive women, they don’t care about your money, your intelligence, they just care about your physical appearance, it’s sad and shady asf but it is what it is.