Two thugs murder local rapper. Blog King, Mass Appeal FOREST HILL -- The adventures of…
Practical nurse shot dead, jealous baby daddy jailed

Common-law wife murdered.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
NORTH CHARLESTON — The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. Javerick Self was thrown in the slammer after he killed his pregnant common-law wife, 29-year-old Teresa Jenkins-Self, because she broke up with him. The fatal shooting transpired September 2nd in front of their two children in North Charleston, South Carolina. Prior to her murder, Teresa called 911 to have Javerick removed from her apartment. You can hear him threatening her in the background. “I’m trying to have this person escorted out my home,” Teresa told the dispatcher. “I’m tired. I’m done. Can you send someone sir? Please.” Seconds later, the phone went dead. So did Teresa. When police officers arrived, they found her corpse riddled with gunshot wounds. Teresa was shot multiple times in the head. Javerick, 25, was arrested and charged with two counts of murder because Teresa was 8-months gravid. He was also charged with possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime. Social media reaction was cutthroat. One person wrote, “Well at least the marriage 💑 was successful. Death 💀 did them part.”
Another added, “But they love toxic thug dick.”
Teresa was a licensed practical nurse.
Javerick is an unemployed bum with a history of domestic violence.
Watch the sad report and listen to the 911 call.
Share your thoughts.
She had enough of him and he couldn’t take it. He probably had no where to go so he decided to go to prison.
Our men kill our women out of contempt and rejection they can’t handle!
Will yall leave these crazy niggies alone
Sick of seeing these black women getting killed never seen so many in my 42 years of living then by someone they love or loved and even if they don’t .Who gone protect us ?
Dang just imagine marrying someone then they kill you.
Yall gotta stop staying and marrying these bums…Ladies u know he a bum and abusive and deadly…then y marry him and or reproduce…Poor kids!!!
They don’t care about us
Nobody wins when they just kill these women they’re abusing so sad God Rest Her Soul 🙏🏾❤️
I really hope her children are surrounded with love
So instead of just leaving he kills her, I’m so sick of these cases😭💔🙏. My sincere condolences to their family.
I’m so tired of seeing these BM killing our women and babies every 5 minutes!
Im not sure why women keep trying to push men to the limit
These men really out here killing women 🥺 she’s pregnant with your child and you did this in front of her children NO GOD there’s so much evilness in the world
It’s always the broke ones wit no where to live
If a man raise his voice at me I’m gone
Don’t drop the soap 🧼
I wish these men would think about the kid and put their pride and ego aside. Prayers for her children and family. 🙏
She got karma
All these men killing these women have one thing in common, nothing to lose!!! This is getting ridiculous 😏😞
common law marriage = fornication , NO such thing!! where do they find these men 1-800-thugs-R US
she should have listened to his warning😑
You can talk to a man for 30 minutes or an hour and find out what type of man he is
I mean just look at him, of course he’s a violent criminal.
She probably deserved it
Why would you call in front of him smh police be slow af
Why do women keep having kids with men who disrespect and abuse them, especially in front of other kids.
Dads And Moms Teach Your Boys From Young Self Control How To Deal With Their Emotions, Their Anger Even Girls Too. But I am Talking About Boys From Young Where Showing Emotions Is Not Acceptable That Is Wrong Teachings Start At Home; I Know Everyone Does Not Have The Family Dynamic Or A Mom Or Dad Some Are In Foster Care This Is Where We Need Community Again Like Before To Help Children From Very Young. This Is So Out Of Control Now These Men Are Into Themselves And Vengeful Anger And Leave The Children Motherless Fatherless THINK ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN FIRST PLEASE!!! Don’t They Deserve A Wonderful Life?
The operator needs to be held responsible in the killing as well. He was supposed to ask her immediately after he didn’t get the correct apt #. The asking of who was not as important as the apt #
9-1-1 can be reached by text. People need to know that!!!
I am her friend and she was NEVER abused by this man!!!! He never even hit her! There was no domestic violence! Why he shot her ? That is unclear…. It wasn’t a healthy relationship but abusive!? Absolutely not
That’s so sad, why don’t these people just walk away instead of taking lives? Lord have mercy on our nation
Why did she call the police? I thought y’all hated them?
It’s awful enough to murder ANYONE in cold blood but to murder a WOMAN that loved you & an almost full term baby YOUR baby… DESPICABLE he deserves the death penalty!!
and yet you ladies have yet to adjust and purchase a gun. smh. y’all gone keep being the victim as long as u allow it. stand tf up.. guns are not hard to get. lay these weak individuals out. they wouldn’t come at a man like that.
If they can’t be submissive kill them 🤷
She was 29, he was 25…. These young guys that date women older have to gain self respect and self control… He was too immature for her smh R.I.P to this beautiful lady
I’ve been a victim of domestic violence and have feared calling 911 in front of my offender. The best thing I advise is to TEXT 911 and never let the abuser know you have intentions on calling the police and having them escorted off of the premise.
What’s crazy is most of these dudes have the same look hair dreads a mess just look dirty and deranged
I don’t argue and go back and foward with my husband nor put him out….I go in a separate room, shut my mouth and leave it alone until our minds are clear enough to speak about the situation again…..y’all females need to stop arguing with your HUSBAND/MAN and stop putting your HUSBAND/MAN out the house……