Two thugs murder local rapper. Blog King, Mass Appeal FOREST HILL -- The adventures of…
Fatherless children ‘brawl’ inside a Missouri Walmart

Big brawl ravages Walmart.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
FERGUSON — A viral video shows a horde of ghetto zombies beating the sh*t outta each other at Walmart as customers stood in line and watched. The free-for-all went down in Ferguson, Missouri — home of the late Mike Brown. Security guards reportedly fled the scene, claiming $10 an hour ain’t worth it. Cell phone footage shows two miscreants gettin’ stomped near self-checkout as a corpulent black chick swung a metal pole to safeguard her mother. “Get the f*ck up off my mama, bitch!” she yelled. Social media reaction was cutthroat. One viewer wrote, “Peaceful protesters.” Another chimed in with, “Why is it always black people who do this? I ain’t racist but there ain’t one white person in the video. Also, why ain’t the cops doing anything?” A third observer added, “Walmart ran out of chicken sandwiches.” Ferguson Police Chief Frank McCall told reporters he’s never seen anything like it. “We’ve never had an incident that involved 20 individuals in a brawl like that in a department store,” he said. “I don’t see really the purpose of it.”
Watch the melee.
Share your thoughts.
ah that’s sweet, the kids are joining in…the family that brawls together, stays together.
Black Lives Matter. For entertainment!
I thought Ferguson was….nevermind.
This is so embarrassing. This just show how parents raised their kids. Why blacks resolving everything with fighting and screaming? It leads to nowhere, just makes situation worse. Try to to survive in Congo , Sudan ,Ukraine without nothing than we will appreciate what we have and freedom. Wake for Christs sake
they all voted for joe biden
Things will continue to be this way, if they don’t change their culture way. This happens when you grow up around violence, and your parents do not teach you to respect everyone around you.
dont see anything out of the ordinary — juz doinz wats day do warevr day b
As a Black Man, I’m thoroughly EMBARRASSED and DISGUSTED! This is exactly what they want to see from us, this is why the cops treat us and our children the way they do!
Oppressed minorities in their natural habitat.
The home of the “gentle giant”
Walmart should have just fried more fish…..
Shakeeha and her sisters having fun!
What the big deal
An other day in the land of roots !!!!!!!!!
Am i the only 1 surprised it’s all the same race?
Look at all those freakin white people destroying our democracy
Wal Kanda
I wish when black folks act a fool like this, they’d stop and think about how bad they make the rest of us look. Ya’ll just giving people ammunition. Not once, in my lifetime have I or my family ever contemplated acting like this bufoonery.🙄
African Americans represent about 14% of the population in the U.S. and somehow 99% of all public brawl videos involve African Americans. Must be a statistical anomaly.
if i looked like these girls .. i’d be mad too. elbowcough
McDonalds, Walmart, these people do this ALL THE TIME.
…and we wonder why people are racist.
Of course this is Ferguson. Home of the slums.
Where BLM started over somebody robbing cigarettes, Hands up don’t shoot.
There are SOOOOO many examples of these kinds of animals committing the same kind of public riots in malls, stores, gas stations, convenience stores, dine-in restaurants, fast-food restaurants, airports, inside airplanes, subway trains, dance clubs, schools, basketball games and other amateur sporting events, on the street, at music concerts, parties, raves, etc, etc. Always the same. Always the same.
fat black attack
You can’t take these people anywhere. Served 20 years in the military with them… constantly a damn embarrassment.
This is what I don’t understand, black people marched for equal rights (civil rights movement), to be treated as an individual and not the color of their skin, to be given the same equality as other races for employment, housing, etc. Yet, most continue to behave like this 🤦🏽♀️.
Walmart needs to hire some social workers fast
Like nene leakes said “In the GHETTOOO”
Black women really do hate each other that much and the behavior attitudes and drama never stops this why BM don’t want them no more
Nothing but a bunch of low IQ savages…
These are the single mothers EVERYONE makes excuses for!🙄🙄🙄
Fight over fried chicken and watermelon 💀
All of these comments are fucking disgusting. Humanity as a whole aint shit really.😂 This land is STOLEN. The entire system is created on theft murder & destruction & yall cryin over a bad fight in Walmart that you were not involved in. Didn’t a bunch of white guys raid the MF US Capital building just last yr? On federal grounds..did that behavior bother you as bad as what you see here? EVERY culture has ridiculous embarrassing fighting moments. The hate in yalls hearts is very sad but, unfortunately not surprising
Black women. These are the people who claims to be the least protected. Don’t protect these women BM, they good.
Why aren’t the black liberals talking about this but black women get mad when Kevin Samuels, Kanye and Candace Owens talk about the elephant 🐘 in the room. This is why black men are going in a different direction. Don’t believe me? Wait until November. I’m voting RED all the way down. Get these feminist and black noodle back men out of office. I will vote for Herschel Walker before any Democrats. They tell BM to shut up and VOTE. They are right, shut up and Vote red. Black people like this don’t need to be in society. BW are raising these neaderthals
This is definitely a damn disgrace
Were the F*** is the police??? They should have been there within 2 minutes.
Niggas, boy I tell you!
Straight clowning 🤡
They act like this in public….just imagine what they’re like at home……
I’m really disappointed…. Disappointed I didn’t see a wig fly off
This is what happens when foolish politicians influence their constituents. There is no need for this madness. Most, if not all of these people are pissed off because worthless politicians have fed them stupid BS. I am ANTI-POL = Anti Politician. Don’t let them {politicians} use us as pawns. We are a community “we the people” are stronger than this BS. Come together and take control of your community and protect it from vandals and fools that have been influenced by tyrants.
I bet they voted 🗳 for Biden 💩💩💩💩😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Fucking idiots. Wtf is wrong with these stupid ass ppl? I’m embarrassed 😳
Some people are so uncouth! It’s gross
Every single one of those people should be arrested, held on cash bail, prosecuted to the full extent of the law, trespassed from ALL Walmart’s and held civilly liable for any damages that were done to the store or merchandise.
This has become normal behavior in the black community.