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Kyrie extols black jews

Kyrie Irving under fire.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
NEW YORK — Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving is in hot water again after he tweeted the link to a 2018 documentary called “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America.” Based on Ronald Dalton’s publication under the same title, “Hebrews to Negroes” portrays blacks as the real Jews — not Caucasians. It’s also Dalton’s assertion that, since biblical times, negroes have been lied to about our heritage as part of a Satanic agenda to extirpate God’s Chosen People. “Hebrews to Negroes” debunks those falsehoods while giving veracity to a plethora of ethnic truths that were concealed for centuries by the powers that be in Western civilization, namely America. The flick is deemed anti-Semitic to some, putting Irving within the crosshairs of social media’s rifle. “In terms of the backlash, we’re in 2022, history is not supposed to be hidden from anybody and I’m not a divisive person when it comes to religion, I embrace all walks of life,” he explained. “So the claims of antisemitism and who are the original chosen people of God and we go into these religious conversations and it’s a big no, no, I don’t live my life that way.”
Keep in mind, Irving merely tweeted a link. He didn’t transcribe a supportive communiqué nor did he disseminate political dogma. He simply shared the URL of where the movie is being streamed. Doesn’t matter. Nets owner Joe Tsai — a Chinese communist — is still pissed. “I’m disappointed that Kyrie appears to support a film based on a book full of anti-semitic disinformation,” he tweeted. “I want to sit down and make sure he understands this is hurtful to all of us and, as a man of faith, it is wrong to promote hate based on race, ethnicity or religion.”
Social media reaction was fierce.
One fan wrote, “So I have to call a man a woman if he wears a dress but a black man can’t say ‘I identify as Jewish???'”
Another added, “What did he actually do? Must be a bigger agenda against everyone else.”
Kanye West told Irving, ‘I got your back!’
But Shaquille O’Neal and Charles Barkley of TNT’s “Inside the NBA” called Irving an “idiot,” saying NBA Commissioner Adam Silver (who’s Jewish) should kick him out the league. You can tell Shaq and Chuck are still pissed at Irving for eschewing the COVID vaccine. “It hurts me sometimes when we have to sit up here to talk about stuff that divides the game,” Shaq said.
“That we gotta answer for what this idiot has done.”
Those labeling “Hebrews to Negroes” anti-Semitic have yet to explain why.
The film is available on Amazon Prime.
Will you watch it?
Are people of color God’s Chosen People?
Watch Irving elucidate his stance.
Then watch Shaq and Chuck rip him a new one.
Share your thoughts.
To learn the Truth About Slavery, check out Professor Tony Martin
Must be a good documentary! Wanna watch
I’m sorry, Kyrie has my full support… this is ridiculous! Posting a link to a movie or documentary you watch and maybe found interesting, even if it isn’t something you dont agree with the content, doesn’t mean that that person should apologize to those who disagree with it. It’s like posting a link of silence of the lambs and then being attacked and accused of being a cannibal. This constant state of being offended about everyone and everything is completely insane! These mainstream media @$$hats and all those who support this nonsense, need to grow a pair and stop throwing a tantrum over not getting or hearing what they want to get/want! Go KYRIE!
Americans are not free. They are a slave to whatever the government wants them to be.
We live in an oligarchy where the richest people those 2% rule over the 98% that thinks they have any control over the way they are ruled.
Look at all the morons believing the opinion of a guy who claims the earth is flat. 🤪🤣🤪🤣
He might not have done anything wrong but he’s still an idiot he thinks the Earth is flat 😂
Blacks turning on Blacks you go guys
The movie is actually not anti – semitic. The movie tells the historical truth. Based upon what was written in history about the true Jewish people. It’s tells about the inquisition which did happen to Jews, but not the white ones. And then the separation of children from there parents. Who then the children where shipped to New Guinea in Africa. Which ten years after that event in Portugal, the slave trade started. Hope this helps.
so basically every black celebrity has to deny who they really are or be stripped.
As a regular white guy living in America I’ll be very honest here: If the Blacks are the true Hebrew people of God that would be a lot more impressive, way lot more, than what we have representing God right now. Just sayin.’
That movie has been out 4 a long time. Don’t know what the big deal is. I been seen it. Loved it. Made me research. Don’t understand why our people will hurry and flock 2 c 12 years a slave. I’m tired of looking at getting my ass beat and hung. Peace.
Amen my black brother. Thanks for bringing us the truth.
The black man is God’s chosen people. The Zionist imposters are angry because the truth is out. The solar system and outer space is their religion they have imposed on the world. Who has been persecuted more Jews or Blacks? Wake up!
Chuck you’re wrong af doggy. Why tf was you on Weight Watchers depressed like a woman, wig and all??
Shaq is hypocritical af because theaters he owns SHOWED THE EXACT SAME MOVIE.
🖕🏾both of these “bought & paid for mfs”
Shaquille O’Neal and Charles Barkley are a Sambo Nager’s
Damn man, this man did it off the strength knowing they’ll come for him, now he’s marked smh. Please walk safely and keep your guards up my brother, every black man who rises against the oppressor is a target and an issue and they’ll go to the fullest extent to eradicate you, they love it when blacks stay silent and afraid to expose anything about the real truth of our history and our being. He’s such an amazing person and I can feel his genuine passion for his people, he did this for the love of his roots and culture. Respect ✊✊✊
I don’t have a dog in this fight, but I think as a bystander that Kyrie and Ye are being screwed over by the mainstream elitist crowd which is largely led by Jews. The demands made upon Kyrie as “reparations” by the Jews are flat out OUTRAGEOUS. He did NOTHING wrong. He offered a link for our consideration. He didn’t say it was a “must see” or “the truth”, just here’s a movie for your consideration. None of the crap they’ve laid on him is right, fair, or just.
shaq, barkley, all these guys are protecting their jobs they wont say what they talk about at home durring BBQs
We all came from Adam and Eve.
I’m done with Shaq and Chuck. I will not spend one dime with none of these dudes ever. Yall are cowards and I cant support you all no more. Kenny is the only stand up guy on the show. We ain’t forgot about nothing. Not our history not your history and we are the Tru people of God. The tru Jews
I love how shaq & chuck think they speak for the black community
I was a big fan of Charles. I lost respect for Charles, Shaq and Ernie. I won’t be watching nba on tnt anymore. Sell Outs! Charles gets $10M a year to sell out his people. I’m done! I’ll be watching Jason Williams now. Wake up America! The house negroes are dead! African Americans stay united! Thanks Kenny for being reasonable. I’m done with Charles, Shaq, Ernie and TNT! I’ll be watching Jason Williams now!
These uncle ruckus, coon, black face behind the black face, both Barkley and big goof O’Neal…ughhhh
Shaq and Charles disgust me!!!!😡😡😡
Big bro Shaq. Really? You played that film at your movie theater.
Yes, Massa Silver. I sho’ ’nuff don’t want disappoint you and overseer Greenblatt. You says “Jump, n*gga” and I says “How high, Massa?!”
Why are these demons so obsessed with black men and black people. We are victims of EVERY SINGLE race and religion But they expect to nail us to the cross. They MAD because we know Eastern Europeans stole a heritage and culture not their own while simultaneously enslaving us.
Chuck and Shaq are two frustrated dogs on the leash of their white hate spreading owners. They are like the Samuel L. Jackson character in Django
What about the demon Jeff that SELLS that movie on his channel??? Nobody talks about that.
Charles Barkley the man who said black women smell bad, the degenerate Gambler and drunkard.
Charles is full of shit
Kyrie didn’t say anything. Kyrie and other athletes work for that $ they make. Plus they forfeit a lot. Shaq is full of shit also. He needs to think of his responsibility when the movie played in his theatre. Hypocrits. Charles wasn’t so squeaky clean. He was an asshole when he played in the NBA. Kyrie has never been disrespectful.
We are not Black Hebrew Israelites, there’s no such thing. We are the Israelites or Hebrew Israelites because the real Jews, and Israelites were all dark skin people!!. Shalom