Simp kills ex-wife & daughter. Blog King, Mass Appeal NORTH LAUDERDALE -- The adventures of…
10-year-old child murders mother over a video game

Mini-Pookie kills mom.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
MILWAUKEE — Residents of Milwaukee, Wisconsin are in mourning after a 10-year-old boy smoked his own mother — Quiana Mann — because she wouldn’t buy him a video game. The femicide transpired November 21st around 6:50 a.m. at their residence in the 7400 block of North 87th Street. According to police reports, the kid was already pissed at Quiana for waking him up at 6 a.m. when he usually sleeps in ’til 6:30. Then he asked her to buy him a virtual reality headset to which she retorted “no.” That’s when the spoiled brat retrieved Quiana’s gun from her bedroom, went to the basement where she was doing laundry, and shot her in the countenance. The bullet went through Quiana’s right eye before egressing the back of her scalp. The pipsqueak then ran back upstairs and woke up his 26-year-old sister to let her know what happened.
Police were called 24 hours later.
Yep, took ’em a whole day to call the cops.
Before officers arrived, the youngster purchased an Oculus Virtual Reality Headset on his dead mother’s Amazon account then asked his grandmother — Lueritha Mann — to let him know when the package arrives. Ain’t that a bitch? The lad was arrested and charged as an adult with first-degree reckless homicide. He’s lookin’ at 60 years in prison. During interrogation, the trigger-happy rascal told investigators “his mother would not allow him to have something from Amazon that he wanted to have.”
But Lueritha said the child suffers from Paranoid Schizophrenia. “He’s always said that he hears voices,” she explained. “There’s two little girls inside his head telling him to do things. And he has an imaginary friend that will tell him to do really bad things.”
Do you agree with the court’s decision to prosecute the minor as an adult?
Would he be better off in a mental institution?
Watch the sad report and interviews.
Share your thoughts.
are they related to juwanna mann?
when you have kids with bums, it can come back to hunt you later…..
And this is percicsely why mental health needs to be broached/talked about/addressed – any word you want to use – FREQUENTLY AND SERIOUSLY amongst us Black people/family. You don’t let a child clearly suffering from mental health problems get this far into madness. I hate to say it but this is lowkey a case of irresponsibility from the adults around.
they charging this baby as an adult?!
Sounds like he has demons
BW we must stop letting our wombs serve as a demon portal . Also be careful who you procreate with. Negative spirits and Traits are passed on .
I was right! This little boy is a psychopath!
His ass wouldn’t of been in my house. He’s a lil serial killer in training.
This is what happens when you let children do whatever they want to do and no discipline. Never should have had access to a gun.
The Bible is fulfilling
Did the Amazon package come or nah? 🤔
Take away them phones and internet… That’s the problem. Kids don’t go outside anymore. Sad
😒She loved her son, but parents need 2 recognize when their child is a Sociopath and have the child committed 2 a facility 2 get the help he or she needs!
@Priscilla Smith: Putting him in prison will not help the disturbed child
Yeaa…gon’head and put him in an insane asylum….I have a son turning 10 and this shakes me to the core. At 10 they’re still dependant babies. Can’t even be left home alone…He needs his head examined and to be locked away…imagine birthing and raising your own murderer…
sounds like a schizophrenic sociopath
Another piece of shyt that killed his own mother I hope y’all lock that bytch up and never allow his ass to see daylight again RIP Mommy smh 🤦♀️
Some of these kids are very demonic smh he showed no emotion towards killing his own mom then proceeds to order the headset 🤦🏽♀️
That’s f’d up. Tried as an adult. Not to throw race into this he need to be in a psychiatric ward. Like all these sadistic white kids. When it come to our own they just see money in the prison system. SMH.
This boy needs help!!! I don’t care what he’s done, he’s 10, and he needs help.
Hmm, y’all realize that if he gets put into the “mental health system” he will be out when he’s eighteen. Probably having learned to manipulate people and lie better. Also he’s probably going to be a full out serial deleter….let’s hope he gets life but the way the criminal justice system is set up🤷🏽♀️
It all begins with those stupid violent video games that they get addicted to and lose their souls in it.
First of, do we notice a pattern, strong independent single black woman raises criminal. 2nd where’s his father.
he need his little azz whupped
Poor baby doesn’t even understand what he has done at 10 years old. He thinks life’s a video game. Are kids just born evil or does it come from having a turbulent neglectful home life? This is really sad.. Prayers to all involved
Imagine carrying a demon for 9 months. So sorry this happened to this woman
Stop having these bm’s kids. Most of these defective genes come from them & you as the mom always pay the price. No matter how well you try to raise them they will find something to blame you for while absolving the father from all responsibility.
Imagine giving a child life and that child eventually takes your life! 🥺
How is a 10 year old being charged as an adult?
Little demon. I wish he’d been aborted smh. Scary the very males you give life to can end your life.
This child clearly has some very serious mental issues and should be placed in a psychiatric hospital forever.
Lock this lil fat Bastard up before he ruins anymore lives because I can guarantee you he has plans . And just to think someone like this actually sits next to people’s children on the bus or school. You’ll never know the Psychopath sitting next to you . This Generation is not it .
I used to be against charge’n kidz as adults waayy back. However; since it’s an increase in child murderers, I’m ALL for ADULT CRIME. ADULT TIME. Adults in Congress, in the past, would say it’s the influence of violent rap music. Now it’s video games. It’s NEVER, some kidz are just NATURAL BORN KILLERS.
When time outs don’t work !! No doubt he had no father figure in his life !!
He absolutely should be, charged as a adult. He knew exactly what he was doing, he’s just pure evil. Hopefully he never gets out, he deserves life without parole. If you’re old enough to do the crime, you’re old enough to do the time. 🤬😔
Some of these kids in this generation are “Evil” to the core. This “Evil” boy knew what he was doing. I hope other parents with kids learn from this tragic event. God bless this family.
He deserves jail time he’s not a baby or toddler
That little boy needs an old school whooping.
That is just pure evil anyone to give birth to you and you kill them you need to burn in hell
How did this kid get access to the gun?
When I first heard this, I just KNEW it was a little white boy. I damn near dropped to the floor when I saw it was a black kid.
This is just horrible to kill your mother because you can’t get a game or toy is just plain evil and to think you carried your child for 9 months not knowing he was going to do something like this and you gave him life it’s unbelievable the kids this generation is cruel and don’t care who they hurt or kill no matter what age you are you kill someone you go to jail my heart goes out to the family R.I.P Mama
They never should have invented the damn internet
WOW!!! As a Mother myself, I could never imagine my son who I birthed will kill me, how do you birth your killer,?this is wild demons come in child form to. That boy needs some major help! God rest her soul! Because how can anyone rest in peace knowing their child killed them 😢gvh
Keep his lil Butt locked up for life since he wanna kill his own mother! You know how many kids out here wish they had a mother or their mother was still around?! Nah keep him behind bars. Ain’t no telling what he’ll do future wise if he’s out. 🥴
He has a diagnosis of lack of ass whipping.
For this child to go get the gun that means the child knew where the gun was???