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No Jumper: Rizza Islam is against lovin’ white chicks

Rizza Islam disses swirling/YouTube

Scholar says no to swirling. 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

COMPTON  — A viral video shows social media influencer Rizza Islam saying he won’t date a white woman because she wouldn’t be able to identify with his experiences. He also said he’s not down with the swirl because his mama is black. Rizza voiced his tenet during an appearance on the “No Jumper” podcast. “If you wanna go be with somebody who’s white that’s up to you,” he said. “Me, I don’t. There’s nothing a white woman can offer me. You will not be able to identify with me and my experiences, where I’m at mentally. My mama was a black woman. I’ve had some white women try to come at me. Trust and believe. I just love us.” Social media reaction was wild. One viewer wrote, “My wife must be black and my children must be black.” Another chimed in with, “I’ve dated/f*cked both black women and white women. From my experience… how they grew up is how they will be with you. Your experiences determine how you are with them. There’s no real difference other than background and skin color. We both want the same thing, which is to f*ck the dogsh*t out of each other.”

A third observer added, “I have kids outside of my race and talk to them everyday. But I wished I would’ve took the time to think about my situation. One of my girls from another race felt I couldn’t be loyal to her because she felt that I wanted to be with my race more and, truth be told, she’s right. Cuz it is the truth. Like I said, I love my kids but also want children inside my race too. No offense to any race, but I always felt this way. I love all people but there’s nothing like my African American heritage.” 

Look, beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. But the great Mike Tyson once said, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” See, it’s easy to say what you wouldn’t do until you’re put in that situation. In other words, how should a black man react if a sexy white chick grabs his phallus on the dance floor? Should he resist or wax that ass? It’s a tough call.

Do you agree with Rizza?

Are interracial relationships disgusting?

Watch Rizza elucidate his anti-swirl ethics.

Share your thoughts.

This Post Has 68 Comments

  1. I Love me some WW just because I’m a black man I’m not going to be bullied into dating marrying black women

  2. Depends on the black woman let’s be real. Some white woman can relate to us. Not all black people have experienced racism or anything harsh.

  3. I Love black women but I’m not flashy or slick enough. The housewife whores and Love&hiphop hoes along with the Democrats are destroying them.

  4. I loooove how he can express his love for black women without having to disrespect ANYONE❤❤❤ I LOVE RIZZA…Anytime he speaking I’m listening 👂

  5. As a black man who gets attention from white women I only date black women, I don’t want light skinned kids that don’t look like me sorry not sorry

  6. Becky will be loyal only to her immediate blended black family, but not to the black cause or struggle. She will advocate multi-culturalism for the sake of her bi-racial children.

  7. God divided the race’s to keep that blood line. Among the twelve tribes they were not allowed to mix so why do people have a problem with people who don’t want to mix . Why do you think that in Egypt they were told to kill the male child but keep the girls it to get rid of that bloodline of chosen people. I don’t believe in getting rid of a bloodline that’s not even Gods plan because he made the races he parted land for the races. His own people was punished for doing this and the kingdom divided because Solomon had other races of women who encouraged him to bow to other gods .Ahaz married Jezebel and encouraged him to worship another god and break the laws given for the kingdom of Gods people. Many scriptures of these women who married our men and turn them away from our God the creator and our people. Nothing new under the sun

  8. He didn’t tell 1 lie🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️💯💯💯💯💯💯💯👸🏿🤴🏿👸🏿🤴🏿👸🏿🤴🏿👸🏿🤴🏿🤴🏾👸🏾🤴🏾👸🏾🤴🏾👸🏾🤴🏾👸🏾🤴🏾👸🏾

  9. Who cares about race, just make sure that partner has the same religion and values as you

  10. I love black women however i believe you love who you resonate with period.

  11. Western culture created the welfare state, affirmative action, multiculturalism, social programs meant to keep people poor and fatherless, mass killing of unborn babies disguised as “health care”, diversity-equity-inclusion, the diversity is our strength motto.

    Nothing wrong with loving the people who look like you. And yes, Chinese, Saudis, Japanese, Indian, Middle Eastern, Africans ect don’t push the diversity-equity-inclusion and multiculturalism narrative. That’s why their family/cultures are better and stronger for it.
    The West…..go it wrong, and we’re paying the price.
    Now…we have Queer theory being added to Black History month. Why? The ones in power….are messing with all of us, Black & White.

  12. If this was a white dude telling he loves white women we would call him racist.

  13. I probably wont be with a black woman bc of my political/religious beliefs. I have conservative beliefs and black women are SUPER liberal. The black church is filled with black women yet they vote for a party that is completely against Christianity. I can’t raise a family with a hypocritical mindset. I argue with my family all the time. It’s VERY frustrating bc they raised me to follow God but they not following God. So Rizza we most definitely can generalize black women in certain situations as black women vote democrat at a rate of 90%. Black women also tend to be overweight and have a bunch of kids out of wedlock. Rizza is tripping we ain’t hurt we just avoiding degeneracy

  14. This is by far the most articulate, intellectual, and reasonable explanation I’ve heard from a Black man who said he prefers Black women.
    Unlike Umar who insists that most Black men who date out have self-hate which is pure nonsense.

    One thing he said that is absolutely true that I’ve experienced, and I’ve witnessed is that if you are with a non-Black woman (especially a Caucasian woman) you will experience cultural disconnect at some point in the relationship. The way we move is different. The foods we like, our sense of humor, our speech, our music, the ways we celebrate, our rhythm, and our experiences are uniquely different. Unfortunately, many Black women have learned and have been trained to not trust Black men. Black men experience a lot of rejection from Black women which has resulted in a gender war. Communities are built on families, and you can’t build families without healthy unions.

    Whoever tries to convince a person to marry out of their race is a fool. That makes no sense to me.
    It is not true that the Feminist movement was about white women trying to get power from their men. THAT IS THE LIE THAT WE WERE TAUGHT. Never forget that power never gives up power without an exchange. The purpose of the feminist movement was to increase the labor force for the benefit of the oligarchy. The powerful grants permission to the weak to act. White men allowed and promoted feminism to serve their purpose.

  15. I love what brother rizza had to say! Love us black man! Show the world that we are not under classmen as they tell the rest of the world about us! 😢 Stop letting the media force you to hate us black women who has never done you wrong, but always had your back! Yall black men make other races treat us bad because your not choosing us! Especially ones my color, dark brown skin!

  16. There’s nothing wrong with black women. It’s black American women that are f*cked up

  17. Idc if u date outside your race do you I don’t c how you dating out your race is an insult to your race. And I’m sorry just cause our skin the same don’t mean I owe u shit. There are more childless single successful black men then not so let that sink in.

  18. I have a latina but I don’t condone bashing black women. Im still attracted to black girls.

  19. Much respect brother Rizza. 🙏🏿 However, BM gotta kill this mother/goddess ideology in y’all’s head that we’re beholden, indebted to & owe the BW every ounce & fiber of our manhood, resources & loyalty simply bc she exists! This is the reason she has no regard, respect, or natural affection & compassion for her BM, her community & her offspring as a collective bc she’s been exempt from having to reciprocate that same passion & respect for her man. I respect the integrity, passion & intentions brotha but this ideology is one-sided & doesn’t fit the posture of today’s BW. BM must maintain a no nonsense disposition to be taken seriously & to hold BW accountable for their unruly behavior & demeanor towards BM that has been culturally acceptable for far too long. I don’t think relationships is his forte 🤔🤷🏿‍♂️

  20. I’ve been reading the comments and I’m just baffled to be honest. It doesn’t matter who you date in terms of race. The most important factors when it comes to longevity of a relationship are: attraction, open communication, trust, respect and sharing the same common values/beliefs 💯

  21. Ive been with almost every race but i stick mostly with black and latina cant do the white girls just too much differences and just a fact latina’s are black too ive dated some blacker then me i dislike that whole separation of black and spanish we all came on the same boat just different stops and of course when the spanyards came to the the Americas blood lines were watered down but still

  22. Adam proved the point that white women only want black men for sexual and reproduction purposes only

  23. @Touché TJ: Yeah thats why its cool to fuck them but never EVER settle with them. My exs brother has a white wife and you cannot convince me that man doesnt cheat with all the bullshit she puts him through.

  24. Here’s how to fix the problem: Give me a white woman and black woman for a ménage à trois

  25. Black men want exceptance from everybody except us. 😔 Listen to this man Brother Rizza!

  26. If all else fails, get a black woman who doesn’t speak English.

  27. People who see color as prerequisite to make their decisions are no better than the Klu Klux Khan, Nazis and Nation of Islam.

    We wanted inclusion (we got it) now we want segregation?

  28. A black man unapologetically loving black women. #Gold🔑👑

    Black women and black men loving each other is what they fear.

  29. It’s crazy folks walk around in a bow tie worried bout what u doing with yo d*ck

  30. Respect the brotha he spoke nun but facts…at the end of the day All I’m saying is….date who you love and don’t put down the ones you dont…..that’s it….what’s this discussion even about lol black/white white/asian /Asian/Mexican who gives a damn?? 🤣

  31. Scottie Pippen is a prime example of what a white Becky will do for you every time.

  32. Have black MEN forgot that you would get lynched, dragged, castrated, burned alive in front of your families etc….for LOOKING AT WHITE WOMEN. Smdh

  33. I’m with Brotha Rizza!! I love my Black women so much I can’t Fall for another race!!

  34. Black woman will be extinct because in general a lot of black women are creating by racial babies I don’t see too many black babies in this new generation…

    Which is not a bad thing because in general black women are the least desired so it’s actually smart for them to stop creating the same image so that the next generation don’t have to go through being the least desired

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