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Black chick admits being a “Good Man” is not enough

Black chick disses nice guys/YouTube

Black chick hates good men.

Blog King, Mass Appeal

LOS ANGELES — Damn, guess nice guys really do finish last. A viral video shows an insatiable black chick saying she’s never satisfied with a good man. No sir. Too boring. If you recall, Eve said the same about Adam before giving Lucifer some ass. The loquacious redbone said it’s imperative her simp make her chortle, provide impromptu entertainment, and possess an array of Pookie & Ray Ray characteristics. Babygirl spewed such balderdash during a group confabulation on the Concur Network Podcast. “I’m gonna say something and this might ruffle a little feathers,” she said. “I don’t think just being a good man is enough to be in a relationship with them.” Ouch, that hurt. A vlogger with Men On The Move blew a gasket then exhorted bachelors to purchase passports and travel overseas to find wives. “These modern women today still believe that these fairy tales – align the stars and planets – to match my zodiac sign – is the way to make a relationship successful,” he vented.

“So for the many of you that still believe and… still have faith in dating in the United States, I want you to know this is your warning. For those of you that are actually looking for peace… a sensible woman… femininity… and you want to escape the twisted behavior of the American woman, understand the answers that you want can be found in the pages of your passport.”

Never one to mince words, the Shuler King gave his two cents. “Some of y’all, you know, like really just find good people and just find something wrong with ’em,” he said. “Because you’re broken and you got to find something wrong with this perfectly good player. Maybe you don’t feel like you deserve a good person. Why do you need him to tell a joke? You a booking agent? Is you a casting director? What the hell you need him to be able to be funny for?”

Are Western women too fastidious?

Should good men channel their inner roughneck?

Watch babygirl elucidate her relationship preferences.

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This Post Has 77 Comments

  1. I understand what she sayin…Being a good man wont fill the blank for sexual attraction…I guess if thats not what she referring to then IDK what she mean…but thats how I take it….

  2. There was a time when being a good man was more than enough …that’s how you build a life …these w😊men are crazy

  3. Plumbers make good money. We got to start showing more love to those guys.

  4. Naw…. sounds like homegirl speaking for herself and her generation to me!! Not all women are like that and we don’t think like that…. they’re not based it on how that man makes you feel and if he has leadership qualities to lead you… That’s why dating is so important to get to know each other, communication is absolutely important in the beginning of dating before you even jump into a full blown relationship, Take that time to get to really know each other….they don’t want to do that because of society and what’s being portrayed on social media and TV!!

  5. Seems like it’s always African American women who make these statements. You never hear Caucasian, Asian, Mexican, or any other nationalities say this about their men. Sisters need to stop this or they’re going to be by themselves for a long time.

  6. My passport will be here soon fellas ✈️✈️✈️cant wait to go on a date with a woman makes me feel needed.

  7. why do y’all go back and forth over subjective topics and get mad when folk don’t agree with you? WTH is a good man? people have different experiences, preferences, perspectives, etc…what may be good to you may not be good to the next person…anybody who attempts to rationalize or disqualify the desires of another should take several seats, lol…

  8. Just Being a good man is NOT. And just being a good WOMAN is not enough!

    The fact that men are playing dumb is hilarious to me. But i used to be a fat girl, so i know better! 😂 Do you know how good and nice i was to men when i was fat, and that STILL wasn’t enough? 😒 successful and submissive. It didn’t matter. I was fat. I lost weight and became a bitch! I got a man instantly. ☺️😛

    You men are not picking the super nice girls who don’t ask for anything if they aren’t your type! Period!

    Why do women have to pick men that aren’t their type, because they nice? 🤔 Stop Playing

  9. These females are witches on the flesh and devils in the spirit. Females like bad guys. Woman are ungodly

  10. Fella’s be aware of women like this and i bet you she may be able to get a man but can’t keep one.

  11. This is nothing new. Again we’ve all known this for decades. I’m 26 and lived through it. They LOVE being entertained. That’s why lying and selling them a dream for YEARS is the way to go. How many of these women have been with guys for years and after they go “He was just sellin me a dream..”. They NEVER marry these women. Just lie and get the cheeks and they’re cool with it.

  12. No feathers ruffled. 1st Timothy 2:12 let that heffa enjoy conforming to this world. Eternity is forever she look good, how good will she look in the LAKE OF FIRE?

  13. Same girls talking that crap is only gonna get past around by the 1% of high valued men, and by the time they look up. There in there 40s, with kid’s or worst, in there 40s no kid’s, now they living alone with cats and dog’s telling anyone who listens that there’s no more good men out there?? The whole goals of love is understanding and excepting each other’s falts and short commings and work at those situations to make it work , now a days these woman wants everything in there favorite comedie romance movies not realizing out of 1 million woman there’s only 10,000 men that fits every box ? Be truthfully in a young age or settle for worst in your 40s out of desperation because all those men you passed is gonna find someone leaving you with the undesirable left overs, or cat’s and dog’s or grand kids you will baby sit for companionship???

  14. Let me guess she wants a man that has a billion dollars 💵 in cash not only that but also needs to be good looking and funny 😆 😂😂 well keep dreaming lady

  15. Living in the cloud is nice only for a few years but when the late 30’s and mid 40’s clouds clear up and they all fall down to reality hopefully they will not slit there wrists. This is all entertainment with a loud mouth. 😂😂

  16. I’ll take a good man if he can also fly and walk through walls and time trave,l then I’ll take him

  17. She is not looking for a good man. She is looking for a joker to make her laugh. That’s the relationship she is looking for to get married too.

    A few years later….
    “Men ain’t sh!t. Where is all the Good man?”.

  18. Wow!. She ain’t even that cute 😂😂
    With that mop head….
    Fellaz, don’t pay attention to buckheads talking. The good women, AND freaks, are out there still. Be well

  19. Women want a good man but never be a good woman , you bring nothing to the table but yet want us to be perfect and provide everything. Who is raising y’all?

  20. But even Kevin Samuels said being a so called “Good man” ain’t enough. Men need purpose, they need to be physically appealing, have drive, and have a network of people of influence to kept them thriving, and not be push over or suckers for women. Lot of men don’t be on there A game a be scared to get out there beyond their comfort zone to not just be a good man, but a great man!

  21. They’ll Be Drinking Chardonnay ,,, Complaining With Each Other While Petting They Cat’s or Dog’s Really Soon ❗

  22. African American women would rather be single than settle for there instagram or dating app fantasy man! Emotional damage! Only 1/4 African American women will ever marry! No one is flying to USA to marry y’all !

  23. Many modern women are insatiable. Whatever you do for her, she will despise it as not enough

  24. All these women want to be treated like queens, but don’t want to treat a man like a king just get you a dog and be happy

  25. The women of today are so misguided. It’s truly sad. Women don’t fully understand their power in a relationship. I’m my husband’s partner in life; his cheerleader; his lover (sexy, naughty, or romantic); his chef; his nurse; his praise partner; his handy girl as needed around the house; his business partner, his solace from work and life, and anything else I recognize he is in need or want of. But, he is the same for me. Sometimes I come through meeting all he needs, and sometimes I lack but we balance each other out. He can get on each other’s nerves!!! However, there’s no one else in the world 🌎 I’d do this thing called life with (raising children; bills; illness of our own, our children, and now aging parents. Women are worried about a man’s bank account rather than asking about morality and fear of God. Men are worried about how good a woman looks physically rather than will she pray for you and with you. Will she rear y’all children properly and not leave them with anyone while she hits the club.

  26. She is a nasty woman and she’s used to the evil man who get his D sucked by her mouth. Thats why she say a good man is not good enough anymore.

  27. It’s always gonna be women that just simply don’t know what the fuck they want

  28. Men do stay with or commit to a ‘good woman’ UNLESS he’s feeling her, and if he does, he won’t be faithful. Knock it off and stop trying to shame women for showing up with the same standards as MEN.

  29. shawty doomed herself to be a passaround for the rest of her life . Do these young women understand how the world wide web works?

  30. Black women need so much prayer man. Our community is done for, at least it seems that way. This is why we have Passport Bros. I believe that I am a good man and my wife has stood by me through it all for 13 years. Through the good and the bad, my wife believes in me. I know this because I haven’t been perfect. I’m not a high earner, not funny, and not a handyman. However, I try my very best to lead my family and love my wife unconditionally. The fact that she’s still with me, that’s how I know that I’m good enough.

  31. In “Why did I get married?” they were told about the 80-20 rule (find a man who meets 80% of your needs, learn to live with the 20% you don’t unless something is a deal breaker). But ohhh nooo, the “b-dub” of today wants 100-0 completely oblivious to the fact she is NO MAN’S 100-0

  32. Women of today’s society arent looking for relationships they are looking for validation. They are looking to receive not give. Its just an adventure, a thrill for them. They just want emotional stimulation, its like a ride they enjoy and go on to the next.

  33. …and this is a grown woman up there sounding like a 14 year old girl. She’s what we good men are dealing with out here in the dating scene. That’s why we “Passport bothus” are finding fulfillment in non-western countries….Zoom! Zoom!

  34. You hear that, ladies? Being a good man isn’t enough. So you can get off TikTok with your “where have all the good men gone” videos.

  35. Being a good man is not enough because the problem isn’t the good man it’s the woman she refuses to acknowledge things about herself that needs correcting or Mastery!… That’s the only reason the pettiest of things is a turn off to women

  36. Ain’t gone lie. She can say that cause she can have any man she wants. Tbh

  37. Would do a 3 some with these beautiful thick chick’s 🤣😂🙄am gone

  38. Everything you want to know about a woman is in the book of Genesis where Eve is talking to thé serpent. Read that conversation slowly and think about it. So much there about the woman.

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