Two thugs murder local rapper. Blog King, Mass Appeal FOREST HILL -- The adventures of…
News reporter murdered by sugar daddy’s jealous child

Beauty queen killed while cheatin.’
Blog King, Mass Appeal
HULL, Texas — When swirling and infidelity go wrong simultaneously. YouTube’s Black Girl Unlost released the murder documentary of married news reporter Tangela Stephens who was shot dead by her sugar daddy’s jealous son. Yep, babygirl lived a double life. The femicide transpired February 20, 2023 in Hull, Texas. Tangela, 37, was copulating with sugar daddy Martin Toth and, to keep their dalliance a secret, he let her stay in a one bedroom apartment behind his house. Martin’s corpulent son, Aurelio Toth, became jaundiced and asked his father to kick Tangela to the curb. When Martin said “no,” the two had contretemps. Moments later, Aurelio grabbed a shotgun and followed Martin to the apartment where he opened fire — striking Tangela once. Paramedics arrived and performed CPR. But it was to no avail. Tangela died from her injuries.
“We learned that Ms. Stephens had been allowed to stay overnight at Mr. Toth’s property,” Captain David Meyers told reporters. “She was sleeping in a one-bedroom apartment behind Mr. Toth’s house. The son was mad that she was there and got into an argument with his dad. At some point in the argument, the son, carrying a shotgun, followed his dad to the apartment where he shot Ms. Stephens one time, killing her.”
Aurelio was arrested and charged with murder.
“Aurelio Toth basically admitted to fatally shooting her,” Meyers said.
Social media reaction was fierce. One viewer wrote, “Damn sis, it wasn’t worth it.”
Another chimed in with, “Sounds like the kid killed her for being a gold digger.”
A third observer added, “Most likely, the son of her sugar daddy was a racist and he was mad that his father was sponsoring a black woman.”
Tangela married an African dude almost 2 years ago.
She was obviously f*ckin’ that old man to get paid.
Watch the documentary.
Share your thoughts.
I’m getting this vibe there is some underlying mental illness that hasn’t been touched on. A lot of missing pieces to this puzzle but whatever the case she surely did not deserve her life taken in that manner 😥😰
This woman did not seem “well”…..
My mother ALWAYS taught me & my siblings, “What’s done in the dark will ALWAYS come to LIGHT”❗️
I wonder how her husband is feeling. It’s sad that she was killed. But to find out her boyfriend’s son unalived her has to be hard for him to deal with.
Leading a double life is not a God given plain. There is something not right in this. My condolences and prayer for family and friends
This is whole thing is weird. Apparently she was married to someone who lived in Nigeria.
I watched another story on her yesterday where she also was a pageant queen and always working to be a better person. So this is shocking…. Nevertheless, condolences to her and her family. No one should die like this.
She was weird 😕
Do better people 🙄
His son would rather do life in prison! He wasn’t going to watch her come in and take over, especially a black married lady
I hate how adult children who still need help feel they can manage their parents lives. It was just a matter of time the son would kill his dad in the midst of a tantrum meltdown he probably jealous dad was getting action from a beautiful woman while his love life was dry as the Sahara Desert 😤
I’m sorry but if I would’ve met the son and he looked like that, wouldn’t be living at the back no house. That son was the red flag. Sad for her. He probably felt she would persuade his dad to make his son get his stuff together and get out and he didn’t want his current stability to change.
The son looks like he doesn’t even like himself.
I’m glad her Husband wasn’t physically hurt.
I can’t get behind this. Somethings wrong. She’s not genuine or honest. I’m sorry she lost her life but she’s phoney and unstable.
Ladies never play with 🔥 fire one day you will get burned man she was a weird reporter 🤣
If she was with her husband she would still be alive…her fault.
Double life always ends in dire consequences. Ladies be satisfied with your real life… She seemed messed up to me! She did not live an authentic life ! RIP
The only one I feel sorry for is the husband…She played stupid games, so she won the ultimate stupid prize…So oh well for her..
That fat kid didn’t what his dad dealing with a black woman.
For the wages of cheating is death. What’s a bachelor degree when you are an educated fool? She signed her in death certificate.
I love how she became more and more articulate as she moved forward in her journey. She was beautiful.
Am I supposed to feel a way about a shameless woman? Iono… I almost wanna say good riddance
She was fckn that old w man .SLV as good for that 🗑️
Y’all black ppl are so disgusting in these comments y’all want to say. All the negative things she did but not once blame the killer smh y’all even talked about her being on the spectrum like that’s a problem and it’s not dang y’all show be embarrassing to be black dang just send the family 💐 or keep the negativity to yall self
It seems as though divesting is getting us killed as well.
She basically used the sugar daddy for her lifestyle an luxuries and the son wasn’t having it
@Aalea perr: Exactly.
That fat ass son was jealous because his daddy was letting a BLACK woman live in the back room( most likely for free) and the daddy was telling the son “get a job fat ass and pay some rent”! Rightfully so lol❤ RIP Queen 👸
So she marries an african and ends up dead 1 1/2 year later and he inherits everything. Wow!
I honestly feel like she was into witchcraft or it was fine to her! She seemed under the influence of “something” when she talked! Either way she shouldn’t have died like that!
The Fat Miserable Son Was Jealous and probably not Getting No VjayVjay
I ain’t got anything bad to say about her. It’s a whole lotta hoes out here that done what she’s did (or worse) everyday and they’re still alive! She didn’t deserve to die over that.
Sad she just seemed out of it during her reporting.
@Krystin Grant: All jokes aside, she might have been on the spectrum
Miss Thang was living a Whole Lie and she sounds like she isn’t wrapped to tight.
I feel like, if he knew his son didn’t like black people, he shouldn’t have took her around him. The dad is just as much responsible as the son, and both should be charged.
Her Slutting around, may have given her a trip to the Lower Room
Whoa…shocking. She’s not a great speaker and I’m embarrassed that despite representing her state as the first African American winner in one of the pageants, she decides to cheat on her husband. I’m disgusted and embarrassed.
“What don’t come out In the wash, will come out in the rinse”
She was a terrible news reporter…..I can’t believe she was a real reporter
@Kids Channel: She was a hood reporter who speaks Ebonics.
I do not feel sorry for her , you wanted a white man you got one lmao 😂. She thought she can have her cake and eat it to , gotta boyfriend and a husband 🤣
All that sweet shit don’t matter 💯 😌. A black women fuck it have all the white men you want. Hint Hint Mercedes Morr. Stop thinking yall can play white men and thinking they want do the unthinkable.. !
This is why I REFUSE TO DATE MEN WITH KIDS. You are no longer an individual once you have kids. Your entire soul, life and being belongs to your child.
Ladies. STOP DEALING WITH PEOPLE WHO DEAL WITH BUM ….SONS! . … Being too “Understanding” will get You got! MEN BUILD THEIR OWN! .. PERIOD!
I think as black women we have more issues with violence because a lot of us are not as picky as we should be about who we have relationships with. There are times like this one where it’s no warning but we don’t have to stay single we just need to use better discernment
She definitely had a few screws loose in the head, but RIP to her. Greed kills.
Why Do She Talks like that ,Always Messing up she sounds like she has some issues
Ngl she seems like she was Capping her lifestyle BIG TIME..
She probably was telling the dad to put his son out