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Katt rats out the Illuminati

Katt Williams exposes Illuminati.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
HOLLYWOOD — A viral video shows comedian Katt Williams exposing how the Illuminati controls Hollywood entertainers. It’s also his assertion the Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac Shakur were murdered by wealthy elites. The 51-year-old humorist got some sh*t off his chest during a recent chinwag with Cari Champion. “In business, nothing is coincidental or you will be hearing who’s losing money in all of these situations,” Katt explained. “When these rappers get killed, not incidental. Somebody made a hundred million dollars.” Katt said Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars was staged to mortify celebs and monetize their humiliation. He also said household names like Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence, Jamie Foxx, Tyler Perry, Marlon Wayans and Kenan Thompson were coerced to dress like women on-screen to achieve A-List status or something close. Kevin Hart landed a plethora of movie roles after dressing like a chick on Saturday Night Live. Katt, on the other hand, refused to don female raiments and it curtailed his commercial success. Ditto for Dave Chappelle who walked away from $50 million at Comedy Central.
“There aren’t that many conspiracy theories anymore,” Katt said.
“Because we found out that all conspiracy theories there’s a nugget of truth in there. It came from somewhere.”
Social media reaction was vicious.
One viewer wrote, “There’s no conspiracy about Hollywood putting black men in dresses. What do the entertainers that wear dresses have in common? They’re all comedians. What about actors like Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, George Amos, Chadwick Boseman, Michael B Jordan, etc? You know why they don’t put on dresses? Because they are actual actors who can play real roles. Comedians rarely have character range and acting ability and a costume is an easy gag. If that’s the case, we need to be mad about black actors being cast as gangsters, killers and drug dealers in Hollywood. Quit having selective outrage.”
Another person added, “They are controlling Kanye too. He has a bunch of clones. Lol.”
Watch Katt drop the bombshell.
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All I know for a FACT is ifni slap someone in front of a cpl million people on national TV im going to jail period..not sitting back in my seat and being able to continue like nothing happened 20000% staged..the slap looks like wrestling slaps
It’s all theater. Hollywood, the media, the government.
To me, the slap didn’t look quite like it landed. I thought that from the beginning. And also, everyone seems to forget that movie that had Ving Rhames in a dress! I remember…because that’s the one that surprised me the most, when I saw that movie on HBO some time ago.
they control “white celebs” also
Black people is doing what white people want us to do
That’s the way the Hollywood ball bounces! 🏐And people wondered why Prince wore the word “Slave” on his face.
“If you go a against the Illuminati the media attacks you and no one likes you”. Oh sounds like this guy named trump, Kanye, jfk, Tupac, Michael Jackson, etc… you know what they all have in common? They were all falsely accused of stuff and/or scrutinized publicly to ruin there character.
Speaking facts 💯
He telling the truth
This is the elephant in the room…we know Tyler’s sexual is what it is…but we also know Martin’s sexuality but she nay nay was really funny…Jamie I’d suspect to me…even Eddie has had rumors of suspect…but not our guy Martin..but it was funny..and we all enjoyed it..idk
Some of the people in control AT THE VERY TOP are “black” themselves. All skin folk aint kinfolk.
Nobody forced them into show business
Thats right! The Jewi$h Hollywood elite folks making lots off the backs of others. Controlling News, Bankers, Sports, Movies, Entertainment, Politics, Music, Writers etc etc. Also dictating pop culture and influencing the youth
They’re ALLLL controlled! WHITES TOO. And they’re all used against US.
All these celebs are sellouts
At this point, none of this really matters because the scheme of the White Supremacist has always been to eliminate the masculinity of African American men, to be the slave masters children slave property by controlling African Americans men mentally and economically, especially through fame.
And, this same scheme is applied to African American women.
Black celebs been controlled since day one. Same with every industry. This shit ain’t new. LOL
Cuz I guess a white man has never worn a dress in a movie huh? This sounds absolutely ridiculous
It’s been exposed that celebs slaves are fake personas not real people professional liars and their lives are scripted debased demonic lonely and they live by no rules and multiple CIA doppelganger agents and secret androgynes can play the same fake persona at the same time or switched out at different times and given another fake persona to play. They can be another ethnicity or nationality than the one they portray themselves to be and have an expiration date. They are brand names only and under MK Ultra undetectable mind control Monarch Butterfly programming and hypnosis suffering from DID alters triggered by handlers to perform whatever tasks their owners the satanic elite (Vatican Jesuits Catholics satanists luciferians Freemasons Kabbalah Jews) wants them to do to promote their satanic agendas and narratives. Their compartmentalized fragmented mind has amnesia walls built in to forget their core personality so they don’t know who they truly are and actually are insane and forget about ungodly deeds performed behind the scenes. They are chosen from satanic cult family bloodlines and related to each other and to the Royal Family and most of the original prototypes celebs slaves are discarded and replaced by the age of 18. The satanic elite determines the net worth of each celeb slave who are actually not rich but given a black card with an allowance of no more than 1 million dollars. They don’t write their own material but given material written in witch language to send out secret messages in double or triple intenders. Relationships are arranged not love matches and children are produced at the satanic elite’s breeding facilities by means of breeders surrogates IVF twinning adoption and stolen children and used as props to make up the fake families especially for secret inverted couples/people. They worship Satan and sacrifice to the GOAT shaped demon the Baphomet the so-called divine androgyne. The satanic elite hides the truth in plain sight in books magazines pictures TV shows award shows interviews docs song lyrics music videos concerts and social media. Most of the social media influencers are CIA agents (can be doppelganger agents) with multiple accounts and fake personas chosen to promote the agendas and narratives of the satanic elite.
(Psalm 26:4;Lev 17:7;Rom 1:24-28; Matt 4:8,9; John 8:44;2 Tim 3:1,5,13;1 Cor 10:20,21)
That Slap was Real, I agree with Katt about the Hollywood elites conspiracy on Black masculinity, but that Slap is Real. Simps do exist, is just Sad that Will is one of them. The reason why his career went down after is because he was wrong, and everyone sympathized with Chris!
Katt Williams sold out
If the slap was staged 😮I AM beginning to think the Illuminati made a deal with Will Smith to slap Chris Rock 😮promising Will something he could not refuse. So Will gives in to the temptation and bargain to slap Chris Rock 😮and once it was over the deal was actually a set up to bring Will down and actually raise Chris up on the Illuminati fame ladder. Such a crazy world when Dancing and making Deals with the Devil 👿 New Levels New Devils 😮just my thoughts 😊
This is why Katt is my fav. He never sold his soul.
I don’t put it past the “illuminati,” as Williams calls it, to humiliate people as a mechanism/gauge of control. It’s not a tactic exclusively reserved for black men. And there’s other big factors in play. Hollywood and performing arts in general attracts a lot of gay people, including writers, directors, etc., who are not shy about using their art to express their sexuality or manipulate public attitude toward it. Another reason is likely to soften up the audience, make these black males (who are seen as menacing by many people due to the disproportionate amount of violent crime they commit) more likable.
Just like Martin Lawrence in big momma’s house
I knew that slap was fake it’s all entertainment
Will Smith is toast
Who cares about these stupid low life entertainers! They are only relevant for entertainment only. They are beneath us all. Circus monkeys
I believe the will smith slap to Chris rock was fake till this day . Ya can tell in the video ain’t no man gonna slap a dude like that with that stance and then Chris rock not even flinch when he clearly saw that slap coming
I love Katt. He’s one of my favs!! But I think they got to him man 😣 I recently seen him in a pic doing a symbol with his hand.
There’s definitely a gay agenda
FACT: William Shakespeare invented the “men in the dress phenomenon” In his time, all of the actors in his theater company originally were playing male AND female characters in those classic plays.
I call black men that wear: dresses, skirts, Wigs, purses. They re the new House N. The news media and Hollyweird is destroying America
My only issue with Katy Williams and Eddie as well as people like Kanye who call themselves exposing the industry is that all three of them niggas once was big names in Hollywood and profited greatly. So when they say you gotta do this and that, I’m like “well then you had to have done it cause you still made it when only 1 out of a million do.” So when they talk about it, I here it coming from experience and not just hearsay.
They don’t just put black men in dresses. They try to do it with all male actors.
There are NEVER aired mishaps in television! NEVER. That’s how I know Will Smith’s slap was staged.
The illuminati is the government it’s reasons why GOD Or Jesus Christ isn’t in the declaration of the independence
And now Kevin Hart (not even that funny) is worth more than Will,Denzel or Martin Lawrence!
As a younger man growing up, I can remember my parents saying that this world is a big stage and most people are just playing their part. Thank goodness my soul isn’t mine and that it definitely belongs to the Most High creator of the universe. ALL PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH!
It’s an attack on masculinity period! It is not a black thing! This has been happening for a very long time! Especially with SnL! Annnnd before rap moguls and all the satanic Illuminati sht it was the the rock bands! It’s not a black thing! It is a control thing and spiritual war on men and women period! Has nothing to do with color! It’s just rap and black entertainers are very popular now!
This all started with Flip Wilson
Hollywood is a haven of the devil: so much witchcraft and mental manipulation of good humans into zombies who can’t use their minds normally again without deliverance/exorcism. Look at how most celebrities fade away and end up acting not the same again. Plus the common suicide, drug overdose, depression. They need God!!
I’ve looked at Will Smith’s footage a hundred times or more. And to this day I can’t see where it actually looks like any real contact was made. And even if it was intended to be real on Will’s behalf, the footage, in my opinion, reveals that Chris had plenty of time to dodge that swing. I’m not saying that any of this is right. I’m just saying that I have looked and looked and looked at this footage, and something just isn’t right. I mean, if this was real, Chris had to have realized that something wasn’t kosher when he saw Will approaching him out of order like this. Why would you just stand there when you know that this isn’t part of the script for the evening?
Brokeback Mountain
What would’ve happened if Will refused to follow instructions to slap Chris? They’re bringing down his career anyway, regardless if he slapped Chris or not and he can’t do anything about it if they say so. But he has a choice to NOT slap Chris as he was instructed. Nobody would’ve gotten hurt.
I said from the beginning that the slap was STAGED. Will Smith was sitting in the audience when Shawn Wayans was playing Chris Rock. Diddy I believe went up on stage with a couple other people and beat him up. It was a skit from 1999.
Kevin bent over and spread them cheeks in that dress
We are the children of Israel! Of course they want to degrade or Hebrew men to make them look weak and on the side of Sodom!!! Satan won’t stop coming for us, mainly or men bc if you destroy the masculine Hebrew(black) man, you weaken our nation as a people. Unfortunately this will only get worse. That’s why our people need to wake up! We are the valley of the dry bones!
Qam Yasharahla!!!!
did you ever see sidney poitier in a dress? didn’t think so… and that was 1960 … gtfo kat williams