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Rapper Kevin Gates had copulation with a tranny

Kevin made love to a tranny.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
NEW ORLEANS — “Really Really” rapper Kevin Gates suffered a savage beating online after transgender model Lilah Gibney told the world they enjoyed a one-night dalliance. The Caucasian tranny dropped the bombshell on episode 41 of “Elena DEMONETIZED.” In case you didn’t know, Lilah is proficient at keeping renowned rappers within the crosshairs of his LGBT rifle. The coquettish brunette DMs them often with aspirations of exchanging copulation for pecuniary resources. So when Kevin took the bait, the he-she reeled him in. Lilah said the Louisiana artist took him to a five-star restaurant where he ordered every expensive item on the menu. He even “tried caviar for the first time.” Lilah claims Kevin gazed deep into his soul the entire night. Then, when they went to his home, Kevin introduced him to his wife — Dreka. “He was literally looking so deep into my soul and my nine different holes that I didn’t even know what I was getting into,” Lilah recounted.
“I tried caviar for the first time. That was cute. He was like, ‘Do you want to come home with me?'”
Nine different holes?
After sneaking off to a room to have sex, Lilah told Kevin he’s transgender when the rapper descried a huge phallus underneath his panties while canoodling. But Kevin assured him everything was “okay” and proceeded to smash. He also manducated Lilah’s trans vulva which is hardly a surprise because Kevin often brags about munching derrière. The next day he blocked Lilah’s phone calls, a clear sign of mortification. Also makes you wonder what went down in prison ’cause Kevin ain’t been the same since manumission.
Other podcast topics of note: Lilah slept with an 82-year-old man with colon cancer because he’s filthy rich. He gave the geezer a blow-job too. Lilah admitted he often micturates while gettin’ f*cked in the ass and he loves gettin’ peed on à la R. Kelly.
Watch Lilah air Kevin’s dirty laundry.
Share your thoughts.
How could u not tell this wasn’t a real woman
Kevin Gates humiliation ritual
Well he said he eat booty 🍑. What more does he have to say
This is exactly why these he she’s get killed by not being honest. Baby picture, teenage pictures, and high school pictures and conversations with their parents. It’s called vetting it’s an lost art but very very effective.
Well if Kevin would control his lust and stay faithful to his WIFE he wouldn’t be going through this. When you have a perverse mind you will attract perverse things!
Kevin Gates is a WOMAN, pretending to be a MAN. LooK at those HIPs that are attached to his BODY. And Drekka is a DUDE pretending to be a Female. oh well, another one bites the dust, boosie is another one.
“9 different holes”…🙄🚫
That’s how people get killed
Who the fuck cares?
Why are you so interested in whom Kevin Gates is having sex with? Are y’all Gay????
So Gates into Transformers….😮
What happened to all this semen retention BS that Kevin Gates keep putting out?
Kevin is gay as hell he likes young boys
All these Black men are [email protected] now.. WTF is going on.. But i knew Kevin as fruity.. He likes his azz licked and played with.. Any man that does that, is [email protected] and sooner or later with sleep with a man..
Should have to disclose this info upfront or wear a sign… but he shoulda known better
Kevin Gates been eating Booty so what 😂😂😂😂
He been showing gay traits since jail
This was a sexual assault 🤢🤢She didn’t tell Kevin until he was eating her out…that’s insane
This is why they get killed, shit isn’t funny at all man ……
First US straight normal people need to stop calling these transsexuals the opposite gender knowing they weren’t born that way. I don’t care what they want to be called you call them the way the Lord made them.
Gates knew that was a man. Anybody can tell, the voice alone😂
Please tell these men who are putting dresses on you are not a woman no matter how pretty you think you are. These people do not know God. Homosexuality is against the ways of god.
She engaged in a potentially unwanted sexual encounter without giving him a chance to consent. RAPE 100%. If her being Trans was no problem then she would have discussed it before the act. The attempt at omitting this info shows she had a good idea it did matter.
If you have to ask if she is really a woman during sex he had some type of suspision that something wasnt right….Seriously really think about it….How many women have you asked during sex if they were a real woman? JS
That interview was disgusting in so many ways
That’s some bullshit to not let him know she was a man and I’m not for hurting anyone for being anything they think they are but to take someone home and then get in the middle of it and say “you got me”🤨………..I can’t tell you I could just get up and say get out without nothing else happening to that other party, I’m just saying…….and kev why the fuck are you eating off a plate yoh just brought home anyway fam?! 🤦🏽♂️🫣
This is why I say, this a sick sick azz place we live in today. Sad because if he broke down mentally behind it, the Trans community will say it’s the hood fault for making people feel like it’s bad. So help me 🙏 I’d be in jail, a swift murder would be too kind no disrespect but all Facts
If this happened and Kevin would of killed him it would of been a hate crime ? Disgusting no it’s a crime that you a lying nasty person !!! I highly doubt that Kevin would’ve wasted his dick on something so ugly and nasty that you could tell it was a man sound like a man look like a man you can tell the difference between store-bought vagina and biological vagina the smell alone is beautiful
Kevin was boning his own cousin, I ain’t even surprised 🫠
He got nutted in 😂
Shit fuck it.
Lost all his street credit with this
She would’ve had my attention 🍆
Trans ppl need to live on their own island…
Seeing sexy women today is normal and boring. We all know they are out to get us “child support ” or pay their bills. Pornhub, my apartment, my hellcat, is my best friend until things get normal again. That’s probably not in my lifetime, but hey… I put in overtime at work to keep me occupied when I become lonely.
Man gtfoh gates ain’t fucking with no man y’all people crazy even if he is most of y’all mfs gay
Damn Gates!🤬🤣
All these sex addicted thugs mess with men in prison. What you think they was gone do. All these reckless sex addicted people eventually turn gay.
Kevin Gates IS A TRANSGENDER!!! “He” was born female therefore is female! It’s blatantly obvious, a fact,not an opinion.
i believe he’s just ultra-freak. Men do fuck anything with a hole 💅 it doesn’t mean he belongs to the trans-world.
He not lying he slept with him
If I went to the store right now and met a chick and she looked like Kim Kardashian I wouldn’t be doing anything that day. I wouldn’t even want to fuck until I know who she is. Don’t take up for his nasty ass. Eating pussy the same day you meet the chick/thing. 😢