Granny strangled by inmate. Blog King, Mass Appeal AMADOR COUNTY -- When chasing a phallus…
Swirling husband murders estranged Caucasian wife

Jilted hubby kills wife.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
BEAUMONT, Texas — When simpin’ goes terribly wrong. Negro swirler Terry Barlow, 53, was thrown in the slammer after he murdered his estranged wife, 37-year-old Ashley Barlow, because she wanted a divorce. The femicide transpired October 23, 2021 in Beaumont, Texas. According to police reports, Terry placed a tracker on Ashley’s car even though they were legally separated. Then he followed the Caucasian beauty to the 600 block of Langham where she was scheduled to meet her paramour. As soon as Ashley parked and egressed the vehicle, Terry confronted her and her white boyfriend. Following a short bout of contretemps, Terry drove around the block. Then he returned, got out the car, and chased ’em with a gun. Terry shot Ashley multiple times. Police found her body in the parking lot riddled with bullets. She was pronounced dead at the scene.
Another person was shot but managed to survive.
Ashley’s significant other offered no resistance.
He simply hid behind a nearby business like a lil bitch.
The scaredy-cat did, however, call 911 as he was being chased.
But the dispatcher treated him like sh*t.
Terry fled the scene but later turned himself in. He was arrested, charged and convicted of first-degree murder. Terry told investigators he planned on committing suicide but he was too much of a p*ssy to do so. Now he’s serving 50 years in prison and his children are orphans. Ashley’s sister, Amanda Buck, told reporters she endured “years of family violence at the hands of her husband and was finally ready to break away from him.” Terry beat Ashley’s ass every time the sun came up.
“He took his children’s mother from them and they were her life,” Amanda bemoaned. “She was a hard worker and she persevered over the abuse to obtain a degree and give her children the best life possible. All I have left of my sister is her children and I will raise them to her standards and let them know every day how much their mother loved them.”
Social media reaction was cold-blooded. One commenter wrote, “Oh well. Don’t get married if you still want to be a ho. Til death do us part.” Another chimed in with, “So they stayed for him to come back?” A third person added, “White women marry black men only to realize it’s the same Pookie & Ray Rays black women complain about. Now she’s trying to go back to her white man but it’s too late.”
Ashley was a probation officer.
She lost her life during “Domestic Violence Awareness Month.”
Should people get divorced before moving on to someone else?
Share your thoughts.
The 911 call the lady who took the call is horrible she’s trash. She need to be fired.
That dispatcher ain’t shiiiii 10:14 ol ghetto ass
In reality, if love isn’t in the marriage on both sides. There is no marriage. He should’ve simply let her go, especially for the sake of those kids this man fell victim to emotion. And didn’t take the time to think that with his actions, he was going to lose her either way.
People are too emotionally unstable to be in relationships nowadays 🙄. You don’t own anyone. If they want to move on, show them the door…and go get therapy, if necessary.
His old ass out here killing someone that does want his decrepit ass anymore.
That operator dumb ass hell
Victim: hold on he chasing me wit a gun
Dispatcher: sir I’m not holding on..
These dispatchers suck badly
Those are the worst ghetto ass 911 operators I’ve ever heard
Ho, you heard him the first time dummy he said he was being chased with a gun. Having an attitude because you failed to hear him.
My BFF just recently got divorced, and she refused to date or sleep with anyone else until then. Once the ink was dry on them papers she started dating. QUESTION: Since divorce is man-made according to the Bible, does it matter? Because the Bible also states that your 1st husband/wife is your only, so technically if you get a divorce and re-marry you are still committing adultery.
Asking all those questions repeatedly what part of I’m being chased with a gun don’t you understand I’m in Flight or fight mode stfu send the police and let the detectives do the investigating
If they aren’t together & doing them until the Divorce,then cool, but here is the things some people get caught cheating then there is a divorce in the End one person can’t Handle the Fact they have moved On based off of how they were treated people Love what they had & Lost after it’s Over ,welp you shouldn’t have done what you Did to mess up what you Had , whether it was putting your hands on them trying Scare them to staying with you, cheating, or them working like a Dog to feed ,clothes,an support you on top of the kid’s you already have to take Care of at any Rate those thing’s get old Quick when your doing more than the other Marriage is not easy this is why it is Written you Both become One . Don’t commit if you are all About you stay single marriage is like having a baby that Grows up in simple terms So don’t bite off more than you can Chew people Can want you All day that doesn’t mean anything half are bad egg’s on Charlie in the chocolate factory stuff Take your time if it’s a Rush they aren’t it.
They should put this cowardly woman beating murderer on Deathrow for what he did plain & simple ANYONE WHO UNJUSTLY MURDERS OTHERS SHOULD BE PUT TO DEATH TO HELL WITH PRISON TIME!!!
How horrible.
Damn shame
She shouldn’t have burned coal
@Gio: What do you mean burn coal?
@casey alexzander: I think that’s something about her marrying a black man
let me get this straight…… he showed up with a gun, drove away, came back and they were still there????
he couldnt stand seeing his pretty snow bunny with brad
Deserved it 😂😂😂 stick to your own kind