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Eboni K. Williams shames brothas who work a 9 to 5

Eboni slams Average Joes.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
ATLANTA — Fellas… if you were a C-student and you’re driving a bus, don’t bother trying to get a date with Eboni K. Williams. That’s because the prepossessing barrister told Iyanla Vanzant Average Joes who work 9 to 5 ain’t good enough, and that includes employees in public transportation. Eboni, host of Revolt TV’s “State of the Culture,” believes proprietorship originates with being an A and B student. Instead of driving the bus, it’s Eboni’s assertion more men should seek the pedagogy necessary to own the damn company. Simply collecting remuneration won’t cut it. “To the 50,000 plus comments posted on social [media], I only saw a handful that even considered the possibility of a bus owner being a more aspirational position and recognizing that I am actually speaking and pouring into the ascension of black men when I said what I said,” Eboni elucidated.
“But… some of y’all were too busy naming and shaming me personally, and black women in general, as undesirable gold diggers and much worse. Now, I suspect that some of y’all are the same men that were bringing home C’s and D’s on your report cards only to be coddled by parents that said, ‘Well, that’s ok. As long as you’re doing your best.’ Well listen, I love and believe in the excellence of black men. So no, my dear, C’s and D’s — or any other form of mediocrity — is not ok.”
Eboni called low expectations “bigotry” and “white supremacy” even though she bangs Caucasians.
Her mom was also a bus driver.
Social media reaction was venomous. One commenter wrote, “So, according to this skeezer, da Whiteman is oppressing black men by giving us bus driver jobs?😂😂😂” Another chimed in with, “Brothas, it’s time to separate ourselves from black women completely. We need to get ourselves together, respect each other, and build together. Kevin Samuels would’ve destroyed this ANGRY LADY.” A third viewer added, “Good thing I work 7 to 6. F*ck ’em.”
Do you agree with Eboni?
Should blue-collar workers stop settling for scraps and pursue ownership?
Watch Eboni claim she’s not a gold digger.
Share your thoughts.
If she hadn’t said mediocrity I’d agree with her. A man wouldn’t settle for a woman that doesn’t fit his criteria..however a bus driver doesn’t earn mediocre money in general after about 5 years and they work hard. How do I know? Because my homegirl is a bus driver..I know what they make, especially in my state.
And as a mate someone should tell her she’s at a mediocre demand level as a female mate she’s 39 years old, and men her age with money want younger women 😂
In the end of the day, it’s all about ones choice. we all have different perspectives on how we should go about our lives. it’s just that people were taken aback by how strong this woman came off.. and since alot of us are poor, we were offended 😂
So why isn’t she with an A or B. If she were above average she’d attract above average.
She looking for love and marriage she missed that bus 🚌
Eboni already has GOLD. How is she a gold digger???
How can you say that when you’re average? Sitting with a wig on judging 😂
A lot of these dudes are dusty, and they still think it’s 1995. With that dye in their beards. No retirement, no plans, lazy and want to stay share croppers. I can’t believe any woman would put up them. Dirty underwear wearing, they don’t clean their bathroom and their stomachs are bigger than their shoulders. They broke, don’t keep their hair cut, sneakers leaning and think they’re high valued men because they know how to drive a forklift!
This Eboni K Williams situation has taken on a life of it’s own. Everybody and their mama has an opinion on this matter. I for one think it’s SMM, Social Media Madness. Has anyone stopped to wonder if Eboni planned her script in advance in order to evoke the response she was seeking in the first place. It’s been said that all publicity is good publicity as long as they spell your name correctly. Most of us had no knowledge of Miss Eboni K Williams.
She said that she’s done them ALL so her prime is😮 gone and she didn’t want to be a WIFE⁉️‼️⁉️The Men on her financial level don’t want a bitter millionaire modern woman‼️⁉️‼️She need to be talking about the millionaires she want not the bus driver‼️⁉️‼️This ain’t driving Miss Daisy but she’s well on her way🤡🤡🤡
First of all if you’re a bus driver especially in a big city it’s not a bad job. You need a CDL to be a bus driver, and MTA bus drivers do well. But let me be fair. It takes a special kind of guy to date a woman who makes a lot more than him. He has to be really secure in who he is.
To be honest, 🤦🏿🤷🏿♂️🤷🏿♂️We, MEN are really sick & tired of talking about her. 🤷🏿♂️ We don’t care NOTHIN’ about her. 🤷🏿♂️👎🏿I say, “Let The DEAD Bury Their Own.” The only thing this heifer did was prove to black men the hypocrisy of black women and the delusion that they suffer from. We’ve already decided to go our own way, or just ✈️ overseas. Because here in the states, “The Juice Ain’t Worth The Squeeze.” We’re not just tired…. No, we’re DAMN TIRED! Pooky, RayRay, and the beta male simps can have’em. Now, We Men are going where we are appreciated. Not staying where we are TOLERATED! We don’t celebrate Mother’s Day, nor Valentine’s Day, and we teach young men at an EARLY AGE about Female Nature. We will train our sons to NOT even recognize or just ignore all women in the west, don’t date them nor marry them, and sure as hell don’t get them pregnant, we will teach them about the Harsh and unfair treatment of the Family Court System. The modern-day western woman is through. ☝🏾👀
Like everyone else, she is entitled to want whatever/whoever she wants. I’d honestly like to hear more about what she wants in a man, her ideal man, as part of a legitimate conversation…beyond the “provide/protect” aspect. Or maybe that’s enough.🤔
GIRLLLLLL TALK ABOUT THE GRADES because I had to be a straight A+ STUDENT but my brother on the other hand…. It was okay for him to fail. The mediocrity is real.
Eboni said you niccas can enjoy your underclass status, but SHE ain’t going! 😂😂😂