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Jamie Foxx finally speaks, claiming he is not a clone

Pseudo Jamie speaks out/YouTube

Jamie looks like a clone.

Blog King, Mass Appeal

ATLANTA — He’s back… sort of. Jamie Foxx addressed fans Friday night for the first time since suffering a stroke back in April. The 55-year-old thespian was in Atlanta on the set of his new movie when his body broke down. Scuttlebutt has it Jamie was euthanized and replicated after being blind and paralyzed. The Instagram video he disseminated did nothing to dispel those rumors. Jamie looks like a clone. “I went through something I thought I would never, ever go through,” he explained while fighting back tears.  “I know a lot of people were waiting or wanting to hear an update, but to be honest with you, I didn’t want you to see me like that, man. I want you to see me laughing, having a good time, partying, cracking a joke, doing a movie or a television show. I didn’t want you to see me with tubes running out of me and trying to figure out if I was going to make it through.”

Social media reaction was skeptical. One commenter wrote, “Since when was Jamie light-skinned ???” Another chimed in with, “You can tell he’s a replica by lookin’ at his forehead. His face is skinnier too.” A third viewer added, “THAT’S NOT HIM, HALF A BEARD, FADE LOOK CRAZY, AND HE HAS A NETFLIX MOVIE NO ONE IS WATCHING. THEY WANT Y’ALL TO WATCH THE MOVIE. DON’T DO IT!!!” 

Jamie has a new movie on Netflix called “They Cloned Tyrone.”

Rapper Ice Cube and comedienne Mo’Nique accused gatekeepers of replacing him with a doppelganger.

Watch Jamie’s creepy video.

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This Post Has 98 Comments

  1. Humiliation ritual, Diddy sat his ass down and humbled him real quick ☕

  2. He clearly has aids in the ass. That is what happens when a man lay with another man.

  3. I’m not trying to be insensitive, because I love this guy and most everything he has ever put out.
    ***But What The Hell Happened to Him?
    ***Howard Stern (whose a jerk), constantly, over and over called Jamie “Gay”. I don’t care about that kind stuff. However, I now do wonder if he did catch the HIV?

    ***Did he get the AIDS? It’s still a big deal, and many people still die from it (still). However, there are cures for it now, depending on numbers of many factors.
    Example: My Man, Magic Johnson!

    Either way, I am making zero judgements here. Because I don’t really care how he got whatever he got.

    ***I would just like to know if he beat Cancer or AIDS or the Corrna Virus or whatever he was able to overcome.

    ***I am extremely happy we didn’t lose “One of the Greats”!

  4. He’s actually dead, and this is just a fake video! We know the truth!


  6. Poor man couldn’t even heal in peace and privacy without all the theorist. Y’all forced this man to come out during a sensitive time in his life to explain to a bunch of nobodies. Sad!! He don’t owe any of us an explanation.

  7. Totally fake…. Skin complexion, forehead shape, hairline and face shape are all way off. They even messed up one side of his goatee! See the truth instead of what you want to be true.

  8. This ain’t Jamie Foxx, this probably AI, or some clone. You can easily notice it, if you compare this video image to other photos of Jamie. It even looks like he has no eyebrows or eyelashes. Y’all people believe anything you see. 🙈

  9. The left side of his face has been affected. You can see where it is still partially paralyzed. Eyelid droop. The lines through his cheek and even his mouth. He truly has battled to get this far. Bless him.
    My hubby had a stroke and its a rough road. So good to see him reclaiming his life.

  10. For some reason don’t look like Jamie…his face looks different they are clowning people do your research not saying he’s one but he definitely looks different hummm?🤔

  11. Thats what happens when you sell your soul to the devil to make it in the game you got everything you wanted and now its the devils turn to take something in return

  12. I mutha fkn LOVE Jaime Foxx! I’m 39yrs old I’ve watched him on In Living Color and his Jaimie Foxx show, not to mention his music with Kanye and his movies as well. IM A BIG FAN and I was literally heartbroken when I heard about his illness n situation. I had prayed for his health as well as his healing 🙏 ❤. I’m just one person and if I feel this type of way for him, I can only imagine how many others feel the same!. GOD bless him!

  13. easily one of the most talented men in hollywood. he can sing, he can make you laugh, make you cry, he plays instruments, he does world class impersonations. he’s just one of the most talented dudes in hollywood.

  14. Can’t say anything negative about the jibbyjab or he’ll never work in P3d0W00D again. SAY HELLO TO JAMEY FAUX the whiter version of Jamie Foxx 👨‍🦯

  15. shiiiiit….i am more worried that biden is a clone. who cares about jamie being cloned.

  16. In the video Jamie said that he is not a clone

    You think the devil going to tell you that he is the devil 🤔

    Stay woke or wake up people

  17. That is not the realJamie Foxx. No way that’s him. Nope nope nope no way. DO NOT BELIEVE THAT LIE

  18. So okay Monique if you’re say that Jamie Foxx is cloned does that mean that he is dead

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