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Gay Prez: Obama said he copulates with dudes but…

Barack makes love to men mentally/YouTube

Barack makes love to men but…

Blog King, Mass Appeal

WASHINGTON — Damn, Joan Rivers was telling the truth. Barack Obama is indeed America’s first gay president. In a newly-redacted letter that he transcribed to an ex-girlfriend 40 years ago, Barry said: “I make love to men daily, but in the imagination.” Um, that’s not entirely true. You see, Barry is making love to a man right now. Think about it. He referred to his wife, Michelle Obama, as “Michael” publicly on many occasions and there’s video footage of Michelle’s phallus bouncing up and down. The New York Post obtained the homosexual letter after Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David Garrow gave a lengthy interview about Barry’s sexual orientation. “In regard to homosexuality, I must say that I believe this is an attempt to remove oneself from the present, a refusal perhaps to perpetuate the endless farce of earthly life,” Barry wrote to Alex McNear in November 1982.

“You see, I make love to men daily, but in the imagination.”

Social media reaction was wild. One commenter wrote, “The way he goes so hard for the LGBT community, it makes perfect sense.” Another person added, “No surprise here. He went above and beyond for gays while us gullible folks voted his fruity ass in office.” Emory University owns Barry’s letter and administrators won’t allow it to be photographed or removed.

So David’s friend, Harvey Klehr, wrote down a few paragraphs and sent ’em to the author. Barry and Alex dated during his time at Occidental College in Los Angeles. David said there’s nothin’ wrong with Barry’s youthful rumination about gettin’ his cheeks clapped. “I’m a historian, not a psychologist,” he said. “But I think it’s ‘public record’ news that a majority of human beings have sexual fantasies!”

If you recall, Lawrence Sinclair wrote a book titled “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?” that details how Barry used thug tactics to conceal his homosexual relationships. His gay lover, Donald Young, was murdered on December 23, 2007 to keep their dalliance a secret. Donald was the choir director at Trinity United Church of Christ where Barry was a member.

Does the letter change your opinion of President No. 44?

Do you think Barry is f*ckin’ Michael or is it the other way around?

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This Post Has 95 Comments

  1. All this LGBTQ stuff that’s in your faces like in Kids tv shows and in your kids schools, you can thank Mr LGBTQ president Barry Soweto Aka Barok Obama for all that.

  2. Notice how he did nothing for blacks but got so many protections passed for the alphabets…

  3. Well they did say Michelle was a man but nah this is just wild. What was in your mind to dig up something like this that happen over 40 years ago 😂😂😂

  4. As bad as Trump didn’t want this man to be president and tried to find his birth certificate, dude couldn’t find this?😂😂😂

  5. Oh no!! This WILL hurt his legacy! He doesn’t have the respect of the ENTIRE Black community here & abroad! If you ask me, he’s no different than anyone else that’s held that seat. I hear The names of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, our Minister, reverence is thought of immediately! Not so much with him, I feel like he was the Trojan horse.

  6. Damn their personal chef probably knew Obama liked to clap different kind of cheeks.

  7. That explains why he promoted the lgbtq community giving them rights. And we been manipulated to vote for him

  8. Even though he said when he was around 21. At least he was being honest with how he felt at that time. Alot of men are not honest about the fact they questioned there sexuality at one point. This don’t make him sus as much it does honest.

  9. I’m living in the twilight zone , this is like a bad movie that we’re all in .

  10. Get your passports fellas. Can’t say this enough. This society is trash!

  11. This comes as no surprise for me. It was rumored that when Pres. Obama was a senator there was a couple of homosexual relationships that involved him in Chicago.

  12. Obama legacy is lgbtq what ever fuck indoctrination and gay rights!!!! Period!!!…..he is gay and she is trans

  13. It’s time for Hussain Obama to come out of the closet and confess that his wife is a Dude…

  14. Are we gonna believe that only stayed in his imagination? Knowing him we know that’s not the case ,lets not be naive ….. and we better believe this is “coming out” not by coincidence…..

  15. Obama still living rent free in yall empty ass heads 😂 yall believe this bs because yall mad that a black man was and still is the best president ever

  16. ” The Truth always comes out ,Always!!!!!!!! Many of us knew about his Fraud !

  17. Who the hell would put that in a letter? It’s all part of the next scam. That’s usually done in a private conversation.

  18. The letter was obtained illegally and sold to a conservative rag. There is no bar low enough the homophobic scumbag conservative minded won’t sink to.

  19. All those crazy stories about Michelle Obama being a tranny is suddenly not so crazy. Makes perfect sense now.

  20. No wonder why he ignored black community and focused on alphabet shit in his presidency. Black people need to understand how they got played

  21. Implanted daughters.Michelle is a man.Obumer referred to her as Michael on live tv.Michelle’s ring finger is longer than her index finger.Proof that she is a man!

  22. Makes sense why he advocates so much for the LGBTQIAUHWF2++.
    Disturbed individuals. The whole lot of them!
    Guarantee he’s been sleeping with men. Big Mike lol.

  23. As a man, if you dream about sleeping with men everyday. You are gay. Period. This was a planned leak by Obama himself to reveal that he is bisexual to promote the LGBTQ community worldwide, especially in africa.

  24. Yes we all know that Obama is gay because his MAN WIFE IS A MAN AND HIS KIDS ARE IMPOSTERS.

  25. Obamanation( abomination )is what I call him. He’s not what people think he is!

  26. We all knows he is gay and his wife is a man. Joan snitch before they killed her.

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