Simp kills ex-wife & daughter. Blog King, Mass Appeal NORTH LAUDERDALE -- The adventures of…
Hairstylist killed at Lūʻau during drive-by shooting

Kanesha killed at a party.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
CHICAGO — The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. The Chicago Police Department is investigating after Kanesha Gaines was shot dead at a birthday party. The femicide transpired around 1 a.m. on July 30th in the 1500 block of South Keeler Avenue in North Lawndale. According to police reports, Kanesha and her homegirls gathered outside for a Lūʻau. During the Hawaiian-themed celebration, a black Jeep pulled up and (without warning) several gunmen opened fire — striking Kanesha in the countenance. The 21-year-old hairstylist was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital where she ultimately died. Eight other people (1 man and 7 women) were also shot. But they’re expected to survive. Police said they don’t have a clue what the motive was and there’s no suspects in custody. Several witnesses descried the drive-by shooting but nobody’s talkin.’
That’s because snitches get stitches.
Kanesha’s homegirls ain’t saying sh*t either despite gettin’ shot.
“With all these women being shot, something has to be personal,” community activist Andrew Holmes told reporters. “Why would you just unload on a yard, a house full of women that was here on the outside celebrating someone’s birthday?” To compound matters, it was Déjà vu for Kanesha’s mom — Natasha Graham — whose 18-year-old son was gunned down in 2019.
“I’m unbearably hurt,” Natasha said.
“That’s my oldest daughter.”
Social media reaction insinuates Pookie & Ray Ray are culpable.
One commenter wrote, “They probably rejected the guys which made them vengeful.”
Another chimed in with, “Probably some emotional beta males who got told ‘No’😤😡.”
A third viewer added, “They need to interrogate every baby daddy.”
Kanesha leaves behind a 3-year-old son and a 2-year-old daughter.
“My granddaughter keeps asking for mommy,” Natasha said.
Watch the emotional documentary.
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Isn’t that the neighborhood organized by Barak Obama? Getting what they voted for.
Too many KANGZ & QWEENZ without a kingdom. Delusion kills.
I bet you it was her bf or one of her male lovers
I’m going to start wearing a camera and gun on me cause these men are wicked out here Rip to the women who lost their lives
Why CPD can’t use their satellite like they do on major cases? They could literally track down where they came from and went afterwards
No parent should have to bury their child ever,this lady lost two of her blessings to gun violence,when are people going to wake up n stop the gun violence.
This lady has some real strength coz as a mom of two if this was my child i think i would have just given up ,this is her second child she lost in a five year period.
stay strong momma you can do this.
Don’t live in Chicago 😮😢better off living in Utah
It’s not snitching if you’re not in the street life. Black folks gotta let that mentality go ASAP 🤦🏿♀️
It’s time for people to wake up and get out of Chicago! Sending my condolences to the familes❤
They got too realize them ladies was in the streets and dealing with men for cash and other sex actions etc selling they self and it went bad from them saying no. But her home girls that lived isn’t speaking up shows you they don’t care and for self. Ladies stop being in the streets & dealing with street guys. Do better.
I just will never get why we as a people can’t be more loving and respectful of one another our ancestors fought for so many I’m so sure they’re not pleased 😢💔🙏🏼🙏🏼
15th and keeler this was personal 😢😮?? That’s straight up HOOD !! please get some LIFE INSURANCE blk ppl
No cameras everybody have cell phones.
Moral of the story don’t party with Gangbangers
@Leon Wilson: It was an all-female party. The ladies were NOT partying with em. Cant you read?
They celebrate and promote violence and debauchery and expect good???? Isaiah 1:15 and Isaiah 3:8-11
Chicago what the F is going? Last year we had a white disgruntled male who HATED black people and walk into a super market in Buffalo, NY and massacred 13 random black people just shopping for groceries. Just a few weeks ago! There was another disgruntled white male from Jacksonville, Florida who HATED black people and walked into a dollar general store and massacred 3 random black people inside the store. I ask again? Chicago what the F is going on? A few months ago in Chicago! A 14 year old son had to shot and **LL a black man for putting paws on his mother. Chicago. I know yaw HATE my F-in guts but please listen to me for a few moments! Chicago. Change your ways. COME BACK TO GOD! You don’t need to attend the BLACK CHURCH or WHITE CHURCH to make amends with God. You don’t need to pray to the white blonde hair blue eyed Jesus for redemption. Everyone. All you have to do is cry out to God in your suffering ( moral and spiritual ); and ask God for forgiveness for turning away from God and living a wicked, unrighteous and evil life. If God hear your crys and decide to have mercy on you! God will take away your DEBASED MIND and restore your MIND and HEART with a new RIGHTEOUS MIND; so that you are able to have CLARITY, WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING how to treat one another and change your lives from WICKEDNESS to RIGHTEOUSNESS. If this change happen Chicago you will no longer live in the DARK but live the rest of your lives in the LIGHT. You will become a more BETTER PEOPLE and more RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE and other people will begin to RESPECT you. Chicago. We ( mankind ) are living in PERILOUS TIMES. Change your ways. RIP Kanesha Gains.
Who hated them that much !!! BM don’t like you !!! BW wake the eff up !!!!
This is really too much! Horrible! I’m so tired of hearing about this stuff! And what does her family think they’re solving by going on social media cussing and fussing with the so called “friends”?! Do they think they can shame them into something? HA, that ain’t even happening! That’s the problem anyways, they stay on social media all day long BEEFING! And Chi-Town of all places with all those homicides?! Oh heck no would I be OK with my kids little or big going out at night to any clubs, bars, or anything there! Sorry not sorry! It’s just too wild! Blk teens especially are so ignorant with that ” no snitchin” bs! Until it’s one of THEIRS, then they want you to ‘snitch”! 😑
This is a hate crime plain and simple. How many women, especially bw have to die before something is done to stop these unhinged males.
This is insane! No security cameras in place to capture this incident? What was the motive? Who were the masked men??? There needs to be a deep dive into this crime. Was this party publicly announced on social media???? Are we being targeted by other groups of people? I’m so confused about this story.
I noticed there are a lot of black women in the comments, this is what you love. The thugs with the guns and dead bodies.
niggas cant handle rejection these days
I bet it all started on social media or someone’s EX WAS MAD smh
Of course they not gone speak up.. they don’t wanna die!
I’m hurt this happened to a group of our queens.😔 BUT PLZ QUEENS, stop associating yourselves with these type of men then be surprised when something CRAZY happens. Praying for ALL affected by this incident…
So mfs just pulled up to a party full of women enjoying themselves and start shooting? Wow smh what’s the world coming to
Sometimes it’s gang initiations. They don’t just target gang members but people they know are innocent. Time to move out of the cities. So Sorry for her loss.
U know how much of a coward you have to be to unload a clip on women and sleep at night. God rest her soul and the true justice is with GOD.
What were they into? Men don’t show up to kill women for nothing. I don’t condone getting people involved that had nothing to do with the situation. But why did the come to kill them?