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Old, evil husband had wife killed because of cheating

Tonia was brutally murdered/Horrendous Crimes

Wicked old man had wife killed.

Blog King, Mass Appeal

PORTLAND — When gold digging goes fatally wrong. Horrendous Crimes released the murder documentary of 32-year-old Tonia Hamilton-McDonald who was stabbed to death by a contract killer for cheating on her husband, 67-year-old Everton “Beachy Stout” McDonald. The femicide transpired on July 20, 2020 in Portland, Jamaica. Everton, a prominent businessman with deep pockets, married Tonia when she was only 19. He was 52. Tonia was young and comely. Everton is nothing short of grotesque. So she clearly wanted him for his money. Everton accused Tonia of adultery for years and, at times, he became physically abusive. One time, he slammed her head against a wall. The domineering sugar daddy eventually hired private investigators to follow Tonia and there’s video corroboration of her canoodling with a paramour closer to her age.

Rather than file for divorce, Everton employed his best friend — Denvalyn “Bubble” Minott — to give Tonia a dirt nap. The fee was a cool $3 million. But there were stipulations. For instance, guns couldn’t be used and headshots weren’t allowed. Instead, Everton ordered Denvalyn to effectuate Taylor Swift’s “Death by a Thousand Cuts” to ensure Tonia suffered a lengthy, excruciating quietus. Here’s where things got tricky: Denvalyn, 56, ended up f*cking Tonia and he developed a profusion of strong feelings for her.

He simply didn’t have the heart to carve her like a turkey.

So Denvalyn subcontracted 30-year-old Oscar “Tiny” Barnes to carry out the murder-for-hire plot. On the day of the homicide, Denvalyn and Oscar drove Tonia across town in a Toyota Axio motorcar. They were supposed to take her to get a gun for protection. But it never materialized. They pulled over on a deserted road in Sherwood Forest. Denvalyn egressed the vehicle because he couldn’t stand to watch what was about to transpire.

Oscar grabbed Tonia by the neck and stabbed her multiple times in the torso. Then he slit her throat and set the car on fire. Denvalyn’s bitch-ass watched from afar. The stabbing was so acute, Tonia’s chest cavity was exposed. Her final words were: “My mother warned me!” Denvalyn and Oscar were arrested and charged with murder. Then they snitched on Everton and he got arrested. Now all three will spend the rest of their miserable existence behind bars.

Everton is also charged with the cold case murder of his first wife, 50-year-old Merlene McDonald, who was gunned down in 2009.

Tonia knew they were married.

Yet, she continued to have an affair with Everton.

Many people believe Tonia was complicit in Merlene’s demise.

Do you agree?

Watch the explosive documentary.

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This Post Has 55 Comments


  2. Two reasons not to marry a man,(1) a baby, he will feel trapped and resent the child,(2) money you will feel trapped and want out and something real, money can’t buy. It’s so sad, those vows are sacred and it takes two strong people to fill the bill

  3. This is absolutely wild. I feel so bad for the victim. The girl had MAJOR issues and allowed her greed to be the cause of her end. But I can’t help but feel like she is still a true victim. She was only NINETEEN years old. She was basically still a child. The 52 year old man knew exactly what he was doing the entire time. Smfh. Be careful of these older men…

  4. All that glitter is not gold. She chose to accept his marriage proposal, knowing the type of man he is. She loves bad man. She chooses to step out of the marriage, knowing the consequences. Even after he warned her about her actions, but yet she chose to disrespect him, and his imaged, and hurt his ego by keeping the affair with the other man knowing the possibility consequences. The fact is that she brings what happened to her, on herself. She got what she was looking for. The man she was spreading her legs for didn’t give a dam about her. He was just there for all that he could get, and in the end, she suffered a great loss, which is her life. Hope other women learn from her horrible self-destruction. The truth hurts sometimes, but someone must say it.

  5. This was dangerous from the gate y’all ladies please stop it now all this baller baller stuff equals your death all that glitters ain’t gold the end game to this life is always tragic

  6. She had his wife killed and was happy about that, what was she thinking. Greediness is dangerous.

  7. These People are nasty . Where they found the energy for all that drama. I can barely get out of my bed 🙄

  8. Having a murdered wife has got to be one of the most (if not the most ) telling red flag !!! I know it’s hard to accept sometimes but in the eyes of evil anybody can get it and no one is exempt ! Rip to both ladies

  9. Ewwwwwww he was hideous. She should have left him alone. She was way to beautiful. He killed his first wife? And her?

  10. I can’t have sympathy for her, her choices says a lot about her character, she’s not innocent, she’s as nasty and evil as he is !!!!

  11. No one should kill another, but passion crimes are always sickening.
    I don’t condone violence to females but honestly she was playing with fire….Everything was wrong with this story, young girl marrying the old creep, prob creep could take her out of poverty and parents went with it, Im sure 110% she didn’t marry out of love but convenience and prob thought she could fool the old man.
    I can’t understand on single cheating let alone she was bouncing around even with his friend.
    Oh well, RIP.

  12. Old, ugly AND dusty. I want so much better for my people. May she rest in peace.

  13. That’s why older men like younger😢 women because they don’t know better

  14. No real pity for her. She cheated with a married man and was too greedy to see red flags. Oh well….

  15. These women are not naive.

    They’re greedy. They dont care other people got hurt, they want what they want and who cares if others get hurt in the process.

    She knew who she married and was cool with the situation as long as she benefitted from it.

  16. He is definitely evil man. People need to be careful who they get involved with. It sad that people need people background. It was not ok what she did, but don’t give them the right to kill her. Sending my deepest condolences and prayers 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  17. You cannot buy love. Sexual immorality will burn you out at an early age. When you choose a promiscious lifestyle look to burn out sexually quickly. One reaps what one sows. Killing because of the bruised ego will not restore your ability to perform sexually. Better have that talk with Jesus before you end up in the lake of fire. Sinners need to repent and be born again. Jesus Christ is Lord.

  18. She should’ve known how he was. It still doesn’t justify what that thug did though. How awful. He thought money could buy him a young thang. How’d that work out?

  19. If he was watching her he knew the hitman was having a relationship with his wife. He wanted to kill two birds with one stone. Have him kill her in the hopes he would get caught and go to jail. All while acting like he didnt know of the affair. Then the hitman knows the power/influence the husband had, and knew even though he couldnt kill her, he knew it had to be done or else he would be killed.

  20. So he ended the first wife life and then she married him anyway like she was invisible 🫥. Ohh my the way karma comes for justice to bad justice didn’t get his raggedy butt

  21. “Everton Beachy Stout McDonald” my nigga… wtf kind of name… nevermind… Also it is a bad idea to marry someone you don’t know. Marry a rich man, sure. But if you don’t fucking know that rich man, don’t fucking do it!!! I had a lot of older rich niggas try to fucking sweep me off my feet and take me away, and it was scary. Like if he can’t kick it at the family barbeque with your dad and uncles, he isn’t the fucking one!

  22. I just would like to say that I’m not liking the comments that I’m reading the lack of empathy, apathy, and pretty much blaming everything on the victim is a bit puzzling. At the end of the day that man pursued her RELENTLESSLY so he knew exactly what he was doing even more than she knew what she was. Over time its not far out of the way if she wear down and gives in. Secondly hes an old man pursuing a younger woman. At the end of the day he is the committer of the crime and he will pay the time. This is definitely not the same that the victim was totally out there. Yes she definitely was way out there and over looked alot for the sake if money and the soft life. She cheated and didn’t listen to wise counsel which lead to her father and eventually her getting killed. Will someone to overlook that many red flags I understand how it may be agonizing and puzzling for people. But my biggest smoke is for the man that committed the murder. Boy was she extremely naive, stubborn, and greedy but nothing she did not even cheating was worth her father and her deaths that’s not something she “asked for”.

  23. He’s not shit he murders her father for one bc he didn’t want his old perverted ass to be with his baby…..then u want to get her kilt bc she decided she wanted to cheat hell she knew she wanted to get away from him and THTS Why she cheated and on top he kilt her father so yea!! I would want to get the hell away also!But the guy he hired should hve known tht was a lie it sounded like one 3 million to kill her yea right! But he’s not shit he’s the devil!!!Wht this guy gets married just to murder his wives he’s a psychopath!!!!🙏may god be with her mother🙏!!!!

  24. Damn, they stabbed her so she suffered instead of shooting her. This was horrible but her parents warned her. Children listen to ur parents, they know things. Beachy is nobody’s friend, he a devil.

  25. This is the price of going for a rich man lacking character over a man who has the most character working a stable job. Put character first ladies, let the stability of his life come close second. She played a dangerous game and failed.

  26. I never love an ugly man from I was a child. I know everybody is God’s creation but that woman should have had nothing to do with Beachy Stout. I know she may have gotten with him for the money. As as you look at him You can see evil and ugliness all over him. Women need to have more insight of who they bring into their lives.

  27. His son beat his wife to death in the US cut her up & burned her when she was trying to leave him.. That’s wild!

  28. Beachy may have owned business, but he was not a man of business. He was just a star in the hood, but didn’t show well outside. A professional always looks the part. No 50+ man in his right mind can find fulfillment in a 19-year-old girl.

  29. People see the lavish lifestyle but don’t know what the cost is. She saw the cost and, unfortunately, paid with her life.

    It isn’t right her husband hired hitmen, just as it wasn’t right for her to get involved with an elder, married man. The choices we make in life really, really matter. This is sad all around. So much loss.

  30. They Marry these men for their money. Then cheat. Why? ED issues in men 45 and up. Some younger can’t sustain erections and stamina, especially if the men are diagnosed with diabetes, HBP, and high cholesterol—factors in drinking smoking, and stress.

  31. Beachy was a nasty predator. Pursuing a 19 year old when you’re 50 something is creepy AF.

  32. These chicks better quit playing with these dudes no one should lose their life but you can’t treat a man any kind of way if he is taking care of you it’s going to be some consequences all money is not good money work and get your own cheddar it’s real out here I’m 48 never been married and never will be as a man id rather have piece of mind plus I don’t have to argue with anyone about my time, money, or possessions keep it simple

  33. Lol this woman couldn’t gaslight herself outta this one. Unfortunately disrespect does come with consequences and ghosting won’t fix them.

  34. Ewwwwwwwwww!!! I could not marry an old dinosaur like this fossil. He was a hateful, jealous monster!!!! Even for money, I COUILD NOT!!!! And my Mom wanted me to marry an old man when I was young. So glad I did not…

  35. The McDonalds are heartless murderers, killers and sorcerers
    , it’s a family inheritance through their bloodline and everyone knew in Portland .,
    Tonia knew about the first wife’s murder and who the murderer is but she didn’t realize the same knife would cut her trout

    Her parents warned her of the demon this man was and trying to prevent her own death ,but her greed and hard ears blinded her.,

    Her eyes were fixed on the money., and what she could get., but she would also get murdered
    To all girls who think all that glitters is gold

  36. And these nasty redpill/mgtow men prey on girls just like this one did. Evil infidel.

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