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Surgeon General warning: Don’t take COVID vaccine

Dr. Ladapo calls for halt of COVID vax/YouTube

Ladapo says don’t use COVID vaccine.

Blog King, Mass Appeal

TALLAHASSEE — Uh-oh! Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the Sunshine State’s top health official, raised eyebrows on Wednesday when he called for the cessation of COVID vaccine inoculations — claiming mRNA immunizations will contaminate our DNA. Ain’t that a bitch? In other words, a zombie apocalypse is still possible. Keep in mind… if our DNA changes, we change. That’s simply a scientific fact. After all, DNA is what makes us unique. When a murder transpires, crime scene investigators examine DNA. When the paternity of a child is in question, Maury reveals DNA results. Again, it’s what makes us distinctive. Without DNA, we’re basically zombies. Ladapo disseminated the bad news through a state bulletin. He said instead of gettin’ the jab, we should trust our natural immune system and/or use another drug.

“Providers concerned about patient health risks associated with COVID-19 should prioritize patient access to non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and treatment,” Ladapo wrote.

The doctor also made an appearance on Real America’s Voice.

“We’ve called for a halt of the use of these mRNA COVID-19 vaccines,” Ladapo said.

“The reasoning is simple. You don’t have to have majored in biology or biochemistry. These vaccines have DNA in them. They’re contaminated with DNA and that’s not necessarily a big deal. But it’s a problem with these vaccines because the DNA hangs on with the mRNA and goes into people’s cells.”


Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University’s public health school, called Ladapo a goddamn lie. “We’ve seen this pattern from Dr. Ladapo that every few months he raises some new concern and it quickly gets debunked,” said Jha, who led the White House’s national coronavirus response team before calling it quits last year. “This idea of DNA fragments — it’s scientific nonsense. People who understand how these vaccines are made and administered understand that there is no risk here.”

The Food and Drug Administration echoed a homogeneous sentiment, saying the vaccine is “safe and effective.”

Christina Pushaw, a campaign official for Governor Ron DeSantis, begged to differ. She thanked Ladapo “for standing up for scientific integrity.” Pushaw gave her two cents on Twitter. “Grateful to live in a state where Big Pharma does not dictate health policy recommendations,” she wrote. Social media reaction was vicious. One commenter wrote, “Take it at your own risk.” Another person added, “Trusting the FDA, which is manned by rotating employees of Big Pharma, is like trusting the fox to guard the henhouse.”

In case you didn’t know, the COVID vaccine is not your traditional medicine like NyQuil.

It’s an ophidian, an invertebrate that swims through the body lookin’ for coronavirus.

If you recall, last month, scientists at the University of Cambridge’s Medical Research Council said 25 percent of people who took the COVID vaccine received the wrong worm which means adverse effects could ensue.

Do you agree with Dr. Ladapo’s recommendation to halt vaccinations?

Will the COVID vaccine corrupt our DNA?

Watch Dr. Ladapo keep it 💯.

Share your thoughts.

This Post Has 72 Comments

  1. No shit Sherlock ! With My high school education I had this entire crime against humanity figured out in two months, and I was not trying very hard, but I’m just a deplorable conspiracy theorist.

  2. whoooops !
    the guinea pigs were played
    the buyer remorse is endemic
    the doubling down is embarrassing
    S.A.D. but true.

  3. It is shocking that a State surgeon general, whose role is to inform the public, would instead spread disinformation like this. The Moderna and Biontech vaccines are extremely safe and very effective. Dr. Ladopo is truly an embarrassment to the physician community. My grandfather was a doctor and must be rolling over in his grave to hear such irresponsible speech from Dr. Ladopo!

  4. 420Gold: Why support this disinformation? There is no evidence there is any such risk from the mRNA vaccines, is there? If you believe there is, please point us to it.

  5. The Covid/crime against humanity completely changed my view of medicine/FDA and drove me to fire my doctor

  6. Welp yall got poisoned and you and your children and your children’s children

  7. FDA (Food Disease Mafia)
    CDC (Criminal Disease Center)

    All you suckers that gave in and took it good luck with that

  8. That’s why you don’t trust the 3 letter agencies. They’ve shown their hand to be untrustworthy! They tell us to believe the science but only the science they want to give you. Ignoring all the evidence and science. Glad we knew before this all went down. 😅

  9. Why is he saying this now? He couldve kept this sh*t to himself

  10. The vaccine also has thread worm eggs. People are dying of heart attacks bc of worms in bloodstream

  11. The fda said “we would like to be clear, the money Pfizer gave us helped us to determine the manufacturing and safety of the shots were met”.
    Why are people still getting these shots?

  12. The truth will come out eventually, of course they are going to downplay Covid 19 adverse side affects and the fact that it’s actually dangerous, I know 1 person who died literally weeks after taking 2nd dose and was perfectly healthy prior. Another person I know from blood clotting. Pfizer, Moderna, CDC 100% are all involved with covering up data 📉, you think after millions of people taking the Covid vaccine that they are going to admit that oh hey guys just fyi, if you took the Covid vaccine you might get cancer from it later but oh it outweighs the risk tho right well worth it? They don’t care as long as the shareholders are happy and everyone is making money 💰

  13. It’s time folks are told the truth about these vaccines. In fact, ALL Vaccines are suspect. Stop assuming that the Gov’ment has your best interest at heart. The CDC is a For Profit Corporation that has financial interest in the development of these vaccines. They represent the pharma industry that profits from illness. It’s the fox guarding the hen house.

  14. 8.1 billion world population. 6.9 million covid deaths. That 0.085% of the population……..

  15. But what IS the “benefit?” It doesn’t prevent the disease – doesn’t alleviate any symptoms or heal the disease it is supposed to prevent/ alleviate or heal…”studies….?” Healthy young athletes are dropping dead – literally – after vax…I submit the “studies” weren’t published faithfully – I suggest they KNEW it caused heart problems and covered up that fact to sell vaccines.

  16. Pure stupidity based on conspiracy theories rather than real science. His should lose his medical license.

  17. Too late. Those injected, have weakened immunity or destroyed immunity. Spike protein, like Mycoplasma can hide everywhere in the body. Spike protein burns out the immune system. Mycoplasma mimics multiple diseases. Graphite causes multiple health problems and can even cause death. Read Pfizer vaccine data, released by court order. Since they were not going to volunteer it to the public.

  18. All you people that think its safe keep taking your jabs and leave the people who don’t believe it’s safe alone !

  19. This is ABSOLUTE bs reporting. There is no evidence to prove his claim.

  20. No one should get this vaccine. There are many people with sickness due to the vaccine that don’t get acknowledged or reported!

  21. i know so many older folks that got cancer real quick and died fast, others had heart attacks and blood clots out of no where and were healthy before the vax. My x threw up coffee ground looking blood and then had a brain surgery for water backing up and now jerks when he is just standing, its not good. I could go on and on but why bother

  22. There are absolutely no research showing the vaccines causes cancer or increases risk of cancer. It’s complete bullshit. It has been a baseless claim before the vaccines were even rolled out.

  23. To be honest, those that I know who got vaccinated have mild symptoms and those who didn’t; are either dead or had bad symptoms. Pick your poison…

  24. Trust me, the regular American citizen already had very little trust in the medical community.

  25. I don’t feel sorry for anyone that gets vaxxed.

    Learn what natural immunity is. Learn the importance of good gut bacteria balance.

    Learn how the immune system is in the gut..
    Learn about bacterial overgrowth and how more people are dying because of big pharma and hospitals

  26. Great. Conspiracy theorists are now government.

    Only in Florida.

  27. Well, I think we’ve all learned that this current Government cannot be trusted for sh*t 💩

  28. Bull, crap all of Companies, including, Moderna. All they want is money. Please please do not take the Covid shot. It’s a bunch of bull. It’s a bunch of bull don’t do it look at how many people have gotten strange mysterious, sicknesses and death since we’ve had that freaking shot stop it wake up

  29. So….what was that about the unvaccinated………….
    I’ll wait.

  30. “Dr.” Joseph Ladapo is an idiot. Those that follow him risk being the same.

  31. Wife has received every booster doses of Pfizer vaccine every recommended periods, she now has breast cancer at age of 38. She didnt drink or smoke, always live with healthy diet and life before. We were suspicious of the vaccine and now we hear this… So many young patients turning up at the hospital these days for cancer. I was thinking no one is going to speak up as its highly political. Kudos for Surgeon General for speaking up and doing the right thing. Hope we can get a class action started for this horrible experience she has to go through.

  32. What’s next, outlawing the flu shot???The FDA approves that vaccine too !!

  33. the FDA approved spraying bacteriophages on all ready to eat meat products in the united states and have been doing it since 2006 without labeling the phage preparations on the nutrition facts or ingredients lists. The reason they approved the use of these products is because the manufacturer of the phage preparation petitioned them to do so. How many studies have been done on the long term use of bacteriophages in ready to eat meats? How does this affect the gut microbiome? What is the reasoning for not including it in the ingredients list?

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