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Black Karen ransacks gas station & steals cigarettes

La Shaunda Johnson lost her damn mind/YouTube

Black Karen damages store. 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

COLUMBIA — A viral video shows corpulent redbone La Shaunda Angeline Johnson ransacking a convenience store in Columbia, Missouri. The ravaging ordeal transpired around 7:45 a.m. on November 28, 2023 at the Eagle Stop Gas Station. It was also captured on video. Surveillance footage shows the 31-year-old vandal knocking items off the counter, smashing windows, and pushing over shelves — causing thousands of dollars in damage. “You harassed me!” screamed a lachrymose La Shaunda. “I’m not the f*cking one!” A store clerk told police La Shaunda was asked to leave as soon as she entered the store because she was kicked out in June for trespassing. La Shaunda then went behind the counter and purloined two packs of cigarettes before destroying everything in sight. A Good Samaritan pulled into the parking lot and saw La Shaunda leaving in a white Chevy truck. He followed her while talking to police.

Officers showed up at La Shaunda’s residence moments later and put her in handcuffs. She was arrested and charged with first-degree property damage, misdemeanor stealing and first-degree trespassing. Social media reaction was wild. One commenter wrote, “Good thing she didn’t have a gun.” Another person added, “A black Karen is like a finding a unicorn 🦄 eating in a field of four-leaf clovers🍀🍀🍀😂.” The probable cause statement said La Shaunda is responsible for $26,500 in damages.

Here’s the breakdown:

Damaged cash register: $1,500
Broken liquor bottles: $3,000
Two damaged drink machines: $20,000
Damaged merchandise: $2,000

Watch La Shaunda go on a rampage.

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This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. People of color can never be a Karen because people of color are not entitled or feel privileged!! This is a person with mental issues.

  2. She just needed some good TLC, and love-making prior, and then she wouldn’t have gone on a rampage, in that store.❤😘
    Take care of your woman.👍

  3. Maybe she didn’t have any smokes….and was feeling the withdrawals. I’m only going on the fact that she took a couple of packet of cigarettes and nothing else 🙄

  4. There’s something wrong with her and y’all making fun of her. Karens are people too.

  5. Good thing ultra-Karen didn’t bring her other sista karens fr the hood with her. They would’ve trashed the entire shop, took all the liquor and cigarettes, then burned the shop…

  6. I just don’t understand why people just stand there a watch without doing anything… SMH

  7. Some will say earthquakes or tornadoes, but the most destructive force on earth is actually an agitated black woman.

  8. I just keep feeling bad for the poor store clerk who had to clean it up and the workers who lost pay if the store had to close.

  9. People doing sh*t like this so recklessly to other peoples’ property because of their own problems infuriates the hell out of me. Disgusting!

  10. The “Karen” term is a name that does not explain inappropriate ill intent of white women. The name is possessed by many other races of women. I am sure you all know someone whose name is actually Karen. To use another person’s name is disrespectful when speaking of someone foul. Then call out the foul acting individuals as to what they really are. Not use someone else’s name! What does it say about you?

  11. “what you mean the food stamp reader is down!!! ” im hungrey!!!!!

  12. Well thats ONE reason why we’re thankful to have online shopping at home rather than to be out in public dealing with crazy idiots or mentally ill people out in society. Its one way or another why people act like that . One more thing if shes like that occasionally I couldnt even imagine being at walmart or shopping at the mall on black friday or during the holidays around christmas time …….

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