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Wichita State student was strangled by jealous lover

Zaiylah was strangled to death/Leah Gordone

Wichita State student strangled. 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

WICHITA — “If I can’t have you, no one can.” Alexander Lewis, 22, was thrown in the slammer after he asphyxiated his gravid girlfriend, Wichita State University student Zaiylah Bronson, because she broke up with him. The femicide transpired at Zaiylah’s off-campus apartment on August 26, 2023 in Wichita, Kansas. According to police reports, Zaiylah — a  victim of domestic violence — told Alex she was sick and tired of being his punching bag and she wanted out of the relationship. A bout of contretemps ensued. As the quarrel intensified, Alex strangled Zaiylah with his bare hands then dumped her lifeless body into the trunk of his car. His mother descried the cadaver and called police. Surveillance footage also shows Alex carrying Zaiylah’s blanket-wrapped corpse with her feet dangling out to his vehicle before driving off.

The simp was arrested and charged with capital murder.

Investigators later learned Alex planned Zaiylah’s quietus. He Googled “snapping necks” a day prior for information regarding “stun guns, lethal weapons, and weapons that can kill.” Detectives also found duct tape, bottled water, clothes, flashlights, trash bags and towels in Alex’s backpack. “I got scared. I was over at her place; I didn’t know what to do,” he told interrogators.

Alex said Zaiylah broke up with him then spent time talking “on the phone with another male.”

So he grabbed her around the neck and squeezed “until she stopped moving.”

Zaiylah, 19, lived just outside Kansas City before attending Wichita State on scholarship.

She was a track & field star with aspirations of becoming a math teacher.

She was also 16 weeks preggo.

“She had just found out that she was having a boy,” Taronza Bronson, Zaiylah’s mom, told reporters.

Scuttlebutt has it Alex served in the United States Air Force.

Zaiylah’s family had no idea she was a victim of domestic violence.

Babygirl hid it well.

The Wichita Family Crisis Center reported a 60 percent increase in women seeking shelter from abusers over the past year.


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This Post Has 38 Comments

  1. why are these 20yr old guys always looking like they’ve lived at least 50yrs???? 😮 sheesh

  2. Just stop dealing with men. They’re dangerous. I hate to say it, especially black men

  3. But what was he doing for her to find interest in other men and she was pregnant by him.

  4. It is ALARMING so many grave yards filled with young women and ladies murdered by some man they were in relationships with. Beyond sick. DEMONIC

  5. I don’t understand why some guys can’t take no for an answer. There should be a special sentencing set aside for guys like this.

  6. most military men and ex cons are CRAZY!!! ladies please get some LIFE insurance !!!

  7. Ladies date within your standards…never lower them so jealousy can’t survive. Find someone of equal value so you can uplift each other. This young lady had so many wonderful things going for herself in a years time she excelled past him. Rest easy with the most high 🙏🏽 Angel

  8. dont nobody gettin they ass whooped need to be told they are…THEY NEED TO LEAVE and stop giving excuses!

  9. As a combat veteran, the best advice i could give young women would be to stay as far away from active duty military guys and cops. The domestic violence stats in cops specifically is insane.

  10. These women play to many games and that’s why the men are killing them.

  11. He looks demonic to me the look in his eyes is frightening.He looks like he i s a sicc muthafucca.

  12. I just don’t understand why women stay with these weak ass men when they know all they hit and argue with is women

  13. the real question needs to be… why was she pregnant as a teenager? 🤔🤔

  14. When will these black women learn! Smh one of so many stories like this! RIP to her! BLM only matter when bandits get k!lled by the police. They can unalive us and our children no second thought! Go figure

  15. @Nicole: Not just women of color, but girls and women are murdered at the hands of their significant other at a rate of 3.1 per day in the US.

  16. She found herself a new man and was about to sue for child support. Dude snapped.

  17. He absolutely 100% planned this. The tools in his trunk are indicative of a murder kit. IDK if his conscience hit or his mother’s threats made him confess, but at least he did so this family can have closure.

  18. Sorry to say! But young Women play too many games with their Life. Stop playing with these weak minded Boys..why provoke a reaction from him you can’t handle. Walk away if you feel threatened and don’t provoke the situation.

  19. @Stephen Oconnell: you are gross. No one deserves to be murdered. She was 19, and never even got to experience her life. Go touch some grass.


  21. So sad! In spite of all her many good qualities, she showed an appalling immaturity, trying to start a new new relationship while pregnant And his immature jealousy proved to be his undoing

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