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Foreplay 101: Olivia thinks kissing women imperative

Olivia explains art of intimate touch/YouTube

Olivia says kissing necessary. 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

SEATTLE — A viral video shows “Blueprint” author Olivia Alexa schoolin’ dudes on how to get a woman sexually aroused with a simple touch. Flowers and candy are nice. But, to wax that ass, fellas gotta learn to use their hands. “Physical touch is not just about getting closer,” Olivia said. “It’s a direct line to creating desire. The reality is a man’s hands hold immense power to turning a woman on. Yet, a lot of men aren’t well versed in the art of physical touch.” That’s a huge problem because, nowadays, foreplay is a prerequisite for copulation. Liquor can only do so much. To make a woman’s panties wet, timely caresses are imperative. “According to a study in the journal of sex and marital therapy, over 78 percent of women don’t reach climax through sex alone,” Olivia said. “Why is this? It’s because they require more time to heat up. This is something that’s usually overlooked in rushed foreplay.”

Rather than practice romance tips descried in movies, Olivia believes our cynosure should be placed on a sextet of key body parts. They are: 1) Kissing her neck. 2) Kissing the inside of her thighs. 3) Kissing her lower back. 4) Running hands through her hair. 5) Caressing her hips. And, 6) Kissing her lips. A lot of women also require oral sex. “Kissing, in particular, evokes intimacy and emotional connection for her,” Olivia explained.

“Mastering the art of touch is an absolute gamechanger when it comes to igniting desire and forging that unbreakable connection because it will set you apart from other men. These major hotspots I’ve shared with you are like little secret switches that unlock the intensity you both create.”

Social media reaction was priceless.

One commenter wrote, “I can tell Olivia was getting excited just talking about this sh*t. So it has to work.” 

Another chimed in with, “If I HAVE to touch her in order for her to want me, she’s not WORTH MY TIME !!!” 

A third viewer added, “Men don’t care about all that touching sh*t. We just need a hole.” 

Are you an expert at gettin’ women horny?

Do you need a refresher course?

Watch Olivia teach Foreplay 101.

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This Post Has 37 Comments

  1. Yes ma’am 🎉❤👍🏾💯👑🌺🌹💜💛💥💥💥🔥

  2. Women are like waffle irons take awhile to heat up so take your time and don’t be in rush

  3. Olivia just broke that down so plain. Us men don’t have no excuse now 😂 .


  5. It’s like asking a fish how to catch fish….do not take advice from women about relationships ask the MAN that can get multiple women

  6. Only Gentlemen know this. Too bad pookie and Ray Ray (bad boys) don’t know this and Gentlemen I love to kiss and I never had a problem and I have been told I’m a good kisser.

    Just saying I’m a natural and I didn’t need anyone to teach me how to do it.😏

    Fire&Ice baby works every time.

  7. I tried all 6 at work on a woman. Now I’m out of a job , got arrested, need bail money and a good lawyer. Got no money because I tried to get the honey. Just kidding but this #metoo movement scares the hell out of me to try this on a woman.

  8. Inner thighs on a female , that’s why they were banned from bicycles and horse riding . As for a female’s lips ! Fellas a woman’s lips are a extension of her other lips , have her tilt her head sideways and look at her lips ” hint ” . I can talk to a female , look at her lips n know what’s her box like . Olivia has sexy smile

  9. Agree with everything except the hair 😂. Definitely going to run into tracks or a wig and I’m not hating at all 😂

  10. Now I’m patiently waiting for her to show how to make a female squirt wireless

  11. This seems more like for people in a relationship. The woman I am interested in has started touching me more on my arms but I haven’t touched her because I am not sure if she is just being friendly. Women can get away with touching a guy she sees only as a friend but if that guy touches her it can creep her out.

  12. How to make her have an orgasm.
    Keep putting 💰💰💰💰💰in front of her, the more she sees the harder she will 💦
    She might even 💨too…If your into that kind of thing😆

  13. I went down on my girl and saw that she clearly had an orgasm. She told me later on that I didn’t go down on her well. She waited two minutes and then said she was playing. She just wanted to hurt my pride in order to have the ability to mentally control me. This is just one of the many witchcraft tactics these demons are using.

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