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Pookie set his wife on fire ’cause she wanted divorce

Henry set Luevenia on fire/Viral Crimes

Pookie sets wife on fire. 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

CHICAGO — The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. Henry Taylor, 31, was thrown in the slammer after he set his wife, 35-year-old Luevenia Gardner, on fire because she wanted a divorce. The fiery ordeal transpired around 1:30 a.m. on April 16, 2021 at their home in Chicago, Illinois. According to police reports, Luevenia — a victim of domestic violence — told Henry she was sick and tired of being his punching bag and she wanted to egress the marriage. A bout of contretemps ensued. As the quarrel intensified, Henry doused Luevenia with lighter fluid and set her ablaze. The distraught redbone removed her burning clothes and jumped in the shower to extinguish the flames. Then she ran two blocks to the neighborhood fire station to be succored. Firefighters noticed Luevenia suffered second and third-degree burns to more than 70 percent of her body. Her skin had melted over her fingernails and the plastic in her hair extensions fused her epidermis.

It was one of the most horrific scenes ever.

Luevenia told investigators she knew Henry would try to kill her and that she “should have left him a long time ago.” Then she asked if she was going to die. Luevenia was transported via ambulance to Trinity Hospital where she passed away roughly a month later on May 21st. A warrant was issued and Henry turned himself in. The simp was arrested and charged with first-degree murder.

During a videotaped interrogation, Henry admitted he sprayed Luevenia with lighter fluid and flicked a lighter at her.

Then he stood and watched as her body was engulfed in flames.

Evil bastard.

That being said, the scorching shouldn’t have happened in the first place because there were red flags galore.

Prior to the femicide, Henry and Luevenia got into an argument on Facebook Live.

He said he didn’t care about going back to jail before threatening to set one of her friends on fire.

To compound matters, Henry is a feminine beta male with a rap sheet comparable to Charles Manson’s.

Yet, Luevenia married him anyway.

Ladies, choose better.

Watch the disturbing documentary.

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This Post Has 38 Comments


  2. A relationship based on sex first, aint always a good one. Sure, the sex might be great, but what kind of person are they?

  3. You can tell he hated her, and she sat on live laughing thinking it was funny🤦🏽‍♀️


  5. I’ve become numb to these stories, these women know they are dealing with dust and still try to be boastful about their KANGZ

  6. She married her enemy and kept antagonizing him. She missed the red flags.

  7. People really need to stop putting their business on the internet. Y’all having dinner and a discussion….wtf

  8. Man, I’m sorry, but her vows were giving serious doormat vibes. Don’t ever stoop to that level, else they won’t respect you.

  9. The same could have happened to me. My husband told me that he was going to set me on fire and watch me burn. I left and never looked back.

  10. Her vows were a red flag. If you read between the lines you can get a sense that this was a toxic relationship and she was bending over backwards to accommodate him. You can also tell that he doesn’t give af.

  11. She was afraid on that live. I think she was on live for her own safety.

  12. Little scary ass you can see the coward in him, im sure he is somebody’s lil bitch in jail, prayers and condolences to her family 🙏

  13. There entire interaction on that live was dysfuctional from both sides. She was disrespectful to him amd he was disrespectful to her. Just sad😢

  14. He said he was going to set her friends head on fire 👀 That was a sign. Must be obsessed with fire.

  15. Ladies:

    If you want to have a wedding… just put on a dress and throw a party and marry yourself. These guys just aren’t worth it.

  16. Why would she get with a known criminal, then have a mach wedding outta no where like that? None of that makes any sense

  17. Before you waste your time with clowns, you better have a prayer life and tell God , if he is not for me block it right now! Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt, ‘ohh it must be the devil blocking it or trying to keep him away from me, please, if its meant to be it will, stop being desperate for a man ladies just to have a title, its to many red flags, the universe will not make you comfortable in a relationship that is not for you, the universe will cause chaos and sleepless nights, I have been down that road of not listening, I look back now and take those lessons with me and learn from them, I dont care if they are fine as hell with no cock or with a cock, you better RUN! Just to add< I wont be surprise if he was on the DOWN LOW!

  18. The way he grabs her neck in most of her photos. He saying her moms has a potato butt that he will eat? He will get her pregnant? She giggling about nothing funny. So sad.

  19. This is really sad. He was not having a normal conversation. His deranged mental status was showing and she missed it.

  20. Look how he’s talking mess while eating the crab legs she bought him too smh. Straight using her.

  21. how you marry a man wearing a black and yellow sweatsuit with bright red/orange sneakers?!?!

  22. I heard so many red flags but that comment about my mom woulda been a dub.

  23. He had a husband in prison. That’s all he talked about, was going back to prison.

  24. He was saying these dark evil and dangerous things and she was laughing it off with him.

  25. Their relationship was based on sex first of all, not love. He’s narcissistic and arrogant. She shouldn’t have married him. Period. A violent man who is disrespectful and says flippant remarks about setting someone on fire and doesn’t care shouldn’t be out on the streets. He should not be let out of jail ever again!! No woman should pay with her life to be with a man. So very sad. RIP dear sister, you didn’t deserve to die like that and be disrespected either. 😔

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