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Frenemy kills BFF after she received attention at party

Frenemy kills BFF over dudes.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
MIAMI — Here’s another reason to stay away from frenemies. Natalia Harrell, 24, was thrown in the slammer after she murdered her best friend, 28-year-old Gladys Yvette Borcela, because she garnered too much male attention. The homicide transpired on July 23, 2022 in Miami, Florida. It was also captured on video. According to police reports, Natalia was partying at a nightclub when a group of fellas asked her to invite some of her sexy friends. Natalia called Gladys and asked her to come. Everything went great until Gladys started dancing, capturing the men’s undivided attention. Babygirl twerked on their phalluses as they groped her in response. Gladys partied her ass off. She didn’t give a f*ck. A pissed-off Natalia called an Uber and she, Gladys and a few others got inside. While sedentary in the backseat, Natalia and Gladys had contretemps. As the argument intensified, Natalia yelled, “You don’t want this! You don’t want me to go in my purse!” Seconds later, she pulled out her gun and opened fire — striking Gladys in the head. The voluptuous redbone was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead.
Natalia, who was 6 weeks preggo, fled the scene. But she was later arrested and charged with second-degree murder. They should’ve charged her ass with child abuse too. Natalia knew damn well she was gravid before the spat began. Social media reaction was fierce. One commenter wrote, “First things first. Why are you pregnant in a club? And, second, why are you jealous over your friend getting more attention? You have a whole baby daddy. She should’ve been home thinking about baby names.”
Another chimed in with, “Wow! She invited her friend and turned jealous of the attention she was getting? This is why I don’t have female friends.”
A third person added, “She should’ve invited one of her ugly friends.” ️
Gladys, a single mom of three, was a OnlyFans model who moonlighted as an exotic dancer.
After committing murder, Natalia searched for her cell phone as everyone else climbed over Gladys’ dead body.
Ain’t that a bitch?
Watch the explosive documentary, which includes footage of the altercation.
Share your thoughts.
These days that word we use called “friends” don’t exist. You can have somebody as your friend deep down inside them they envy you. They jealous of you. Be careful with your so called friends. Envy is real.
Typical black women smh I’m not surprised
I feel like not enough people pay attention to how their friends move or are some of the things that their friends say. Because I have people tell me stories about how them and their friends interact and it’s like that person is not your friend should not be in competition with you unless it is a friendly competition if your friend seems like they are in competition with you that is not your friend get away from that person that person is envious. I almost dropped my best friend for some stuff that he used to say but I know he’s a very pessimistic person so I know he’s not doing it like directly towards me he’s just pessimistic if I tell him good news he’ll immediately make it negative depending on what it is but he doesn’t do that with everythin
Know your place and who you are with! What does a 28yo mother of 3 have in common with a 24yo woman? Not a damn thang! Now, those three kids are without their mother! Over some petty jealousy??? WOW! WHY? The victim should have been home playing mommy! Not that she did not deserve a time out on the town? But, you are a mature young mother!
Unfortunately this is what its about most of the time. The chicks who can’t be the center of attention will turn on you.
A black women is extremely jealous of white women latinas but will go to the beauty supply to look exactly like them
A woMan who has to put all kinds of makeup on herself to look good. Hates any person with natural beauty. And a person who doesn’t have to put on all the extra, Weave, nails, wigs.fake boobs and ass. Because they have to wake up every single morning and look at themselves without it. And they hate what they see. Because society has deemed naturally being yourself as not good enough.what a shame that tv and movies, magazines call them not worthy of attention.
Boy I’ll tell you. B people ain’t crap. She shoots her supposedly friend. Every idiot in that car, climbed over the shot girls body. And as usual, the first thing comes out of her mouth is, Where is my Phone! Yo Phone! You just killed somebody. And all you can say is Where’s my phone. WOW!
Take her away from kid just like she took her away over some dumb shit
Lock her up and the baby,, she took a life, cause she was jealous of the victim cause her baby daddy was fitting with Gladys. I hope she burns in hell
This is one of the reasons why I’m not woman friendly
Friend or not Jealousy will make a mfcka do anything to you. Her friend was jealous
Bro it’s the jealousy most of these Darkskin girls be having️
My beautiful women….When you are a confident and beautiful woman, handling business, minding your business, loved by many, have no problem attracting the opposite sex (honestly, both sometimes), making your own money and you take the time to care for yourself… QUIT THINKING you’re going to be able to be around ah ashy ankle, old glue on the lace front, dusty back, envious female and enjoy yourself. Those women that choose to harbor that blackness within them will NEVER be able to stand a woman that knows who she is. Quit allowing them to provoke you into their insecurities. ESPECIALLY when men around. They sho gone act a fool then…smh.
Black women are dangerous
What a evil woman to take this woman away from her babies. You can tell her ugly ass was so jealous of her!
I see a lot a people saying that she was jealous of her friend for a long time and it all just boiled over when she shot her but the truth is that she had just met the girl she shot that night and only knew her through a mutual friend. I think it makes it worse the fact you can meet someone and then shoot them only a few hours after meeting them, what a monster she is.
Video footage showed Gladys hit Natalia first. Natalia is pregnant and stated she feared for the safety of her baby, which was why she shot.
Envy is such a horrible emotion. This woman shot her because she was jealous of her and it is a damn shame!! She was deeply bothered by this young lady for her to take an argument this far. I hope she gets everything that she deserves for this!! RIP to this beautiful young woman. I wish peace and blessing to her children and family.
Pure JEALOUSY.. what friend gets mad because you were dancing at a club? Sounds ludicrous to me! I hope she feels like a complete idiot. She took a whole human life because she didn’t love or value herself enough. That was nothing but pure Envy. I hope this beautiful mother of three rests forever in peace.
You really gotta be careful who you call your “friend.” Mfs will be smiling in your face everyday and literally hate everything about you! A fake friend is the scariest thing in the world. That jealousy and envy leads people to kill. It’s crazy! I mean, you don’t fully know anybody but don’t ignore the red flags about people. Trust me they are always there. Growing up mama always said “Everybody ain’t your friend.” Now as an adult, I completely understand it. Damn. RIP!
Ahhh now I see why men change into woman lol
That woman been hated her. Ain’t no way an argument went that far. My friends have been belligerent, drunk and it never dawned on me to fight/shoot them. This was premeditated and she deserves first degree charges.
“They smile in your face all the time they want to take your place… backstabbers.”
Jealous heffa
My beautiful women….When you are a confident and beautiful woman, handling business, minding your business, loved by many, have no problem attracting the opposite sex (honestly, both sometimes), making your own money and you take the time to care for yourself… QUIT THINKING you’re going to be able to be around ah ashy ankle, old glue on the lace front, dusty back, envious female and enjoy yourself. Those women that choose to harbor that blackness within them will NEVER be able to stand a woman that knows who she is. Quit allowing them to provoke you into their insecurities. ESPECIALLY when men around. They sho gone act a fool then…smh.
May this beautiful soul RIP…
Pretty light skinned chick was getting more attention than the dusty and she being the breed she is couldn’t handle it. Those things would do this to any chick they see if they could get a way with it or had a weapon. You will never see me hanging around anything that looks like that. Rip Gladys.
no argument would ever make me want to shoot my friend! Lord this woman was jealous! I pray for the family and the Uber driver! This had to be traumatizing .
I’m confused there must be more to the story I mean why was she mad about her drinking and dancing that’s wtf people do at the club SMFH
That woman was jealous of the victim and been waiting on a reason to hurt her. No damn way you are mad at someone dancing and drinking at a damn bar. Wonder if one of the men she liked, wanted the victim. Rip to the victim this was senseless. Three children without their mother for nothing! I hope this woman suffers every day in jail.
Jealousy kills again, never ending cycle until the return of the CHRIST.
Stop ignoring the red flags people! So thirsty to party and have friends you allow anyone around ignoring the obvious signs they not really your friend.
The driver stopped immediately after the shooting and all passengers got out and fled. They left her to die alone. That is cold blooded.
Don’t continue to ignore jealousy from someone who calls themself your friend. I don’t play that. The jealous ones always wanna cling to you and they mean you absolutely no good. Do not allow them in your space period!