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Hereford House employee urinated on people’s food

Jace did the unfathomable.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
LEAWOOD — Here’s another reason to start cooking at home: Jace Christian Hanson, a former Hereford House employee, was thrown in the slammer after he disseminated a series of disturbing videos that show him doing sickening things to people’s food. The nauseating ordeal transpired at the steakhouse in Leawood, Kansas. Raw footage shows Jace, 21, stepping on customers’ entrées with his bare feet and rubbing his phallus on their meals before ejaculating his “secret sauce.” He also spit on their food, defecated in their comestibles, and urinated in their beverages. Jace guffawed throughout the process. He thought the sh*t was funny. More than 300 customers contacted the Leawood Police Department after finishing their meals. Many of ’em got sick. FBI agents traced the IP addresses of the videos that led to Jace’s cell phone. The nasty bastard was arrested and charged with felony food contamination. He’ll never work in foodservice again. The good news is Jace tested negative for infectious diseases.
That means there’s no ongoing risk to customers who ingested his germs.
When asked why he pissed in people’s entrées, Jace said he hated his job.
It made him feel better knowing he took a sh*t in everybody’s dinner.
Social media reaction was wild. One commenter wrote, “Damn, his antics give a whole new meaning to ‘secret sauce.'” Another chimed in with, “Been happening for generations. That’s why I eat at home.” A third person added, “He’s gonna get a job in jail as head cook.” Sadly, Jace ain’t the only restaurant employee f*ckin’ wit’ people’s food. It happens all the time… in every city.
I remember as a teen working at Sonic Drive-In, my boy Nate routinely expectorated in people’s sandwiches.
I couldn’t snitch on him because he would’ve lost his job, confronted me, and I would’ve whooped his ass.
I just figured it wasn’t worth it.
The world is sick.
Might be time to start dining at home.
Watch the alarming reports.
Share your thoughts.
I’m glad this SOB got arrested !
Fucker will probably get off with probation!
I bet their business has gone to hell hahaha😂😂😂😂
the chocolate lava cake had a slight sulphur aftertaste
All restaurants & coffee shops should be outlawed…. I stopped dining out decades ago for this reason …. never know who is working there or what they are doing to your food….
I bet he is a Vegan
The company isn’t worried about the guy spitting on the food, they are worried about people seeing a video of it.
Wtf is wrong with people?
This happens way more than the general public realizes.
Tampering with food, to make folks sick, charge him with assault and or attempted murder. Stick this sick f*** in prison.
this is why you eat out of your own fridge. no wokies makin my food.
Everyone who doesn’t tip…you get spit all the time
Fuck the Hereford House, and fuck that dude
Ewww so fucking disgusting. Omg 😢😢😟😟
I’m 55 and worked with a guy briefly at Shoney’s when I was 23-24 and he told me that during his past employment with KFC he would spit in the food and he also did at Shoney’s! I also knew another guy that worked at Pizza Hut as a delivery driver and he kept a list of non-tippers and would spit on their pizza on future deliveries! It’s absolutely disgusting and appalling what goes on when other people handle your food.
Can’t trust chicken skins with shit
Like to be rude to servers ? You’d be surprised to find what’s in your food
I’ve been to Kansas, I bet a LOT of y’all’s food gets spat in. Y’all some RUDE assholes ️
This is exactly why I DONT eat out anymore. I’ve seen what ppl do to food. Just cos they don’t like the way you look, your skin color. Ppl are disgusting.
W H I T E !!!!!!
I knew it
Reminds me of Minny’s chocolate pie in “The Help”
In addition to the criminal charges, Hereford House should sue him for revenue losses.
White people are disgusting.