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Inside the Industry: Prince married adopted daughter

Prince & Mayte had a strange marriage/YouTube

Prince was girly, yet masculine.

Blog King, Mass Appeal

MINNEAPOLIS — “Inside the Industry” released the explosive chronicle of Prince’s ex-wife, Mayte Garcia, who dropped bombshells about their marriage in her memoir “The Most Beautiful: My Life With Prince.” The publication reveals intimate details about how she became Prince’s adopted daughter, the night he took her virginity, and why he tried to conceal their son’s death. Mayte was only 16 and living in Germany when her mother sent Prince, then 32, a video of her belly dancing. The “Purple Rain” star invited her backstage for one of his concerts, telling her, “I like your tape.” Mayte said Prince was standing outside his dressing room, shaking a maraca. Even though he wore eyeliner, heels and women’s perfume, Mayte felt Prince exuded virility. He was certainly nobody’s bitch. A year later, Prince adopted Mayte and cohabitation ensued at his Paisley Park estate in Minnesota.

Yep, he became Mayte’s legal guardian (with her parents’ permission, of course).

Mayte would go on to dance professionally, and she became the star of Prince’s 1992 “Diamonds & Pearls Tour.” That same year, Mayte inspired Prince’s nameless (symbol) album. Then, three years later, Prince wrote the hit song “The Most Beautiful Girl in the World” for Mayte. Love was definitely in the air. Wedding bells rung loud. Prince and Mayte got hitched on Valentine’s Day in 1996.

Eight months later, she gave accouchement to their son — Amiir Gregory Nelson (Amiir means Prince in Arabic).

But, when nurses held him up, all hell broke loose.

“The elation on my husband’s face turned to pure terror,” Mayte recalled.

“Why is he not crying?” Prince bemoaned.

Turns out, Amiir was born with Pfeiffer Syndrome Type 2 — which means he had a cloverleaf-shaped head due to extensive skull bone fusion. His hands and feet were webbed. He didn’t have an anus. And, his eyes — formed outside their sockets — were lidless.

The kid resembled an alien.

It was a damn nightmare.

“They brought the baby over to us,” Mayte recounted.

“He was curled on his side, gasping shallow little gulps of air. Because there were no lids to blink, his eyes looked startled and dry. I caught hold of his tiny hand, saying over and over, ‘Mama loves you, Mama’s here.’ After six days, he was struggling to breathe. And I said to the doctor, ‘He’s not leaving here, is he?’”

Sadly, the answer was “yes.”

Amiir died that same day.

Prince was devastated.

“I don’t think he ever got over it,” Mayte said.

“I don’t know how anybody can get over it. I know I haven’t.”

Prince determined he could never have a baby with Mayte.

She bled throughout the pregnancy, and her ultrasound images looked terrible.

So Prince divorced Mayte in 2000 and had every memory of her and Amiir burned.

It’s as if they never existed.

A depressed Mayte blamed herself before contemplating suicide.

But the affection of her dog, Mia, obstructed it.

Prince died in 2016 after overdosing on fake Vicodin laced with fentanyl.

He was 57.

Watch the documentary.

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This Post Has 64 Comments

  1. A 32 year old man looking at a 16 year old girl thinking she’s his wife is weird. Honestly their union was odd. He groomed her.

  2. Prince was enormously talented but also very weird and deeply embedded in the occult.

    One common thing all the women in his life including his sister from childhood have said was he was extremely controlling, extremely cheap with pay (even though he complained bitterly about not getting paid enough by record companies that paid him lavishly compared to the poverty level pay checks he paid his women), was very punitive when it came to perfection in work, and insistent on women not gaining weight.

    He was described as fascinating and mesmerizing but never kind and gentle.

  3. Parents offering up their children to these artists she got Elvis Presley’d.

  4. Even though I love Prince as an artist myself: Just because he radiated femininity doesn’t mean he respected femininity. I feel like he groomed her, locked her in a cage, controlled her every move and then discarded her when she needed his support the most. To suffer the trauma of growing into adulthood like this, the trauma of the loss of two babies and then be blamed and discarded for the whole ordeal is just heartbreaking. It’s giving medieval, literally the life of a woman married to a prince. I wish her all the healing, I hope she finds peace and purpose. ❤

  5. kind of sounds like Prince copied Elvis’ grooming/controlling behavior of his women

  6. Picture this, please.
    Mayte Mom: I have a young daughter. I know you will like her. I know she will be your type. She is quite beautiful.
    Prince: Let me see her.
    Mayte Mom: Daughter, come here.
    Mayte approaches. Prince sees her. Likes her to her mom’s expectations.
    Mayte Mom: See, I knew you would like her.
    Prince nodding in agreement.

    Fast forward, marriage ending in divorce. Mayte interviews and ending up on reality shows and discussing her then marriage to Prince decades later while Mom is waiting her segment to tell her side of the story to include why she hates a certain set of dishes given to Mayte as part of the…..divorce?!

  7. As much as I love and respect Prince as an artist he was an awful partner. Here is Mayte years later, struggling with a chronic disease that can shorten her life and reduce the quality of it, and she still downplays the way he treated her. It’s a typical reaction to being groomed and abused as a young woman, so sad. All that stress that she went through and manipulation by a master narcissist takes a toll on one’s health. And the way he abandoned her after all she went through as a woman. I’ll always have a stomach ache when I think of Prince as a person.

  8. I can’t believe that Prince, a grown ass man, would ask a 16 year old girl for her number. smh

  9. They must think we crazy to think we believe Prince waited until she was 18 to hit . He was grooming her from the start . The parents also allowed it because they saw dollar signs .

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