Dr. Umar Johnson has HBCU students chanting "Black queens forever! Snow bunnies never!" @sammy.foe Dr.…
Horny cop tried to have sex with curvy female ‘suspect’

Horny cop busted chasing sex.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
SAN DIEGO — This week’s “I F*cked Up A Good Job Award” goes to quondam police officer Anthony “Pubic” Hair who was forced to resign after leaked bodycam footage showed him trying to copulate with a female detainee in his squad car… while she was handcuffed. The mortifying ordeal transpired around 2 a.m. on August 15, 2023 in San Diego, California. The video shows a horny Anthony in the backseat with a beddable vixen accused of auto theft. Can’t lie. Babygirl was sexy as hell. She has a fat ass, big titties, and she wore a seductive red frock. But, in lieu of gettin’ arrested, the lecherous damsel offered vulva and Anthony gladly accepted. “I’m down to f*ck right now,” she told him. “Don’t say that right now because everything is being recorded,” he replied. Seconds later, Anthony drove to a remote area. Then he turned off his bodycam, and tried to wax that ass. When the Police Chief asked him to elucidate why his camera was off, Anthony lied — saying the suspect knocked it off while suffering a medical emergency.
To compound matters, babygirl ratted him out — telling investigators Anthony asked for her phone number. “He wanted to get with me when I was done with the warrant or whatever I got arrested for,” she said. Anthony was forced to resign shortly thereafter. What’s my take? Yours truly once worked for the police department. But too many hours and forced overtime led to my resignation.
The streets ain’t no joke.
Cops get proffered all kinds of bribes, everything from vagina to currency.
But, as men, it’s imperative we have discipline.
Here’s my top 3 priorities:
1) Spiritual relationship with the heavenly father. We’re talkin’ mind, body and soul. We’re all sinners. We’ll never be perfect. But I believe Jesus died for my sins. So as long as I maintain that mindset in conjunction with staying healthy, I’m fine. Plus, Revelation 1:14-15 says I bear a close resemblance to the messiah. So, as long as I don’t f*ck up too much, I’m in.
2) Métiers and ambition. Fellas, don’t let nothin’ jeopardize your cash. Many of us have been blessed with good jobs. Keep it that way.
3) Vulva, nooky and coochie. If you follow steps 1 and 2, you won’t have a problem procuring No. 3. I learned that a long time ago. In America, pussy comes and goes. That’s why the Passport Bros are traveling overseas to find wives. What we can’t do, however, is abandon our faith and f*ck up our mazuma. Some of us have a career. Many of us have achieved higher education. As much as I love sex, there ain’t a chance in hell I’m sacrificing all of that. Besides, you should only knock boots with women who share a homogeneous precedence. Blinded by derrière and embonpoint, Anthony failed to realize he was bartering with a criminal. Now, he’s in the history books along with Samson & Delilah. The Bible is satiated with insidious tales of popsies sabotaging puissant men. Hell, in yesterday’s blog, a black chick admitted women are naturally conniving. Anthony missed the memo.
Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids.
Watch Anthony try to get some ass.
Share your thoughts.
Goodbye Law Enforcement career… Hello Adult Film Porn acting.
“Don’t say that right now. Everything is being recorded”
This shit happens everyday with law enforcement. So sad for the good ones.
I’m really upset he was able to resign because he can still be a cop and do this professionally now he knows how to do it better like make sure there are no traces of his nastiness he could next time not ask for permission of the ladies are drunk and past out we don’t know that he hasn’t already done that I truly feel like the police made a big mistake letting him resign he broke every moral every rule every law but yet he was able to resign this bothers me to fullest and I support all good police and all the good cops in the world would never do this and fight so hard for good police and then you let worst perv cop get away with this NONSENSE NO Him getting away with this is you saying it’s okay I’m so mad. I’m not letting this go and the good cops should of never let it go either I’m so upset.
How about police should NEVER be able to turn off the camera?
After seeing this video – one can only say I hope he has one hell of a lawyer because the female in the back of the police car can accuse him for so many things since his camera was off – you have to arrest someone to get some punannie – Tijuana is just right down the street what an idiot! And we have police like this on the force everywhere in the world supposedly “protecting and serving” my goodness what a disgrace!
Isnt this rape if the woman is in state custody?
She set him up
He was just delivering some sausage
It took 10 minutes to ruin his life.
So this is America? We’re fucked
He did the nasty with her
lmao what other profession offers you a chance to quit instead of face consequences?
Guys, as we know from “The Rookie”, the bodycam even when off, keeps recording and goes back 2 minutes. We would have seen everything, and the Dept did too.
Another fine example of thinking with the WRONG HEAD! Dude threw away a career in law enforcement for that skank? Wow!
Not defending his actions. But to put it all on the guy is weird. She clearly tried egging him on. Did he “take advantage” if he tried to sway the conversation in another way before the chick prolly had her tits out or some shit because of the way he was acting before the camera was turned off. Its disgusting on both accounts. They both are in the wrong
Wow, you people sound like a bunch of a$$holes. Give this guy a break.
This is child’s play to what ive seen in the military
Ended his whole career for a woman.
Officer hair got himself into a very hairy situation!
Police should not have the ability to ever turn their body cameras off.
When he opened the door all i could smell was fish 🐟🐟🐠🐠🐡🐡🦈🦈
Protect and serve themselves as usual.
Chief: “deputy what were you doing back there with her?”
Officer: “i was giving her a breathalyzer test”
Lying mother effer
This better be featured in GTA6
Gave up his whole carreer for some stanky poonchy thats probably used up and STD
That disgraceful pig was doing the McNasty and got caught.
He just couldn’t resist those sparkly shorts.
Literally caught with his pants down…..how funny!
You know it smelled like rotten fish S$X once that responding officer opened the door for that nasty cop
She got charges & he got herpes.
I wonder how often this happens, and how many times this particular officer has done this before? Scary.
He put his job on the line for THAT?
I know it smelled in that car lol. Those windows are STEAMY.
He was on his lunch break, let the man eat😂