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Hulk Hogan fired a woman after findin’ out she’s black

Hulk Hogan under fire again.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
TAMPA — WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan (né Terry Eugene Bollea) is accused of racism after he jettisoned a woman from his payroll when he found out she’s black. The report says, “Hulk Hogan has been accused of firing an ambassador due to their ethnicity. Essence Jenai, an influencer, took to TikTok to reveal that Hogan paid her to be an ambassador for his ‘Real American Beer’ but fired her the next day after discovering she is black.” To compound matters, the Hulkster replaced the black beauty with other models who are Caucasian. Ain’t that a bitch? Essence disseminated a TikTok video to vent her exasperation with the caption: “Hulk Hogan, thanks for making it clear that you don’t work with BLACK brand ambassadors.” Social media reaction was Icy Hot. One commenter wrote, “Isn’t he allowed to choose whoever he wants? It’s his beer isn’t it?” Another chimed in with, “Newsflash, wrestlers are racist.” A third person added, “Ain’t no black people finna buy that trash-ass beer anyways.”
Sadly, this ain’t the first time the Hulkster delivered his best Ku Klux Klan impersonation. If you recall, in 2007, Hogan disapproved of his daughter f*cking a black man — then called him a “nigger.” The video surfaced in 2015. The Hulkster released a statement for damage control. “Eight years ago I used offensive language during a conversation,” he said. “It was unacceptable for me to have used that offensive language; there is no excuse for it; and I apologize for having done it.”
Scuttlebutt has it the daughter has eschewed giving up the ass to negroes ever since.
Are you disappointed in Hulk Hogan?
Will you buy his beer?
Watch Essence put him on blast.
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doesn’t surprise me…..guy’s a fool
First thing I thought when I read Hulk Hogan was… “👀racist ass hulk hogan?”
Baby, his washed up ass been racist that ain’t new
It’s not a total shock given his racial tendencies from the past getting kicked off WWE for things he said , and talking about his daughter dating a black guy. If that’s how It went down I think after whatever agency hired her then he met her and called back and said no, then they fired a few snow bunnies to replace her. But In any case who wants to buy this beer anyway nothing else he’s sold was all that good.
Not 1 blk.person BET NOT buy that damn beer. Let his racist people buy it.
I believe it…used to love the Hulkster as a kid …but as adult based in his actions in the media I’ve come to realize he ain’t for us
She got her American wake up call.😂😂😂 . What did she think would happen ?
If a Mexican started a beer brand, would you expect them to want us as their representatives? He did the right thing. Every race does for their own, but we indigenous people are ALWAYS looking for others exceptance. We quick to spend our money with other nations, yet they wouldn’t even hire us unless there is a quota to be met!!!
Damn hulk ️
Black Americans are the only group to expect other groups to help them, rather than looking into its’ own community for unity
It’s not discrimination. Real American Beer is not marketed for Blacks. Blacks will drink Old English, Colt 45, etc. but they won’t drink Real American beer. Did Harrison Ford cry racism when Colt 45 hired a black actor, Billy Dee Williams, to appear on Colt 45 commercials in the ’80s? Stop abusing the race card.
WE NEED TO REBUILD BLACK WALLSTREET…………..PEROID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He did nothing wrong!!!! People are allowed to have their preferences in life. You can’t take people’s freedom of choice away, if you don’t like liberty move to China or any Arab country.
Leave Hogan alone. My daughters are beautiful, light skin-did, and come from upper middle class parents. I tell them not to date you niggaz too.
Y’all don’t own anything! That’s why Hogan and all of these non Black business owners can do as they please when firing y’all. If Y’all owned something of any consequences you wouldn’t have to go begging these other groups for opportunities
The whole wrestling business racist af.
@CoachMitchell: We did own our own businesses until white mobsters ravaged our towns, burned down our stores, and destroyed our houses (See the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 – Black Wall Street). Black busineess outperformed white business and y’all got jealous. White people steal and kill. It’s in your DNA. The best inventors in the world are black. Do a Google search. Do your research.
I mean why would a sista be the face of a rebranded Busch anyway. She seems successful enough to just keep it pushing.
I have found the main White people who claim they’re not racist are typically the worst ones.
I personally think they all are. Just varying levels of it.
I prefer the ones who are upfront about it. You know to steer clear.
Dayyyyyyummmmm ! I know about that corny azz beer – but had no idea about this backstory! Wow! #wwe … what cha gunna do brother??? Lmfaoooo !
Imagine a white woman being the face of black beer.
I hopes she sues the shit outta Hulk Hogan and cleans that sob out!!!!
Hulk Hogan is a loser and a racist
Black chick promoting AMERICAN beer dont look right anyway..nothing is made for black so i wouldn’t fall for it..fuq hulk hogan tho
What’s sad is, i looked up to him growing up. Hogan’s probably glad Randy Savage,Ultimate Warrior is dead because those two guys would’ve exposed him!!!!
He grew up in the 60s or 70s what you expect
If you are pro black, don’t bitch and complain about someone being pro white.