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MGTOW: 63% of bachelors giving up on dating women

Men are done dating women.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
LOS ANGELES — Fellas, are you sick and tired of dating Western women? Are you a proud member of MGTOW and/or the Passport Bros? If so, you’re not alone. A viral video shows a sexually-frustrated coterie of lonely singles lambasting the U.S. dating scene. Many popsies are upset that men aren’t approaching ’em anymore whereas fellas believe modern chicks ain’t worth the hassle. Not to mention, a recent study from Pew Research Center shows more than 63 percent of eligible bachelors have given up on women completely. Instead, they’ve decided to masturbate in lieu of all things conjugal. “Guys have told women why we’re walking away. And, we’re walking away in droves and it’s only going to get worse,” said a MGTOW member. “There is absolutely no benefit anymore to being in a relationship with a woman. Especially when you consider the risk compared to any potential reward. Roughly 55 percent of marriages end in divorce and the guy loses everything. Add into it all the relationships where they weren’t married and the guy lost access to his kids and had to pay mountains of child support.”
“When you look at it, there’s less than a 1 in 4 chance of having a successful relationship,” the bachelor continued. “Would you risk everything you have? Would you risk your children and having access to them, knowing you only had a 25 percent chance of success? Add to it, the expectations that today’s women have are beyond absurd… You expect men to give, give, give, and offer nothing in return. I’m not saying any of this to be mean. But I am being blunt in hopes you’ll hear it because we’ve said it over and over and over again.
“And yet, you’re still asking us, ‘Why are you walking away?’ That in a nutshell is the crux of the problem. My honest advice to you ladies is this: Get a mirror, look in it and ask yourself, ‘What are we offering to men? Why should men want to be with us? And if your answer is always going to be things like you have a great career or job, we don’t care. None of that matters to us. What matters to us [is] peace, loyalty and acknowledgement — something very few women give. Until you’re willing to give that, until you’re willing to set aside your ridiculous expectations, those numbers are only going to get worse.”
Social media reaction was priceless.
One commenter wrote, “Women outnumber men. So if 63 percent of men are single, that means a lot of women are dating the same guy — thinking they’re in a relationship.😂😂😂”
Another chimed in with, “Ban alimony. Ban child support. And make selective service mandatory for women. That’s a good start.”Â
A third viewer added, “I’m MGTOW simply because I am an ugly duckling. Ugly, spotty, lumpy, chubby, quiet kid in high school right through my twenties. Now, guess what’s happening in my thirties? Single, no kids, got a job, got money, and despite still being a big guy, I am apparently now attractive. Probably because I still have hair. Not gonna lie, I could hit the gym and lose the extra pounds if I wanted to. I really should if I’m being real here. But, as for dating? Too late. Damage done. I’ve seen firsthand how cruel women can be, especially when you don’t check their little boxes. I’ve had a couple short-term flings, but that’s it for me. Not interested in the 30+ train wrecks that keep hitting on me. Not interested in raising another man’s kids. What really gets me is the fact they all see themselves as perfect tens, even when they have three kids following them around…. It’s unsettling, to say the least.”
What’s my take?
I’m not a psychologist, so I won’t pretend to be a dating connoisseur.
My strength is economics.
But, I’ll say this:
If you’re a traditional man, don’t f*ck with modern women.
The two don’t mix.
It’s like trying to stick a square peg into a round hole.
You’ll only frustrate yourself.
If you’re cool with being with a feminist who earns just as much or more remuneration than you, is the breadwinner and wears the pants in the relationship, you probably prefer a modern woman.
Conversely… if you prefer a chick who’s more domestic, laid-back, and cherishes her femininity, you’d be better off with a traditional popsy.
Keep it simple fellas.
It ain’t rocket science.
Anyway, what say you?
Can the dating scene be saved?
Are you better off with Pornhub?
Watch American singles vent their exasperation.
Share your thoughts.
The percentage just went up
Why wouldn’t we quit
No matter what we do
We’re going to be manipulated lied to cheated on accused of being abusive
I will keep my peace and my joy there is zero benefit for men in the relationship
We lose everything
I’ll keep my dog thank you
As a man, I fully support MGTOW. I’ve never had such fun times with women! I was wondering why women are much nicer lately. Now I understand. Apparently, options are limited for a lot of women these days. So, I’m there to help these women feel better about themselves. Men gotta do what they gotta. I feel that and I hope that more guys make the decision to “go their own way”, if that’s their perogative. I’m having too much fun now. I, therefore, 100% support MGTOW!!!
MGTOW until women decide to act like an adult instead of a 5 year old brat.
Im done im waiting for fully atomomous robot women
Been single for over a year and let me tell u, ive never felt better about myself. Got in better shape, work more, learning more things and getting more career opportunities without having someone shame all over it.
46 yrs old, two divorces do to infidelity, financially started over twice loosing half, no kids, emotionally abused, absolutely done! checked out into my peace.
The last time I approached a woman and asked her out she said no way your ugly I thought wow I’m ugly You’ll get a response if we think your worth a response the female scam is over! They’ll have to get theirselves a job and see what it’s like.
Single recluse. Good luck talking to me
Now if you approach a woman, you get called a simp. Or they will say “I don’t need a man” or you will be called a creep. FUK THAT. you want independence you got it.
I’m not in a relationship. I’m still really new in my area and there’s not a lot of good ways to meet women. So I’m on dating apps. I keep meeting girls and as soon as I ask them out, they either ghost or want to use snap to keep talking and I refuse to do that
The other issue is as the economy collapses, women in bullshit positions are being let go. They are clambering for a man that can provide now.
MGTOW is just me playing video games, keeping to myself, watching movies, cooking food, and most of all Peace and Quiet after a day at work or when you have cousins coming over to visit, they come, and once they leave, it’s a relief.
It’s not just relationships, we don’t even want to be around women anymore. They offer nothing to a friendship. They just take.
The funny thing is a lot of these girls have guys that are trying to get to know them, nice guys, but they never give them a chance and always think they can shoot for better.
i recently literally was talking to a girl until she asked for money. then i called it off period.
Women in their late 20s still playing games like they’re teenagers.
63? Thats BS, the number of men that are single are 40% in America
Islam is the best thing that came from God. There is no bf or gf bullcrap and wife must be obedient to husband so long he acts according to Islam.
Now we have suck off machines. We have all we need.
Our 28 year old son has built a home, owns his car has a steady job and enjoys his hobbies.
Gym, computer games etc.
His few girlfriends throughout highschool and after were absolutely brutal with their attitudes to a relationship. I think he is extremely wary of young women now after working so hard to get his own home. Women are so different from when his mom and I met 30 odd years ago.
I’m one of those 63 % of single men who are single . For all I’m concerned about, this society can burn for all I care F@#$ em !
Their powertrips not working anymore….
I’m in a relationship. With a man, that is. I no longer date women, I no longer consider myself a bi.
To be perfectly honest, it’s not rocket science. Men don’t approach women because it’s considered sexual harassment, duh
all roads truly lead to mgtow
The only thing men want is positivity energy.. if women dont bring that, men are not interested in being nagged into submission, of being constantly criticized or feeling like what ever they do its never good enough.. so if you cannot bring positivity to a relationship.. you are not relationship worthy
No wonder so many are turning lesbian and getting with studs. I’ve seen women that were straight their whole life turn because they can’t find a man, or got played by pookies they chose too many times..
Currently choosing not pursue this one girl I know locally. She was into partying, but claimed she was a Christian too. I’m all for a woman with values and morals, so I decided not to pursue. Come to find out, she started posting stories about men not pursuing her. Hopefully the message came across and she ends up looking into the mirror at some point
Yeah I’m in that number, done with all of it.
Ladies, ffs stop plastering your faces in makeup, it isn’t a good look, it’s false, you already screwed up where men are concerned, we just want honesty. I’m done with it to be honest, I’d rather be free to go where I want do what I want and go out and have fun with my buddies when ever I want too. No dramas, zero, nadda.
Good time to buy stalk in lotion.
Yep. Full-time single dad of two boys. Have been single 9 years divorced for 8. I was fortunate, she left. Didn’t show for divorce or custody hearing. Marriage license is worst business contract a man can sign. Focus on raising my kids, focus on goals, and enjoying living life. I have not had a date, pursued a relationship, or had a night out – not a lack of opportunities, it’s by choice. My peace is non-negotiable.
I’m 53. Stop dating 3 years ago they’re never yours it’s just your turn . They bring nothing to the table but problems and issues . Best thing a man can do is the red pill . That way you don’t end up in family courts lose your children like I did . And pay child support and never see your children it’s a sad world until family courts change a man has to be an idiot to get married.
It’s sad because these delusional woman have ruined it for the ones that are genuine and grounded in reality. Traditional.
i’ve been single since 16 i’m
now turning 21 i just don’t see the point in putting in so much work for nothing
When 2/3 of men choose masterbation over pursuing women what does that say about the dating pool?
Okay guys I consider myself extremely blessed. I met my wife in the early 90s while we were both at College. We sat beside each other in a class we had together, she asked to borrow my class notes once while she was away at a conference. She repaid me by taking me out for diner as a show of appreciation. I was not looking for any kind of relationship at the time, I was focused on completing my degree only. Well one thing led to another and as of now we have been married for more than 30 years. Cliche, I know. There is no way on God’s green earth I would want to be dating as a young man in this day and age. So much has changed and not for the better. If you are a single guy, I can only imagine the amount of BS involved with dating today. I can tell you this though, you most likely find “the one” when you are least expecting it and without trying. Good luck to you all.
I’m almost fifty and have been in a relationship for 25 years. It’s like running a race without any reward only death at the end
Yep, I’m married, now things going south and I’m being told, I’ll take half of what you own. Stay single guys
Relationships are scary, women want that traditional 1950s wife treatment in 2024 when they’re not behaving like the women in the 1950s behaved
After a lifetime of having women treat me badly , two divorces do to cheating wives , and just disrespect every time I try to approach a woman, I have the belief that all women are basically the same. Horrible Horrible people. What’s theirs is theirs , and what yours is theirs. They come into a relationship in a predditory manner, looking for everything that is good for her, now and in the event of a marriage future. They come into the relationship with a suitcase and the cloths on her back, then after she ruins the man she divorces him and the courts allow her to steel his life earnings, That’s money that he earned with his sweat and tears, not hers. She just showed up talking like what’s for supper, and they all come with this Entitled Attitude , give me your car give me your truck I need to go get my hair done. Disrespect disrespect disrespect, And not just me but a very big percentage of men say ,she cant clean the house, she cant cook ,she wont cut the grass, They all think that just because she is pretty that all men need to bow down to her ,and be grateful if she looks in our direction. I find that the pretty ones are the worst , because they know that men like attractive women. So they cock tease , like a hunter has to be a good hunter to put food on the table., women know how to dress and act to get her man.
48y male never married, no kids. had my entire house cleaned out by three different women… I’m done. Not that I am that attached to my stuff, but it gets expensive to keep replacing your own bed.
Most of the ladies I meet now ages 30 to 50 are train wrecks. The ones I’d love to date don’t want me so I quit
Who needs all the fucking drama
I have a few good quality female friends, each one of them is better than 10 girlfriends.
They’re happy being single, I’m happy being single. No commitments, No high Expectations. We just have fun together and enjoy each other’s company.
Dumb ass American culture!
Here’s the thing women overvalue themselves they’ve been exposed to online Simps and old perverts who tell them how wonderful and beautiful they are when they don’t get enough of-that or that’s not enough they take out an only fans channel and they begin to believe in their head that they are worth the money otherwise why would I have so many fans if I’m not so beautiful i’m so beautiful I get money to buy me stuff and when looking for a guy that they want they think that they can get themselves a handsome stud that’s tall and handsome and like her Simps on her channel has money to give her for being pretty for him they have been delusionally convinced that they have value beyond their dreams and now they’re confused when men do not want to be with them because they’re superficial they’re greedy self absorbed and if they don’t get their way they will destroy you in every way possible so why does the guy not want to be with her I have been alone for 18 years since my second wife destroyed me they will destroy you emotionally they will destroy you financially they will try to destroy you socially and even after they are out of your life and you haven’t seen them for years they will pop up when least suspected and make comments about you and only thing you did wrong was to not notice that she was cheating on you for years and you kept working to pay those credit cards that she kept maxed out at all times so you would have to work overtime gives her more time with other guys women are vindictive hateful sneaky disgusting and self-absorbed I’ve been alone 18 years like I said I do not regret one second of it
I tried 3 times with marriage and after much counseling and therapy, I’m still standing. I was also left with 20 % of my actual lifetime wealth that I achieved in a 40-year career. I’m retired and off-women completely unless they approach me kindly and respectfully first. It always boiled down to the same thing every time control and manipulation using their private parts. It was never enough always unhappy about something projecting their personal dysfunctional issues that we all acquire from childhood traumas and life experiences onto the relationship or blaming a good man for how they feel. wake up from this entitled fantasy that was fed to your whole life by alfa women and learn to live in the real world with all its ups and downs good and evil its beauty and ugliness the world needs a real woman back and fight the good fight with their partners and loving each other enough to be the best version of themselves they could be…….just saying
I married a beautiful Colombian woman with good Christian values. She doesn’t work, stays at home, looks after my needs and I work and look after hers. Truthfully, trust worthy, and support each other emotionally, mentally, spiritually and sexually. So perfect for each other as we look after each other’s needs