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MGTOW: 63% of bachelors giving up on dating women

Bachelors hate Western women/YouTube

Men are done dating women.

Blog King, Mass Appeal

LOS ANGELES — Fellas, are you sick and tired of dating Western women? Are you a proud member of MGTOW and/or the Passport Bros? If so, you’re not alone. A viral video shows a sexually-frustrated coterie of lonely singles lambasting the U.S. dating scene. Many popsies are upset that men aren’t approaching ’em anymore whereas fellas believe modern chicks ain’t worth the hassle. Not to mention, a recent study from Pew Research Center shows more than 63 percent of eligible bachelors have given up on women completely. Instead, they’ve decided to masturbate in lieu of all things conjugal. “Guys have told women why we’re walking away. And, we’re walking away in droves and it’s only going to get worse,” said a MGTOW member. “There is absolutely no benefit anymore to being in a relationship with a woman. Especially when you consider the risk compared to any potential reward. Roughly 55 percent of marriages end in divorce and the guy loses everything. Add into it all the relationships where they weren’t married and the guy lost access to his kids and had to pay mountains of child support.”

“When you look at it, there’s less than a 1 in 4 chance of having a successful relationship,” the bachelor continued. “Would you risk everything you have? Would you risk your children and having access to them, knowing you only had a 25 percent chance of success? Add to it, the expectations that today’s women have are beyond absurd… You expect men to give, give, give, and offer nothing in return. I’m not saying any of this to be mean. But I am being blunt in hopes you’ll hear it because we’ve said it over and over and over again.

“And yet, you’re still asking us, ‘Why are you walking away?’ That in a nutshell is the crux of the problem. My honest advice to you ladies is this: Get a mirror, look in it and ask yourself, ‘What are we offering to men? Why should men want to be with us? And if your answer is always going to be things like you have a great career or job, we don’t care. None of that matters to us. What matters to us [is] peace, loyalty and acknowledgement — something very few women give. Until you’re willing to give that, until you’re willing to set aside your ridiculous expectations, those numbers are only going to get worse.”

Social media reaction was priceless.

One commenter wrote, “Women outnumber men. So if 63 percent of men are single, that means a lot of women are dating the same guy — thinking they’re in a relationship.😂😂😂”

Another chimed in with, “Ban alimony. Ban child support. And make selective service mandatory for women. That’s a good start.” 

A third viewer added, “I’m MGTOW simply because I am an ugly duckling. Ugly, spotty, lumpy, chubby, quiet kid in high school right through my twenties. Now, guess what’s happening in my thirties? Single, no kids, got a job, got money, and despite still being a big guy, I am apparently now attractive. Probably because I still have hair. Not gonna lie, I could hit the gym and lose the extra pounds if I wanted to. I really should if I’m being real here. But, as for dating? Too late. Damage done. I’ve seen firsthand how cruel women can be, especially when you don’t check their little boxes. I’ve had a couple short-term flings, but that’s it for me. Not interested in the 30+ train wrecks that keep hitting on me. Not interested in raising another man’s kids. What really gets me is the fact they all see themselves as perfect tens, even when they have three kids following them around…. It’s unsettling, to say the least.”

What’s my take?

I’m not a psychologist, so I won’t pretend to be a dating connoisseur.

My strength is economics.

But, I’ll say this:

If you’re a traditional man, don’t f*ck with modern women.

The two don’t mix.

It’s like trying to stick a square peg into a round hole.

You’ll only frustrate yourself.

If you’re cool with being with a feminist who earns just as much or more remuneration than you, is the breadwinner and wears the pants in the relationship, you probably prefer a modern woman.

Conversely… if you prefer a chick who’s more domestic, laid-back, and cherishes her femininity, you’d be better off with a traditional popsy.

Keep it simple fellas.

It ain’t rocket science.

Anyway, what say you?

Can the dating scene be saved?

Are you better off with Pornhub?

Watch American singles vent their exasperation.

Share your thoughts.

This Post Has 71 Comments

  1. They started this now they’re paying the price. They are only suffering the consequences to their actions.

  2. Imagine a guy walking up to a woman “I think you are so sexy” they will call the cops on you

  3. Why even try anymore. Its worse when your both over 35. Both sides so damn jaded.

  4. Women often ask where are all the good men but fail to realize they themselves aren’t good either. I have yet to hear a woman say that she doesn’t have it all together. They act as though men need to catch up to them but they’re too high levitating above everyone. It’s partially men’s fault for worshipping women. Now the egos are insane. Time for some humble pie with a side of modest ice cream.

  5. We all have “standards” even if we don’t admit it. How many men want a fat woman for instance, or one covered in tats and rings, or one more interested in nails and hair than anything else, or having more notches on the bed post than you can count? Not too many of us I am sure. So be careful slamming women for having standards , and just ding them for unrealistic standards that are at the root of the whole issue these days.

  6. I make 6 figures think I look pretty decent and I still have yet to find a woman worth anything. I approach relationships as if I don’t have the things I have. If a woman brings to the table a job and a willingness to want to build a life together I’m down to try, but the second I bring a nice car or flaunt even a hair of having success and she becomes clingy I know she’s not the one. Move along and find the girl who’s willing to meet you halfway.

  7. I’m 36 and have been with my wife for 18 years this November. We did it right though… Too many run out and get married after a month of knowing each other. We knew each other via mutual friends before we got together. We then spent 4 years living together before deciding to get married. We then waited 4 more years before having children. We now have 3 children 10 and younger while working our ass off for the end game of buying land and settling in small town Midwest! I am one of the lucky ones no doubt.

  8. I have a girlfriend actually I won’t lie I am Poly with two girlfriends and I care about both of them a lot but just as a joke I will say my left hand has shown me more understanding and respect than women online have.

  9. 63 % single men leaves 37 % in relationships
    34 % single women leaves 66 % in relationships
    So 37 % of men are enjoying 66 % …. That’s a harem out there … Women will not date a men that lives with his mom, but sure will date one that lives with his wife 😂😂😂

  10. This is bullshit the only men going their own way are the ugly ones who can’t get the type off women that will score bro points. The ones who bitch about their ex leaving with their kids usually had to deal with abuse or tried telling hubby he wasn’t pulling his weight with the housework and kids, as for going for their assets in divorce courts the woman gave up her earning protection career potential and points on her resume not to mention her body when she gave you babies then stayed at home as an unpaid nanny/housekeeper. Men just don’t get it they hate feminism and women being empowered because they want us back in the 40s pregnant chained to the kitchen sink with no rights or choices for a better life. Think long and hard what does that say about men ? You all sound like whiney nasty bitches that you lost your power and control, you can’t even see women have had it so much worse for 1000s of years and you’re all acting like entitled whiney little bitches throwing your toys, y’all are an actual embarrassment real men don’t act like this they can see what’s what and are happy for women they actually have empathy and compassion for their female ancestors and how unhappy they must have been being treated like sub-humans compared to men. Weak men are actually dangerous no wonder women don’t put so much emphasis on relationships these days.

  11. Ladies, society, you made it like this for guys… What did you expect would happen?

  12. Not in a relationship and haven’t been with a woman in 10 years and no I am not gay

  13. The US will face demographic crisis due to feminism pretty soon.
    If this country wants to mitigate this crisis (there is no way avoiding it), legislative steps must be taken to protect men from the predatory actions by women. Until then, enjoy your peace brothers!

  14. I am 39 and part of this 63%. MGTOW!

    Do I want to be alone forever, no, but I will for my sanity/happiness. I am not afraid to be alone or admit that. That’s the difference ladies. Marriage/relationships in today’s society is the worst business decision a man could EVER make.

    Modern women just don’t know…………. anything!

  15. What pisses me of the most is how women always claim self righteousness when they hear complaints from men. But their behaviors are very much the same and basic. You’ll hardly ever find a noncomformist or an individualist amongst them. I hope men wake up to the fact that women just don’t care about men ( Hypergamy is a clear proof of that) and realize that we have to find a way to sustain society without the family.

  16. Women need to start paying for dates. Then they’ll see how it feels…

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