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Police Bodycam: Dolphins receiver Tyreek Hill busted

Tyreek Hill arrested for speeding/YouTube

Tyreek Hill got busted. 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

MIAMI — The Miami-Dade Police Department is under fire after officers manhandled Miami Dolphins receiver Tyreek Hill during a traffic stop. The alleged act of police brutality transpired a few blocks away from Hard Rock Stadium, ahead of the Dolphins’ 20-17 victory over the Jacksonville Jaguars. It was also captured on video. Bodycam footage shows Officer Danny Torres pulling Hill out of his car and slamming him to the pavement prior to handcuffing him. Hill was officially cited for speeding at a “visual estimation of 60 mph” through a construction zone. When Torres pulled Hill over, he was slow to cooperate. Then he talked trash to Torres — provoking the arrest. Hill’s teammate, Calais Campbell, showed up to de-escalate the situation and he was also detained. Torres was subsequently reassigned to administrative duties.

Hill, a fecund father of 10 children, is using the arrest to concoct a civil rights movement. “What if I wasn’t Tyreek Hill?” he said during his press conference to insinuate that if he wasn’t a star, Torres & Co. would’ve whooped his black ass. “It’s all across the world. You see it. I don’t want to bring race into it, but sometimes it gets kind of iffy when you do. What if I wasn’t Tyreek Hill? Lord knows what that guy or guys would have done.”

Hill’s attorney, Julius Collins, released the following statement: “The events that occurred … are just a reminder of the realities of the many injustices that people of Black and minority communities face at the hands of law enforcement. While we are in no way accusing the officer of being racist, we are accusing the customs and practices of law enforcement from a historical standpoint of being discriminatory and oppressive to Black and minority communities. We cannot ignore this fact and remain silent on the issue just because it’s a tough conversation.”

Social media reaction was vicious.

One commenter wrote, “Gotta quit giving power to these Mexican cops. It’s always the ones with a Mexican last name that abuse power.”

Another viewer added, “Good for you, Miami cops. Punk ass thinks he’s above the law.”

Sadly, running afoul of jurisprudence is nothin’ new to Hill.

If you recall, in 2014, he damn near asphyxitated his pregnant girlfriend — Crystal Espinal — then punched her in the stomach with aspirations of causing an abortion.

In 2019, he was accused of breaking the arm of his 3-year-old son.

In June 2023, he assaulted a marina employee.

Then, eight days later, Instagram model Sophie Hall claimed he broke her leg.

Hill scored against the Jaguars and celebrated his touchdown by mimicking the arrest with his hands behind his back.

Who was more at fault? Hill or Torres?

Watch full police bodycam footage and the press conference.

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This Post Has 39 Comments

  1. Cops are such a joke. Can anyone tell me why it took at least 20 cops for a single vehicle traffic stop? Also very telling that they handcuffed all the black guys who came to his defense but the white guy they let just walk right up and hang out out

  2. Nope the cops didnt do anything wrong he should have just manned up and took the ticket, and said ya I was in the wrong and speeding,but no I have all this money so I’m above the law and can do what I want and don’t have to listen to authority.

  3. He lowered the window only 2-3 cm. He did this to make fun of the policemen, to provoke them. Typical behavior of a punk with money.

  4. He drove like an idiot. Then he didn’t comply with police instructions.

  5. Unless he is a retard this could easily have been avoided…

  6. This is getting very tiresome. Be a man Tyreek Hill, Obey the Law, you were hauling ass in the beast of yours, no respect for the law, and no respect for Law Enforcement. One thing I did get out of this, is Bro, you need to see Dr. Snip if you have not already.

  7. “wait a minute, cant you see he is black; he gets a free pass because of the internet-addicted liberals that will riot”

  8. States he has surgery on his knee, and expects them to release him while he isn’t compliant to sit. 20 minutes later, he is running, being hit, and dancing in the end zone……. smh

  9. So sad about the way the police react towards black men and women. When will they learn.

  10. I wouldnt have gotten out EITHER!!!! its like 50 cops out there for NOTHING!!!!!!!! THis was PREMEDITATED!!!

  11. They hate to see black people doing better than them. They in their feelings.

  12. This cop got in trouble over this??? I was a huge fan of Hill till now. Do what they ask of you and lose the attitude Tyreek !!!!!

  13. That cop needs to be charged with assault and battery, and thrown in jail

  14. Tyreek is wrong for not complying but police definitely a little overboard especially they have 3 against one.
    They could have turn him around and cuff him. No need the pin down and chokehold

  15. Don’t ROLL your window up when talking to the police! He is an idiot.

  16. Man, that cop that pulled him out, was tatted like a gang member. They’re just hiring anybody in Miami.

  17. Sad the cops had to deal with this crap. Tyreek thinks he is above the law. He should be in jail right now. If it was me or anyone else without money and fame we would be in jail. The cop was Hispanic 😂😂😂 get over your black racist crap.

  18. He’s got super tinted windows, that would piss me off as a cop. I don’t like defending cops, but his windows alone would raise my blood pressure a bit. Dark windows, can’t see if he has a gun in the car, his body language is scaring the cops. It’s simple, you get pulled over, you cooperate at first. If the cops are unreasonable then I understand if you shit talk.

  19. So many bootlickers in the comments. They are so used to cops escalating every and any situation that they think this is how it should be ️ police in this country need to go through a lot more training.

  20. He is a superstar with a lot of money, but nobody is above the law. I don’t care who you are be respectful to everyone.
    And when his friend on the phone said he’s beating on him. I was like wtf?

  21. Imagine having a job where you can threaten people with violence and arrest. Talk to people in any way you like and you get absolutely no consequences.
    Tell me a bully that would not like that job.

  22. Tyreek never watched Chris Rock’s ” How not to get your ass kicked” skit.

  23. Tyreek Hill was choked, kicked and thrown to the ground for a traffic ticket. Cops were kindler and gentler during arrest of Trump assassin.

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