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Down-low simp deletes his ex-wife after nasty divorce

Down-low Tom murdered Krystal/YouTube

Gay simp kills ex at courthouse.

Blog King, Mass Appeal

GRIFFIN — “If I can’t have you, nobody can.” Tom Mallory was thrown in the slammer after he murdered his ex-wife of 27 years, Krystal Evans Mallory, because she dumped him. The drive-by femicide transpired on “Friday the 13th” 💀 — just days after their divorce was finalized in Griffin, Georgia. After attending a dissolution hearing, Krystal egressed the courthouse and walked to her car. That’s when Tom pulled up, rolled down his window, pulled out a gun and opened fire — striking Krystal multiple times. Then he sped off to a different locale where he shot himself. Krystal was pronounced dead at the scene. Tom was transported to Grady Memorial Hospital where he remains in police custody. He’s charged with murder, forgery, and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime. Prior to the shooting, Krystal told authorities Tom was stalking her. He also sent a million text messages, begging for reconciliation, and he wouldn’t stop calling.

Tom was pussy-whipped even though he was f*cking other n*ggas on the down-low.

Wish mothaf*ckas would make up their mind.

Do y’all want pussy or dick?

Society is confused.


Krystal, 44, knew Tom was an adulterous bastard who would probably give her AIDS.

That’s why she divorced him.

Krystal – a mother of two girls — documented her trepidation on Facebook. “It’s sad that I have to walk around, terrified for my life and my children’s,” she posted on August 3rd. “I know if something happens to me. Please know who did it. This man has said numerous times that he’s going to kill me. I am posting and trying to leave a paper trail. This man is extremely dangerous.” On September 12th, the day before her quietus, Krystal wrote, “Dude, please leave me alone. It’s over. Move on with your life.”

I also heard she put Tom’s homosexuality on blast for the world to see.

Krystal’s daughter, Precious Evans, believes the justice system failed her mother.

“My mom, literally, called the sheriff — the sheriff’s department the day before, because he was stalking her, and they did nothing,” Precious recalled.

“Had they had someone to walk out with her, like her friend asked, she would still be here.”

Spalding County Sheriff Darrell Dix said he and his deputies received several domestic violence calls to the Mallory residence. But their hands were tied because it was often her word against his. There were no witnesses. “No one is picking one person over the other or believing one over the other,” Sheriff Dix posted on social media. “No one is blaming Mrs. Mallory for what happened to her.”

“We have to take facts and evidence and weigh them against the law in order to act,” he continued.

“This is a horrible thing that happened and people are emotional and angry about it. Mrs. Mallory’s family believes she did no wrong and he was the bad guy. Mr. Mallory’s family believes he did no wrong and she is the bad guy. Everyone else picks a side to stand with. Deputies don’t have the option to arrest based on who has the most followers, that’s not how it works. Do improvements need to be made to the law? Yes, they do. Maybe it wasn’t a deputy or my agency that failed. Maybe it was the law itself.”

Social media reaction was wild.

One commenter wrote, “Found out my ex was down-low and I left social media out of it💯💯💯… I just walked away SILENTLY and relocated to a new city.”

Another person added, “Now he can spend the rest of his life behind bars being somebody’s prison wife.”

Krystal had just purchased a new house and she had a restraining order in place.

Tom obviously didn’t give a damn.

Fudge-packing be damned, he wasn’t about to let Krystal enjoy life without him.

Watch the explosive documentary.

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This Post Has 42 Comments

  1. Restraining Orders Are Literally Pointless As Hell. My Sons Dad still Slept outside my home without me knowing..they don’t gaf about that piece of paper… trust me & he was on probation ..still didn’t faze him

  2. This is why it’s good to always have some wild azz cousins or brothers in the family! Fr, Bro would’ve gotten his headtap Day 1 trying to phuk over my family.Omm

  3. *So it Looks like Crystal had loss weight and was in better shape at the conclusion of their marriage ; She was Looking Great and He was NOT going to allow her to move on and be happy He wanted to be “the WOMEN”, who got all the attention he Competed with his wife smh**TOM Mallory Should of lived in his truth(Nut), “DUDE JA QUEER ” YOU LIKE MEN!!** face-orange-raised-eyebrow

  4. *SHe did the RIGHT THING , LEAVING A PAPERTRAIL* Otherwise we would NOT KNOW the Truth** He was threatening her in private she was UNPROTECTED & WAnted People to know since the police were no help & She was SCARED*** I Salute her for putting her story out He was going to do it ANYWAY if she didn’t PROTECT herself*”” COME OUT OF THE CLOSET””””*Rest Well Sweetheart **

  5. i have told so, so, so many women that a restraining order is a death sentence. If you decide to do so, better get a weapon and a bullet prove vest. Look at your surroundings at all times. Have a plan before going out.

  6. Protective Orders/ Restraining Orders are only a piece of paper.

    Innocent until proven guilty. Can’t charge someone until they commit the crime. I myself am trying to divorce my husband after learning he has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I never knew what that even was. I do worry he will come after me one day.

  7. What a deplorable animal the sheriff is?! Don’t bother with the old gaslight routine of victim blaming and shaming, trying to hide what everyone in all 50 states already knows, cops ignore DV and then cover up their apathetic response with lies and misdirection.

  8. this woman begged police for an escort to her car and was told “No, we don’t get involved”. The Judge let the man go even with his former DV and stalking charges, so the daughter is going to get paid big time for negligence on the city and police.

  9. Man!!! This is happening all to often!!! I feel sorry for these women and girls!!!! Because when it comes down to it!!! A women can’t defend herself from a man!!! Let alone a raging one!!!

  10. Public announcement 📢🗣️BLACK WOMAN if YOU ARE Dating A◼️man!! SEPARATE immediately! Black males from across different regions unaliving their women! 🤯 Millions of miles from each other committing the same hideous crime,😮 !!! I don’t know if these dudes have a secret group web page AND PLANNING THESE ATTACKS?? or if it is a spiritual attack!! Possessing them!
    Only Gods Can defeat spiritual Attacks LADIES YOU CANT SEE IT OR DEFEAT IT only Gods Can defeat evil spirits!!! PLZ Take the extra necessary precautions And separate Until it becomes clear What’s Going On!!

  11. These men are truly sick why did you think it was ok to live a double life and to bring that type of filth to yur wife humiliating her she felt rejected cuz he was on the down low messing with men putting her life at risk its shameful that these men are that sick in the head and it shows that she was’nt protected no pfa nothing will protect us from these men harming us are putting our lives at stake he was violating there marriage buying men cars thats sicking to the soul she was granted a pto for life cuz he attempted to strangle her she was in fear of her life rejection is real he was stalking her and if they wud of listened and she had been properly protected she will still be here its said the justice system fails black woman on the daily makes me sick to my stomach its a shame you got to feel trapped cause then men wont move on they feel like they own you she was truly living in fear she was terrified for her life her mother just passed so traumatizing he was a sick evil demonic coward he unalived her and tried to unalive himself this case was so unjustified i give my condolences to her loved ones i hope her family fights hard for the proper justice she deserves 💔🙏🏽✝️🌺👑🕊

  12. these women are good at picking fukked up men…… she’s pretty, probably had lots of good men approach her but she picked a gay tender dick mothafucka and paid the price. smh

  13. Ladies, please do not post anything on social media when you are in a relationship with an abusive person. This only angered them further as they feel like they have nothing to lose now that they have been publicly humiliated. Take those same comments and tell your family, friends, and law enforcement but do NOT post them publicly.

    This puts them on notice that you are blasting them and adds fuel to the fire. I am not blaming her as there was probably nothing anyone could do to stop his attempts at what he wanted to do. If it had not been that day, he would have tried on another day when he had the opportunity.

    When you find yourself in a relationship like this and someone has threatened you, please take them seriously. Get firearm training, legally buy a gu,y and always stay on the lookout and the ready. If you have a restraining order against someone and they show up where you are, they are not coming to talk things over. Please be alert and stay ready when dealing with someone like this.

  14. Piece of paper or bodyguard or escort would not have prevented this shooting Women need to move away at least for a year or two out of sight out of mind.

  15. How can you murder this woman? All men listen up, you don’t have to prove to the world you straight. If you don’t like women then simply stay out the way and go watch NLE choppa or Lil Nas X perform Live. How can a man kill a woman just cuz she ain’t down with the Bi lifestyle and wanted a Divorce. 🤦🏾‍♂️

  16. Another beautiful woman completely out of her mind!

    Of course such an ill-favored piece of sh*t 💩 will completely lose it if a beautiful woman like that gives him a chance, then rejects him 🤦‍♂️

    Despite the numerous examples, women don’t learn 🙄

  17. She divorced him because she found out he was sleeping with men ! Really saddening ! 😢

  18. Ummm NOOOO!!! She chose to go on SOCIAL MEDIA and upload personal videos outing her husbands sexuality to the world.. SHE CHOSE to also leave several messages on Facebook etc.., for the purpose of destroying her husband to the whole world.. SHE made that choice.., and THAT is where the treats came from!!! SHE is the one who initiated all of that.., and then wants to cry scared and victim.., but no!!!

    Actions have consequences.., and many many people have been deleted because they wanted to intentionally WEAPONIZE Social Media and the World Wide Web against someone!!!

    Stop playing those types of games with people…, the internet is going to get a whole lot of other folks deleted too.., because everyone is not playing your games out here in these streets!!! Just remember.., when you decide to start a fight.., it doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to finish the fight.. you can start it.., but someone else will finish it!!!…

  19. The daughter is blaming the wrong people. It’s not law enforcement’s job to do anything if a crime is NOT being committed. It sucks, and I’m sorry for this poor woman, but literally, the police can not legally do anything if no crime is being committed and there is no restraining order as far as distance goes from the person. She needs to not blame the “system” because they are not at fault.

  20. I’m not shocked this happened. Men hate women and will downplay male violence and blame women for what awful men do. I can bet nearly every male commenting on this is blaming this poor dead woman. And I can also bet those same men never have this blame mindset for men falsely accused of SA or men who are lied to about age and commit statutory SA. When men are wronged the only blame is on the perp. When women are harmed by a man suddenly it’s her fault or she played a part. Women need to accept men hate women. Women really need to stop seeing men as friends or lovers they’re outright enemies.

  21. Black women’s lives don’t matter! The national police association just “endorsed” 45, a CONVICTED CRIMINAL/FELON to be the POTUS AGAIN! So, what does that tell you? Black people historically view police as white supremacists with the “law” on their side.😮 Shameful. May she rest in paradise. My condolences to her family. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

  22. I know any woman would be hurt about finding out they husband is down low ,but leave social media out of it.

  23. Very sad the fact she married. Because she thought she found her soul mate but found the opposite. Some things are better left u spoken. He was cold hearted didn’t think about the children she was leaving behind. He shouldn’t have been creeping with men. 27 years is a long time He should be locked up for life. The Sheriff failed her but what did they think was going to happen. The Deputy and the Sheriff should have walked her out

  24. Ladies, please don’t waste energy trying to humiliate these men. We are living in perilous times. Just leave and prioritize getting away safely. Honor your safety and the safety of your children first. 🙏🏼

  25. Law enforcement here spent more time defending their negligence than doing their job. Obviously the husband was the aggressor because the wife filed for divorce and the husband shot and killed the wife. The judge is at fault because the husband should have been arrested in court. Her ex husband, Tom Mallory had breasts and was and looked wicked as hell. He was on assignment.

  26. He wanted to have his cake 🍰 and eat it too but if he couldn’t have her, no one else would. You all know the story. 🤨

  27. Gay men need to quit putting women in this position. Just go be gay & leave women out of it. Nasty mfs 😒

  28. It’s the thought that he put his Dick in another man’s Ass and then came home and put that same Nasty Dick in her vagina. 😡😡😡

  29. He should have been picked up before her court date because she clearly had a Protective order and she clearly posted a photo of him behind her looking like a deer in headlights which proves he violated that order a few times. I would have armed myself because this horrific story is becoming common. This ninja was having sex with men and has the nerve to think he can force someone to stay with him and accept his wicked and nasty ways. Utterly repulsive.

  30. obviously poor judgement by the judge. u have the guy in ur court in front of u, why give him til monday to turn himself in, esp. knowing he’s been making threatening statements & exhibiting threatening behavior?? so the guy walks straight outta court & shoots the woman he’s gonna hafta do time for threatening… well he’s cuffed to a hospital bed now. but judge shoulda seen that he stoked the fire, by letting him out to simmer some more before doing his time. do tell the judge’s name, so ppl can b sure & not let him keep getting govt paychecks

  31. The daughter should sue the Judge if she can or have him disbarred. He should step down or be removed

  32. Rest in peace my lady but court orders and papers will do nothing to protect you from a homicidal maniac. Ladies please, this is a huge country. You have to either become an elite weapons and self defense expert in lightning quick time or disappear to another state.

  33. Ladies, go get yourself a gun and license to carry. The court systems don’t work for us ! When I went to court for child support, I didn’t know my brothers and dad were in a rental car following me. They knew I had my gun on me. My dad and brothers told my ex he better never come to my home or approach me! Never leave family members alone with court cases. Never had problems! Praying for her family🙏❤️

  34. Y’all act like even if she got escorted that day.. that would’ve been his last attempt?! And she tormented him publicly.. his mind was made up… and no one was wiling to take a bullet for her either

  35. Cowardly little man. Hope his children never forgive him! What a monster. Spalding County Sheriff is an idiot and heartless.

  36. these women pick the wrong men and then blame everyone else for the men they chose! If that idiot wanted her he was going to eventually get her no mater what, either there or at the grocery store!

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