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Burger flipper deletes ex, fabricates story to police

Keshawn shot Leah 8 times/Viral Crimes

Pookie killed ex then lied to cops. 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

MILWAUKEE — The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. Keshawn Rowsey, 20, was thrown in the slammer after he murdered his ex-girlfriend, 19-year-old Leah Davis, because she dumped him. The femicide transpired on April 23, 2022 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. According to reports, Leah — a victim of domestic violence — sundered ties after she caught Keshawn cheating with his side chick. Rather than move on, Keshawn showed up at Leah’s apartment unannounced and begged her to let him in. As soon as she opened the door, Keshawn pulled out a gun and opened fire — striking Leah eight times. Then he called police and lied, claiming someone else pulled the trigger. “I called. She’s right up here,” Keshawn told the cops in a girly voice. “I swear to God on everything I love. I heard eight shots come from her apartment. I hear eight shots, bro. I run upstairs. Her door is unlocked because she just closed the door behind me. All I do is open the door, bro. She’s laying on the f*ckin’ ground, bro.”

Keshawn was handcuffed and detained in the back of a squad car while officers confabulated with neighbors. One resident said she heard Keshawn yelling, “Let me in! Let me in!” Then she “continued to hear knocking, and then the knocking stopped, and she heard three gunshots.” Leah’s BFF told investigators Keshawn was “possessive and overprotective.” She also said they “broke up three weeks ago, and [Keshawn] made threats to kill [Leah] and even said that he purchased a gun to do so.”

Keshawn was arrested, charged, and convicted of first-degree intentional homicide.

He’s serving 35 years in prison.

Social media reaction was wild.

One commenter wrote, “OH GAWD!!!! All that damn fast talkin’ & freakin’ high-pitch voice crackin’ thing he’s doing is soooo damn annoying!!! Awwwh!!!! 😱….. My immediate assessment of him is PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!!!✌️” 

Another chimed in with, “He’s definitely missing a few brain cells. Poor baby girl. She didn’t deserve that. What a coward to take that young lady’s life because he couldn’t handle the possibility of her being with someone else. With his voice alone, he should be sentenced to life without parole.” 

A third person added, “Who the hell remembers exactly 8 shots unless you’re the person who shot the damn gun? Smh.”

Leah was a Walmart employee with aspirations of becoming a nurse.

Keshawn, who flipped burgers at McDonald’s for a few days, didn’t finish high school.

Ladies, please choose better.

Watch Keshawn make a damn fool of himself in front of neighbors and police.

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This Post Has 14 Comments


  2. Stay single. You dont need a lousy stupid man . This guy never even graduated high school. And you want him ?

  3. I wanna know two things. First off did he get tested for gunshots resudue or not cuz that would make or break it. Second was he tryin to get a mj audition with that girly voice or what

  4. bro was so defensive and when he said 8 shots I was like Its def him

  5. The fake crying noise 🙄😕
    His shirt say “i have an attitude”😭oh my

  6. “He had that high voice that just drew me in right from the start. When he kept saying ‘I didn’t do it,’ it made me suspicious—almost like he was trying too hard to convince us. Anyone else get that vibe?”

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