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Groom murdered in front of bride on their wedding day

Groom killed on wedding day.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
GREENSBORO — When a dream wedding becomes a nightmare. Law enforcement officials in Greensboro, North Carolina are investigating after 37-year-old Tyrek Burton was murdered on his wedding day. The homicide transpired around 9 p.m. on October 12, 2024 during his reception at the Barber Park Event Center. According to police reports, 7 hours after saying “I do,” Tyrek got into his car and headed home. But, after realizing he left his lovely bride behind, Tyrek made a U-turn to pick her up. In doing so, he cut off a man at a stop sign — sparking a vicious bout of road rage. The driver followed Tyrek to the community center and an altercation broke out in the parking lot. “He made a U-turn and I guess didn’t see somebody,” Tyrek’s sister, Brittany Burton, told reporters. “That person followed him back to the park.” Moments later, the motorist pulled out a gun and emptied the clip — striking Tyrek 15 times in front of his wife and several spectators.
Then he hopped in his car and sped off.
“This was at a public park, and there were multiple eyewitnesses, including one of his daughters, and it was done in front of his wife,” Brittany recounted. Paramedics arrived to effectuate life support. But it was to no avail. Tyrek died at the scene, which means his bride became a wife and widow on the same day. Ain’t thata bitch? “We were having the time of our lives and it’s like in the blink of an eye, it was all just stolen away from us,” Brittany bemoaned. “He was one of the coolest people I know. Could walk into a room and that smile.”
Tyrek and his bride had been together 16 years prior to tying the knot.
They share four daughters.
Social media reaction was fierce.
One commenter wrote, “Over road rage??? Are you f*cking serious???”
Another chimed in with, “That’s why I’m getting married at the courthouse. He waited 16 years to marry her just to die on their wedding day? Wow!”
A third person added, “People think that we are dumb. Something else went wrong here, and the sister is not telling the truth.”
Do you think there’s more to this story?
Should police question the bride’s ex?
Watch the explosive documentary, which includes sexy wedding footage and the newlyweds’ first dance.
Share your thoughts.
Killed someone because they cut you off wtf
You can’t argue with people these days, just walk away
He left without his bride? Was he drunk?
We all make traffic mistakes but i will never understand why you would kill for it. 😢
I think this person was a krazee ex rip tho smh💐🕊️
I am gonna keep following up on this case. So you were that dam mad, that you killed that man because of some road rage? Boyyyyy!!!!! Whoever the judge who gets this case, don’t go light on this dude who killed this man , and on his wedding day at that.😢
Let me guess a white man deleted him? 😂😂😂
Totally off topic but, we as a community need to stop using go fund me for burial payment. Invest in a life insurance. Its $25 bucks a month. Keep up with those payments and you won’t need to beg for funds to bury loved ones.
He wasn’t that nice running his mouth in a road rage it’s a lot more to this story no one going to blow you away for nothing.
@Dianne Nelson: I don’t think their is more to this story. People these days are so emotionally unstable that shooting someone over a road rage incident is not surprising whether it’s 1 or 15 times. It never should’ve happened. People getting ki)(ed over 5 dollars now. We just have to put it in our head that their are some very evil people in this world.
His wife’s jealous ex sneaky link pulled up I bet.
These down south niggas are hoes. They shoot over nothing hot messssss sadddddd
Jesus….I cannot image what his new bride is going through. SMH.
Absolutely terrible. This world sucks.
Im starting to get numb of every day black people dying senselessly. Im Sad for American black people. Black Lives Matter ? I dont think so. Not to us.
I’m sorry, but this just doesn’t seem like a road rage incident. This seems like an ordered hit.
As usual his family is not telling the whole truth as usual!! 😂😂😂 They know something they just didn’t expect it to happen at the moment that it did!! I can even tell the way the sister talks, they know more! 😂 Black women know they can protect foul blk males! 😳🙄🙄
This is so weird. Bride and Groom seperated for what? I thought bride and groom leave together and do they thang? How he asking if she home yet and had to turn around to get her,? Huh? Then where he was all that time? Obviously he left for awhile to not know where she was? Get married and then go home seperately. Somthing aint right. Where he snuck at that brought that fire to him? Was it a road rage ir a quarrel? If its true they will never tell it. Its too personal.
Any word on the suspect or did i miss that part? They caught the person who did this right? This is absolutely sad and senseless. How much of a lowlife could you be to kill someone over a traffic dispute? No matter what happened, if you’re life isn’t threatened, you have no right to use deadly force on a person. My sincere condolences to the family and i hope justice is served 😢
Tyrieq is definitely a thug and I am grateful he’s no longer here to terrorize the good people of America ❤
Road rage is a dangerous thing everybody wants to be first on the road and you are going to end up at the same stop light
Imagine becoming a wife and widow on the same day😔
He should have kids after marriage, not before😢
Contract Hit
Insurance fraud?
Why aren’t married couple TOGETHER on SAME wedding day?!? 🤷🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️
It’s sad but I’d check text messages and insurance policies… conspiracy is written on this
Dam this fucked up
Tyreek, father of 4 illegitimate kids, was gunned down by a rival. Someone who was probably an ex-husband of the same woman who had several children with other men. This wasn’t an accident.
And the part when he makes a U-Turn at a Stop Sign was over explained. The family knows exactly what happened. They’re part of the cover-up.
Damn talk about a shotgun wedding, smh
Shot 15 times in a road rage incident!
Either there is more to this or there is a seriously dangerous person out there and he needs to be apprehended fast,
My condolences to his wife ,children and family .
An Ex lover holds the key to this mess.
Hmmmm 🤔💭 There’s So Many Questions Here…..The Most Important Ones Being Why Did He Leave His Bride? Where Did He Go? 15 Shots Is A Lot, Seems Like A Passionate K*ll. It’s Sad That 4 Girls Have To Live Without Their Father, His Wife Is A Widow After Less Than 12 Hours Of Being A Wife…. I’m Praying That The Lord Gives Comfort And Strength To The Family 🙏💔🙏
we’re living in the last and evil days my friends, please turn to GOD.
This was definitely for life insurance
I dont care how mad a motorist is at another motorist, I doubt they’re expending that many bullets into another human being for road rage…
Its possible(anything is possible) but improbable…
This has the earmark of some prior beef…
Cameras where are the cameras im sure something was caught on camera
Lord Jesus I pray for his family I pray that you will protect his family I pray Lord that you will give his mother and wife strength and wrap your arms around them and keep them safe in Jesus name Amen 🙏🙏
So a man leaves his wedding alone for “a few minutes” thinking his wife was home. No groomsman is with him his wife is left at the reception??? People saw him get shot so they saw his face and the car. Police say it “might” be related to roadrage ???? I agree with everyone else on here something is fishy. Whatever the reason it was senseless. Someone wanted him dead …..
Who leaves a wedding ceremony without his bride? 🤷🏽♂️
Gettin cut off in traffic is not a reason to kill nobody come on man people be mad asl for their own reasons life sick asl…..
It’s not a clip. it’s a magazine.
Rip Tyrek!
Left without his wife ?
Unload a whole clip and no one got a license plate?
Something not adding up!
There’s more to this story. The streets are saying ol buddy used to be in the streets and this was a get back. Why would a person with road rage waste hours waiting for a groom to come outside. And why was he the only one shot? 15 times is not road rage, that’s a targeted hit.
I’m not gone lie something not adding up!!! ….. ain’t no way he got shot by somebody 15 times for cutting them off at a stop sign ..that’s BS …15 times is a passionate murder!! Somebody that had feelings for him shot him 15 times , u can’t just tell me anything….it gata make sense & this story about the cutting somebody off at a stop sign just plain and simply don’t make since. & who “briefly leaves there weeding reception”? , u can’t tell me a groom wouldn’t just send one of his groomsmen or his best man to go get whatever he needed to go get on that day so he wouldn’t have to leave ….come on nah mayne! Smh
African proverb ” wedding and funeral are the same” R.i.P
His bride set him up. Investigate her ass.
I don’t believe it !!!! It was a hit
Magazine* stop saying clip!!
Insurance money possibly, drug deal gone wrong, wife probably set it up being that he didn’t know that she was still at the venue………idk but this doesn’t sound like road rage imo🤦🏽♀️🙏🏽
Playing “return of the Mack” at your wedding? Smh people don’t realize how serious marriage is and how serious God takes it.
He wasn’t shot over a u turn… he was leaving and the ops were posted up. The u turn was to try and get back to people he knew and increase his chance of survival. The demenor of the family seems like they knew something but weren’t talking.