Trump nails China, Canada & Mexico. Blog King, Mass Appeal WASHINGTON -- Uh-oh! Ladies and…
Trump kicks Kamala’s ass, becomes President again

Trump defeats another female.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
WASHINGTON — “You’re fired!” Welp… Kamala Harris suffered the same kismet as Hillary Clinton. As Democratic nominees, both had an opportunity to become America’s first female president only to come up short against that old rascal – Donald Trump. Yessir. The 78-year-old Republican won the presidential election in a landslide on Tuesday — securing more than enough Electoral Votes. Satan is pissed! Trump is now the oldest president in American history. He’ll have a Republican majority in the Senate — and probably the House as well. The victory, however, is head-scratching for a number of reasons. We all assumed Trump’s political métier was toast when he sought to abrogate his 2020 election defeat, then exhorted his MAGA supporters to march on Capitol Hill — a debacle that led to a free-for-all and subsequent evacuation of Congress.
Prior to that, Trump became the first president to be impeached twice; was prosecuted in a quartet of criminal cases; was accused of sexual assault in a civil lawsuit; filed 6 bankruptcies; and was convicted of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in order to pay hush money to exotic dancer Stormy Daniels after he allegedly banged her at a celebrity golf tournament at Lake Tahoe.
To compound matters, Stormy claimed Trump pulled a Bill Cosby by slipping her a mickey before f*cking her while she was unconscious.
The porn star also said she spanked Trump with a rolled up magazine while he was donning satin pajamas.
Hell, it’s a miracle Trump’s name made it on the ballot.
“We overcame obstacles that nobody thought possible,” he told supporters at West Palm Beach (Florida) in the early hours, calling his White House triumph “a magnificent victory for the American people.”
Now that Trump is in office, expect him to deport as many illegal immigrants as possible.
Conversely, a pissed-off Kamala egressed her watch party at Howard University without speaking publicly.
She didn’t address her tearful supporters.
Just left ’em standing there for 6 hours until one of her campaign advisors came out and sent everybody home.
Kamala is definitely a sore loser.
So, what went wrong?
For starters, not enough women voted for her.
Sure, Kamala had gays and the LGBTQ+ community in her back pocket.
She endorsed free sex changes.
She supported gay men using women’s restrooms.
She’s in favor of chicks with dicks competing against biological females in sports.
Look, I’m not a Trump fan.
But, had Kamala won, our nation would’ve suffered Sodom & Gomorrah the Sequel.
That probably explains why heterosexual women screwed her over.
Case in point: In 2020, female voters picked Joe Biden over Trump by 15 points, according to CNN exit polls.
But, in this election, Kamala got a measly 10 points — very disappointing considering the fact she pushed abortion access, thinking that alone would garner ample female support.
Secondly, Trump — surprisingly — reeled in a boatload of votes from Black men and Latinos; demographics that are vehemently opposed to the gay agenda disseminated by Democrats.
At the behest of woke homosexuals Barack & Michael Obama — Beta males, Pookie & Ray Ray, Brad & Chad, and chicks with dicks have transmogrified America into Wuss Nation.
Rival countries no longer respect us.
Liberals are even indoctrinating our kids with LGBTQ+ textbooks in class.
Real men are now in position to kick ass and reclaim America.
Thirdly, there’s reason to believe Trump received sympathy votes after getting shot in his right ear at a campaign rally.
Social media reaction was wild.
One commenter wrote, “If anything, these last few years should teach the ENTIRE world just how slimy and untrustworthy Democrats are!”
Another chimed in with, “Thank you to the men and women who saved my country !!! ❤❤❤❤❤ God bless you !! And God bless America! 🎶🎶🎶🎶”
A third voter added, “Prayers have been answered! Thank you, Heavenly Father!”
Trump is the 47th president.
Are you satisfied with his triumph?
Will a woman ever become president of the United States?
Watch Trump’s victory speech and Kamala’s concession speech.
Also, watch Roland Martin and Stephen A. Smith weigh in.
Share your thoughts.
LMAO… SUX IT LEFTARDS …. BIDEN/HARRIS…. YOUR FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This Country has said they’re not ready for a Black biracial woman to be President…..
The people have had it with leftist communists !
I want to hear from the white dudes from Kamala! God Bless America!
All the democrats are buttburt trump won again. All my democrat friends are pissed off and calling bs.
I used to swing on both sides voting but im tired of democrats not doing anything for the people.
Hopefully we can as acountry get to a better place
Yesssss MAGA is back baby!!! America first. Proud to be an American. Lets go. Bye kamala 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I can’t believe it; PATRIOTS TOOK THEIR COUNTRY BACK! Y’all should be soooo proud! God bless AMERICA!
To all those leftists that said they would leave the country if trump won, bye bye we wont miss you
Congratulations to all the Americans who voted for Trump.
America is a garbage country.
What a glorious day!!
The adults are back in office
When Trump fucks everyone over I Don’t want to hear shit
obama is letting BIG MIKE diddy him
How long until someone makes a meme saying trump beats women
She never stood a chance.
they don’t want a woman to have that kind of dominion!
it’s sexist, but it’s a fact
Hopefully the country will see what happens when you have a competent leader in office
Time to make a America great again by placing it FIRST!!🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇸🍟🍟🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇸
It does not make me happy to see people cry. The brain washing begins in grade school and the entire media radio Tv Internet magazines everything was owned by some very bad people with some very bad plans for us. Americans do not hear or see anything but America. Russia has been free for decades now .We are not a racist nation and whites did not bring violence and slavery to this continent. Indian wars were about taking .Taking others land and riches and people for slavery Women children and the elderly were killed… This is why they do not race bait and live for today. How sad that people from Europe are taught not to take pride in their ancestors because of all the lies.
Nothing will change. All you Trumpards don’t understand that Trump is DEEP STATE . HE serves and bends the knee to the Zionist Jews. You are all fooled
The electoral Gods have risen and blessed the USA!
Barry Obama was the first women President
Sick to my stomach, disgusted, depressed, never felt so bad after an election in my entire 63 years of life. Disappointed in Americans who choose hate, racism, violence, authoritarian leadership. Disappointed for the rest of the world, like Ukraine and other countries that are now in true danger from Putin, Kim Jong Un, and China.
God sho’nuff did have us!! Trump’s victory was nothing less of God’s work because NOBODY could stop him!! Not even two attempts on his life!! You betta recognize!
I can’t believe Democrats don’t understand how killing babies doesn’t resonate with most Americans
How the Dems condemned Trump, humilated him, lied and cheated about him.. They trampled on him.. The damp basement is ready to be occupied.. This is God’s gift to America.. Make it Great again.. Looking forward to a better World tomorrow..
Kamala was a horrible candidate. Vague, didn’t answer questions. Democrats have gone way too radical. The Democrats have policies that are bad for Americans! Media is propaganda. Americans are tired of lies, cover ups, and unhinged radical democrats! Sick of identity politics, DEI is dead! No more racism from the radical left!
They put illegals over citizens. And had record inflation. Why is anyone baffled about this outcome??
tRump is not out to run the country he’s out for revenge plain and simple plus still facing sentencing for 34 felony convictions
A wise person once said those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it… Unfortunately we did not learn
I know so many who are on disability and voted for Trump. I told one today that she had better figure out how to get a job. This white woman is DISGUSTED. Kamala was the PERFECT choice. What a horrible day.
I feel actual joy coming back to America ❤
@Mystical Angel: I agree. I haven’t been this happy in 4 years!
I hope to never hear from Kamala again.
Bye Felicia LOL!
Kamala Harris my President!!!! 💖💖💖
BREAKING NEWS: The Oceans are rising due to Liberal Tears!
Not all but some White people would burn that country down than let other Black Men or Women run this country. So where do we go from here? I would guess keep our heads up and keep fighting for our rights. But I must say Madam Vice President Kamala Harris has shown Americans what a Winner looks like and I am so proud of her 😊 Thank You
When was this country ever great for BLACK people ?
I want to hear what Joe and Obama have to say.
She mentioned God; at one of her rallys someone said Christ is King and she said they were at the wrong rally. This is such baloney 😫. She’ll say anything to try and make herself look good.
VP Kamala gave a beautiful and classy speech. And even in defeat, she was so positive and said thinga to uplift and encourage her supporters. God Bless her so abundantly! It’s too bad that America missed out in having this treasure of a woman for President.
A very wonderful scientist that studies history and population, developments in technology. He stated we are in the GREAT DECLINE. He said we are in the time of fear of growth, destruction of education, stopping progress and technology advances. That we will slowly decline into a more uneducated, less developed society. There will be the very high ranking, wealthy group and the rest of the population. It was a very great documentary of the studies of society and cultures around the world. We had started the climb into peak development but suddenly shifted into a sharp decline!! Funny today I feel it..
tRump could only dream of being a small fraction of what this woman is. Educated. Class act!!!!
As a white lady, I Voted For All Freedoms. Harris 2024 in October. 😢 I voted for a better future. 😢
The only way for BLACK SOCIETY to truly gets Democracy in elections & Américan politics is Community environment structure setting under the umbrella of segregation society plus be locked into the system like Jewish & chinese People and really learn to work together as a collective group and move as 1️⃣ unit plus really learn to play real life CHESS for long term moves not tempoaray or short term long term ok.
Just know Black women are done , we’re not helping these young black men that voted for trump whip there asses‼️
I’m white and I’m terrified. I can’t imagine what black Americans feel and think about another Trump presidential term. Does it seem hopeless or does it just seem like more of the same old same old?
I wonder how people gone feel in 2 years when Trump put us in a recession…