Unmarried women are pissed. Blog King, Mass Appeal WASHINGTON -- If you're an EBT cardholder,…
Trump kicks Kamala’s ass, becomes President again

Trump defeats another female.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
WASHINGTON — “You’re fired!” Welp… Kamala Harris suffered the same kismet as Hillary Clinton. As Democratic nominees, both had an opportunity to become America’s first female president only to come up short against that old rascal – Donald Trump. Yessir. The 78-year-old Republican won the presidential election in a landslide on Tuesday — securing more than enough Electoral Votes. Satan is pissed! Trump is now the oldest president in American history. He’ll have a Republican majority in the Senate — and probably the House as well. The victory, however, is head-scratching for a number of reasons. We all assumed Trump’s political métier was toast when he sought to abrogate his 2020 election defeat, then exhorted his MAGA supporters to march on Capitol Hill — a debacle that led to a free-for-all and subsequent evacuation of Congress.
Prior to that, Trump became the first president to be impeached twice; was prosecuted in a quartet of criminal cases; was accused of sexual assault in a civil lawsuit; filed 6 bankruptcies; and was convicted of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in order to pay hush money to exotic dancer Stormy Daniels after he allegedly banged her at a celebrity golf tournament at Lake Tahoe.
To compound matters, Stormy claimed Trump pulled a Bill Cosby by slipping her a mickey before f*cking her while she was unconscious.
The porn star also said she spanked Trump with a rolled up magazine while he was donning satin pajamas.
Hell, it’s a miracle Trump’s name made it on the ballot.
“We overcame obstacles that nobody thought possible,” he told supporters at West Palm Beach (Florida) in the early hours, calling his White House triumph “a magnificent victory for the American people.”
Now that Trump is in office, expect him to deport as many illegal immigrants as possible.
Conversely, a pissed-off Kamala egressed her watch party at Howard University without speaking publicly.
She didn’t address her tearful supporters.
Just left ’em standing there for 6 hours until one of her campaign advisors came out and sent everybody home.
Kamala is definitely a sore loser.
So, what went wrong?
For starters, not enough women voted for her.
Sure, Kamala had gays and the LGBTQ+ community in her back pocket.
She endorsed free sex changes.
She supported gay men using women’s restrooms.
She’s in favor of chicks with dicks competing against biological females in sports.
Look, I’m not a Trump fan.
But, had Kamala won, our nation would’ve suffered Sodom & Gomorrah the Sequel.
That probably explains why heterosexual women screwed her over.
Case in point: In 2020, female voters picked Joe Biden over Trump by 15 points, according to CNN exit polls.
But, in this election, Kamala got a measly 10 points — very disappointing considering the fact she pushed abortion access, thinking that alone would garner ample female support.
Secondly, Trump — surprisingly — reeled in a boatload of votes from Black men and Latinos; demographics that are vehemently opposed to the gay agenda disseminated by Democrats.
At the behest of woke homosexuals Barack & Michael Obama — Beta males, Pookie & Ray Ray, Brad & Chad, and chicks with dicks have transmogrified America into Wuss Nation.
Rival countries no longer respect us.
Liberals are even indoctrinating our kids with LGBTQ+ textbooks in class.
Real men are now in position to kick ass and reclaim America.
Thirdly, there’s reason to believe Trump received sympathy votes after getting shot in his right ear at a campaign rally.
Social media reaction was wild.
One commenter wrote, “If anything, these last few years should teach the ENTIRE world just how slimy and untrustworthy Democrats are!”
Another chimed in with, “Thank you to the men and women who saved my country !!! ❤❤❤❤❤ God bless you !! And God bless America! 🎶🎶🎶🎶”
A third voter added, “Prayers have been answered! Thank you, Heavenly Father!”
Trump is the 47th president.
Are you satisfied with his triumph?
Will a woman ever become president of the United States?
Watch Trump’s victory speech and Kamala’s concession speech.
Also, watch Roland Martin and Stephen A. Smith weigh in.
Share your thoughts.
This was rigged and a bought election period cause Latinos know trump don’t like them either so again he bought them which means again this is a bought election.
It is sad! White people running around here talking about oh my God I can’t feed my family. Oh my God, the economy has gone. We can’t do this. We can’t do that! How do they think we felt as slaves when we couldn’t feed our families how about Martin Luther King days when we had to sit somewhere else or couldn’t eat in the same restaurant or even today can’t get the same job that they get that they don’t work hard for. now they feel how we feel that didn’t stop them from going on trips whenever you go to the mall all you see is cars you can’t park. the building houses going on cruises so the economy wasn’t hurting them. You have to understand people are working off of feelings and not facts because this is a country that don’t read They don’t follow facts they don’t look at anything I know because I am a teacher We have kids that don’t read and because they don’t read they don’t think logically. They don’t understand how things work. It’s very sad but like you see it they are about to see because you have someone like Vance, who is not advanced at all. Blacks Mexicans, who voted for this man while he deliberately talked about them in their faces is sad is sad to see Byron Donaldson walk on the stage in Trump’s rally while they play a racist, cotton song and he walk up there like the slave, black man that, he is. Let’s sit back and watch because God did this for a reason now Donald Trump can erase his 34 felonies and his sexual assault and the judges in the police can go on putting me in jail for marijuana and the cartels continue to come across the border and pay Donald Trump and all of these white folks who run around here with these mansions and all this money God will deal with them starting today
Ok F**kTrump won the election, but now we have to get ready for the midterm elections in 2026
If you don’t know the difference between “Two Corinthians & 2nd Corinthians.” Now’s the time to Learn… 🙌🏾
Remember how America was built and founded on racism and you see it stìll exist. America was not going to let a black woman be the President. America will regret it.
@Tasha: Everybody says she’s not black. She also has a history of throwing black men in jail.
They found out we the people don’t care what celebrities think.
Black, white, and Latino people told yall in 2019 we didnt like Kamala. Yall didnt believe it. Black people dont like the same people that black democrats like. Until yall realize that, democrats will continue to lose
Her policies were underwhelming and the disrespect towards black men were unforgivable. Thats why Scamala Harris lost. No tangibles, No vote. Yall will be okay
Black and Hispanic men voted for this man. That swung the election.
Imagine having 95 percent of the media, the Hollywood cult and all the celebrities, athletes and the LGBT mob routing for you and you still lose 😂😂😂
All the ##DiddyFreakoffs celebrities endorsed her. The working class don’t give a hoot about that. Its the economy and open borders, stupid!
Men going into Womens restroom s , and playing against them in sports .
taxpayer sex changes
” you are at the wrong rally ”
Shit, no wonder she lost.
Not surprised. Democrats didn’t vote for her during the primaries… 4 yrs ago
Even though she didnt address her supporters, VP Harris took it better than Hillary Clinton.
Joe Biden’s 81 Million votes 🗳️ literally fell off the back of a truck 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Welcome the world’s newest dictatorship.
This election was rigged Trump should have been in prison for his crimes you have to blame our justice system for not prosecuting him f him and the republican party
Niggas still didnt vote like they should have so will receive nothing as usual
Black and Latino people didnt vote for Trump because black people believed we would get reparations, end qualified immunity, or get a hate crime bill. Black people did it mainly because of being tired of Democrats doing nothing for black people and at least Trump will handle the border and the tax cuts will put money in our pockets. Democrats love ignoring the real issues. Kamala’s policies were weak. That housing program was extremely flawed because of who her donors were. Kamala has a track record of flip flopping on policies.
I told you people months ago, that Kamala Harris was a poor choice of candidate. I also told you that the best candidate to run against Trump was Gavin Newsom and not ONE of you listened. Now you’re looking like a bunch of damn fools. SMH.
I see they aren’t going to understand all the celebrities & rappers was a folly. It just got tiring tbh. The men in women’s sports. Schools making our black children call a white boy “her” in schools. We need to admit ppl don’t expect Trump to be a God they just didn’t want those policies anymore. Immigration taking money they didn’t work for. Ppl are sick of them but 🤷🏾♀️
America where is your morals compass despite the orange man conviction of crime a racist well known and so much disrespect for black women especially and countless things that made not fit be president but you hold your nose to vote for him and as you made your bed so shall lie it.
This man should have to register as a sex offender, right?!
Haha Democrats, shut yall dumb asses up!
America saved Black America from themselves. Kamala was gone wipe Black America out and Black people were blindly helping her.
Black folks are leaving the Democratic Party because, as the base of their party, they have done nothing for us.
Dark days ahead…this is scary stuff…Trump is unhinged, untethered, & unleashed.
Where is the 40 acres and my mule?
Too many stupid people in this country!!
Give Trump credit. He made massive gains with Hispanics and black men.
Y’all wanna know why latinos voted for Trump? I know it’s stupid, but Obama did an Okey doke on deporting latinos more than any president ever before. Mexicans didn’t forget, Kamala paid the price.
I’m so disappointed. My gifted 15yr old high schooler who loves school requested a mental health day today. I totally understand and we sat as a family last night and discussed what had happened. I’m praying for everyone in the comments to remain strong and focused.
Yesterday, the stock market hit a record high of 1400 points. Called the Trump bump. Hamas has signaled they want to end the war, now that Trump is coming back. All the world’s leaders are excited he is coming back. Course Iran, will be ignorant. But they will get sanctioned. Just like Trump had them cornered before. And Kamala gave them 380 billion. Kamala wanted the War, b/c she believes in Keynesian economics.
I just don’t understand how you elect a felon and a sexual abuser to office. Project 2025 was not a joke. It’s real. He will implement it. I just do not get it. But it’s history repeating itself again
Well I’ve been in plenty of conversations with Latinos and unfortunately in the Majority of them I’ve caught the stench of Racism not to mention that Machismo made it for sure a bridge too far they wouldn’t have been able to even imagine Voting for a double Hex a Woman and Black on top of that
I’m afraid that we will pay the price for that
The billionaires sold us out. Democrats gotta stop trying to get everyone on board all the time with this kumbaya shit all the time. Get your people to vote. Get stuff for your people. They wanna play games? Play to fucking win. In every way. Man y’all. I’m hurt for all of us.
trump should be in jail they elected a convicted felon
Kamala Harris couldn’t overcome Xenophobia. Even Black Americans, and Hispanic Americans whose citizenship rights have always been protected by the Democratic Party, voted for Trump, because they are also xenophobic.
Y’all crazy Kamala would have hurt this country
It was never about democratic or republican. It was the God factor. And the polocies, transgender, abortion, cutting off children body parts.
I haven’t seen a man beat a woman this badly since the olympics.
Kamalas new pronouns HAS/BEEN 😂
Americans have spoken!! 46% of Latinos VOTED TRUMP 🇺🇸🙏🕊️♥️🙏🇺🇸♥️🌹♥️🌹
Niggaz 4 Trump! 🦅🇺🇲🙌🏿
Kamala Harris was the best choice. But those idiots who voted the demon 👿 in its going to be a ugly long four years.All we can do is pray and continue to pray.🙏🙏🙏🙏