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Gang banger’s sister killed while driving to cemetery

Sister killed at brother’s funeral.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
DIXMOOR — The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. Law enforcement officials in the Windy City are investigating after 34-year-old Rhomesha Turner was shot dead while driving her deceased brother to the cemetery. The drive-by shooting transpired around noon on November 2, 2024 in Dixmoor, Illinois — a suburb of Chicago. According to Dixmoor Police Chief Lionel Smith, Rhomesha had just left a funeral service for her brother, 32-year-old Chevelle Carter, at St. Mark’s Church. While driving a white Jaguar SUV in a funeral procession, Rhomesha was shot multiple times — causing her to veer off the road and crash into a residence. Rhomesha was transported via ambulance to UChicago Medicine Ingalls Memorial Hospital where she was pronounced dead. Chevelle was shot dead by a pair of gunmen two weeks prior on October 19th.
So police believe his enemies may have murdered Rhomesha in retaliation.
Chevelle — a known gang member — released a video, bragging about shooting people. “I’m taking to killing school, classes start next week,” he said. “You got to at least have two bodies. I’m going to give y’all two minimum.” What’s ironic is the two bodies ended up being him and Rhomesha. Chevelle’s dad, Jeffery Harris, appears to know who the killers are. He vowed reprisal via social media.
“And to let it be known… Y’all didn’t get him,” Jeffery wrote.
“He came tryna get y’all and wat happened happened… but the saga continues…”
Community members offered their condolences on social media to the family, who tragically “lost two in one month.”
Social media reaction was venomous.
One commenter wrote, “Why in the hell did these damn dustys want his sister dead when they already eliminated their target? SMDH. Sad.😢”
Another chimed in with, “And we have the nerve to walk around chanting Black Lives Matters. 🤦♀”
A third person added, “When Jesus returns, it’s gonna be a lot of people in trouble. They can laugh now but, trust me, they are going to be crying later.”
Rhomesha, a single mom, was a celebrated hairdresser who was lauded as a “special braid artist.”
The Kyla Pratt look-alike was also in nursing school.
Scuttlebutt has it Rhomesha’s family asked for a police escort during the procession, but received no answer.
Watch the explosive documentary, which includes footage of Chevelle’s shooting and Rhomesha’s crash.
Share your thoughts.
I never wanna even visit Chicago
The fact that he said you gotta have two bodys and the two bodys ended up being him and his sister is scary asf ❤man we gotta watch what we say out loud god is listening.
She favors Kyla Pratt
Beautiful girl smh
I’m so sick of this BS!
My God My God! Reach down and touch us Father, heal the family members like only You can in Jesus Name I pray Amen💔🙏🏾🙏🏾
She had nothing to do with this ,this is. Why i no longer hang out anywhere this is so sad took a mom from her kids for no reason and made jokes about her brothers death😢😢😢
I knew this was Chicago 🤦🏾♀️
We’re the only group in America that does this shyt
Stay away from gang life if you like living
You KNOW it was the same person who killed both of them.
She looks like Kyla Pratt That is sad 😔🙏🏽
What an absolute war zone these ppl have created in Illinois…
Jesus, these people are straight out heartless
I bet the killer was sitting right in the funeral
Yall are so ignorant and Stupid,, I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND, THEY WILL KILL THERE OWN BUT Afraid of the other people,,,, SMDH, DUMM STUPID AZZ. ,,
Where the protests??al sharpton?? Ben Crump??poor lady
Shout out to strong,classy,God fearing,good people that would never stoop this low and commit such a weak,cowardly act like this.Karma will visit….my condolences to the family and friends 🙏🏽
Dumbest shit ever.
Her Brother killed 10 opps whatchu think they wasn’t going to go for his family? Look ‘em up bloodhound lil Jeff.
JESUS Christ is life and is about life❤❤❤
A bunch of soft gay men
Chicago too gangsta for me
We were told police were asked to assist with the funeral, but the family plead went on death ears
Hopefully trump’s tough laws on crime will help cities like this and get the riff raff bs off the streets..
Ima be honest, she got them hips though. I bet doggystyle was the trick…. that part
This is just ridiculous and sad that lady was a mother a daughter a sister and a friend and she got killed because of her decreased brother cause he was in a gang black ppl we got to do better what happen to fist fights oh I forgot y’all can’t fight and cowards
“Retaliation” for WHAT? Her brother was the original shooting victim. So shouldn’t HER family have been the one retaliating? What would her brother’s killer be retaliating for? Was he mad that his first victim was getting a funeral? Makes zero sense.
There was a time when even the most ruthless gangsters lived by the code of never harming innocent women, children or the elderly. Sadly, that time is no more. At least, in our community and in the drug world it isn’t.
Chicago has the worst blk ppl in America
Lord have mercy my prayers are with this family.
Leave Chicago folks
She got smoked
More lives taken in Shitcago. Same criminals. Same shooters.
I can’t understand how so many dudes do nothing but hang with each other all day🌈. Like nobody wants better, just get up, get dressed, and hang with dudes all day that hate other dudes😂. Somebody make it make sense 😂. Nobody has enough sense to get out the city, get a job, an education….something. Just sit around dudes all day, make videos about other dudes yall don’t like, and stalk them. Seems pretty suspect to me.
Can’t imagine what the mother is going through. Losing two of your kids in a two week span.
This shit is sad. He already gone.. so u arent hurting him.. just the mother.. so sad to me…that poor mother..
Those ninjas weak they better realize they got sisters mothers daughters grandmas aunts cousins
Our black ancestors are turning in their grave. They fought for freedom, to read, write, vote, work and own property. You uneducated idiots killing sons, brothers, mother’s and sister’s.
White Supremacists are laughing at us.
SADDLY,.. The Brother spoke these two MURDERS into EXISTENCE!! Mocking himself and his Sister UNKNOWLY!!.. PLEASE, be careful what you SPEAK!!… This is very DEMONIC!!!
Isn’t the mid- west full of KKK? why are black men murdering each other?
You brothers in Illinois are lost and embarrassing.
Got his sister and himself killed. Smh. Guess the other guy already graduated from killing school. Smh. Goofballs.
That’s crazy work… people, HELL IS REAL