Dr. Umar Johnson has HBCU students chanting "Black queens forever! Snow bunnies never!" @sammy.foe Dr.…
Cartoon: Dating in America stinks for ‘Modern Women’
Lexus Exodus made a controversial cartoon that illuminates modern women’s struggles in dating.
Affordable Care ActAfrican-AmericanAlphaAlpha MaleAlpha MalesAmericaBaby DaddyBaby MamaBankruptcyBed WenchBetaBeta MaleBeta MalesBlack ManBlack MenBlack WomanBlack WomenBradBumCareerCashChadCheapDatingDating AppDating PoolDemocratDivestDivestingDivestorDivorceDustyEconomyElectionJobKevin SamuelsKIngKingsLexus ExodusLonelyMAGAMake America Great AgainManosphereMarriageModern WomanModern WomenMoneyObamacareOnline DatingPassport BrosPookieQueenQueensRay Rae's Rib ShackRay RayRed PillRepublicanSexSingleSpeed DatingSwirlSwirlerSwirlersSwirlingThugUnemployedUnemploymentVoteVoterWestern Culture
Sad how BM are betrayed in this video. Made the WM look better like he’s the savior for BW. Most WM voted for Trump but they didn’t include this in this video. It’s sad how Black people are taught to hate themselves subconsciously through ways like this video.🤦♂️
I thought Brad got put on the back burner after helping Trump get elected.
I have been saying this for a while. Black men are the only men who do not take dating seriously!
All blk women should find their white kings!! Love this for yall!
These are the types of guys most American BW get because BM with their stuff together is not checking for them.
Ray-Ray’s Rib Shack? Was that a reference to Chat Room?
The lies in these parodies are funny 😂😂😂😂😂
As a black man this is really funny.😂
The ending got me heated! 😤😡😡
This is so funny it’s cringe, but the ironic part about this. How I know a female made this video; cause Pooky & Ray Ray was not in it😂😂. Cuz they already at her crib with the keys in hand…but this video ain’t gonna let us know about that.
Too accurate 🤣
I aint gonna lie. I am a man, and I find the cartoon hilarious. Some of the doctrines in the manosphere theology are ridiculous and should be ridiculed.
I was so excited for this woman at the end and then that rug got pulled right tf out from under my ass 😭
This was so entertaining and educational and accurate!
They need to do a cartoon about delusional women😂😂😂
Ordering Tuna salad and chili at a rib restaurant is unhinged 😂
Surprisingly, this election made me happy to be a lesbian. Most straight men voting for Trump. As a lesbian, I don’t have to worry about dating someone that voted for Trump. Almost no lgbt girl voted for Trump, and if they did they’re in the closet.
Also I get the last guy’s question 💯, as a lesbian of color when someone that is like me isn’t around. I immediately notice.
Well this is a Fukkin LIE.. BW have the NASTIEST ATTITUDES on the ENTIRE PLANET.. So Rude and Disrespectful.. will literally Talk Shyt about a person right in front of them and then play victim… I can’t stand yall❤❤❤❤ with a passion
Kamala lost and yall bitches is lonely, sad and true, very funny videos, but this complaining shit getting old, im sorry but nobody is lil miss fukn perfect smh
100% true. This exact scenario has happened to me several times. Lol.
There’s a new phenomenon
that emerged during the pandemic/economic slump: dudes continue to talk about how they don’t value women with careers… but at the same time, now they ask a bunch of interview questions about the woman’s career either before or on the first date. It’s like a successful (ie pays her own bills, has her own assets, has stable job, etc) woman is still not the ideal woman BUT he is also looking for help to improve his living / financial situation. Very odd.
I’ve taken to asking single men what they want. Directly. The responses have been both enlightening and confusing.
God I needed this!
Tell the whole truth, Statistically speaking Brad isnt going to actually marry black women either, plus the nerdy educated black man is never an option for yall until the very end. Smh sad.
If politics is a deal breaker for you, 100% legitimate to discuss politics on a first date. Why spend weeks or months dating someone only to find out that their beliefs are horrible to you? Might as well find that out as soon as possible so not to waste each other time. lol @ saying “I don’t identify with either party” but then using liberal talking points when talking to the trump supporter.
I applaud the women who are still out here trying in these dating streets. I just cannot! 😂
“I have the affordable care act”…I almost threw my phone 😂
This is both scarily accurate and pure genius!
Him making lemonade with the free ingredients 😂
This is really spot on. ladies please understand there is NOT an age limit on this foolishness. Men well in their 50’s show up in these same examples.
“R.I.P Lonely Old B!tch” 💀💀💀
Seriously, this was incredible! 👏🏾
“I don’t identify as either Democrat or Republican and vote on policy and not based on Party.” 20 seconds later all comments made are in support of the Liberal Democratic agenda while sneak dissing Conservatism. The Trump supporter is supposed to be the ignorant, Black clown while she is the “smart, pro-Democratic professional”. This is why Black men are abandoning BWs. Good riddance.
Who talks like this on dates😂😂…..this is more judgment, and talking at each other then enjoying or bonding…..Who talks like this!?!? …..this is like I can here to fight convo…..I hope nobody talks like this or acts like this on dates.
Lol we don’t think you’re a traitor queen. Clearly BM are garbage according to this content 😂. Please go with Brad, hopefully you don’t do him in dirty like Rosa does her Brad on the Internet for us all to see.
This video is so accurate..I am trying to dip my toe in the dating pool after not dating for years and at this point, I think I’m going back to decentering men for my sanity.
Im a red pill man but this shiiiiiii is heeeeeeeeelarious!!!! 😂😂🤣🤣
I say no, with the type of person you want wants. The cultured man with a good career that wants to provide, doesn’t care about her career and doesn’t want attitude either. He does want someone that doesn’t have a ready-made family, weights less than him, and cooperative. For guys that want a woman that fits that criteria. Women don’t want someone that lives with their mama, can only afford fast food, and shorter than them. If you come short in one area, make up for it in another area.
What’s wrong with meeting at a coffee shop for the first date? If you’re really feeling or like someone & there’s chemistry, the $200 – $300 (or more) dinner dates will come soon and will be automatic, along with concerts, festivals, day trips, vacations, meeting friends/family, etc. Why do dudes have to spend money on a big fancy dinner and they don’t even know the woman’s middle name yet or their favorite color? 😂😂😂
Women are gatekeepers to sex but the thing they want…relationships, marriage, and protection…men are gatekeepers to that.
The brad at the end proves that all they gotta do is express basic desire for a bw and he gets submission
Caucasian men are dusty too. Ijs
Nailed it perfectly
“RIP, Lonely, old, Bitch,” I can’t…😅😂😅😆
Good luck to men out here chasing these delusional, wing/ weave wearing with colors, body surgery, too much make up wearing, out of shape , with no career, chasing dates for plates of food, etc.. females. Back in day you use talk women ear off on phone to get a picture of her body, now they turn shake their bootys when there no reason or just on their pages see their booty. These females feminist will be new cat ladies or dog mom’s..
Lol. This lame as hell. Make sure to illustrate the laundry list of crap women require to even get to that date. She wont date a regular guy. She only going for the Pookies that give her the butterflies. Thinking these Pookies are gonna treat them right.
Don’t worry, yall going to have all the fat, old nasty white men having their way with you soon enough with Trump in office. Just the way yall wanted it right? Give your wombs to the white man. Your body their choice…😂
Black witches. 👎🏻
I found my love who is a fellow MAGA ❤ Match made in heaven ❤️ ♥️
Videos like these expose how the overwhelming majority of black females view their male counterpart as a monolith.
They aren’t able to make distinctions when they see their male counterpart due to being bias.
It’s like going to a klan rally and trying to convince those in attendance that you’re a good black man………….. they’ll never see it.
Also black men please do not forget how a mass amount of black females celebrated Kobe dying in a helicopter crash for being married to a Hispanic woman.
Black men live rent free in the minds of these feeble minded people, and the narrator of this video inadvertently reveals that.
We on the verge WW3, race war, economic collapse and another breakdown in society like the pandemic and BW still on here demonizing black men and being divisive. I got news for you, if you’re single or a single mother, you are in TROUBLE because men are not going to be protecting and providing for women that hate, resent, and keep disrespecting them. Brad and them cats are not going to protect u. BW create their own problems
I’m married and so I don’t have a horse in this race. Be alone if that’s what you want or have resigned to do. Nothing wrong with that. But if you want a relationship you’ll need to go find one. Good men have great options and he won’t come looking for you. You’ll need to approach him. Blessings