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Jealous lesbian kills wife before dying in shootout

Lacresha & Terea both shot dead/YouTube

Lesbian kills wife then gets killed. 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP — The adventures of Pookiesha & Ray Ray continue. Residents of Springfield Township, Ohio are in mourning after 42-year-old Terea Brown murdered her wife, 33-year-old Lacresha Black, because they were on the verge of a divorce. The sanguinary ordeal transpired around 7 a.m. on November 18, 2024 outside the couple’s condo complex. According to reports, Lacresha — a victim of domestic violence — told Terea she was sick and tired of being her punching bag 🥊 and she wanted out of the marriage. Rather than find herself a new lesbian, Terea pulled out a gun 🔫 and opened fire — striking Lacresha in the head. Her friend called police. Dispatcher: “This is 911. Do you have an emergency?” Caller: “Yes. Um, someone’s dead. She got shot [in the head].” Dispatcher: “She got shot in the head?” Caller: “Yes, with a bullet.”

Terea fled across state line in a black Chevrolet Cruze. Authorities received a tip and found her vehicle in Clinton County, Indiana. But, when they tried to pull Terea over, she refused to comply. After initiating a high-speed pursuit of 150 miles, Terea stopped at a gas station and fired at police. Officers responded by blowing Terea to smithereens — à la Queen Latifah’s character in “Set It Off.”

Indiana State Police provided details via Facebook.

“At that point, a shot was fired from the vehicle and by troopers,” the department wrote.

“Indiana State Police SWAT arrived on the scene and approached the vehicle using an armored vehicle. Upon entry, SWAT officers discovered a deceased individual inside the vehicle. No other occupants were found. During the course of the investigation, a firearm was recovered from inside the suspect’s vehicle.”

Social media reaction was cold-blooded.

One commenter wrote, “Don’t be gay, and you’ll be okay.”

Another chimed in with, “Two women shouldn’t be together. All that emotion and feelings with zero logic whatsoever.”

A third person added, “They’re both burning in hell 👿🔥👿🔥!!! The most high says, and I quote, homosexuals ‘will not inherit the kingdom of God.'”

Lacresha and Terea appeared to be the perfect couple on social media.

They canoodled on video and even had matching tattoos that read: “Til Death Do Us Part.”

But, turns out, it was all a bunch of bullsh*t💩💩💩.

Watch the explosive documentary.

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This Post Has 44 Comments

  1. RIP Ms Black . Removing yourself from a relationship shouldnt cost one their lives.

  2. This is a sad case of a young lady who was confused and thought she was gay.
    She got involved with an insecure predator that took her life for no damn reason.

  3. One thing many people don’t know is that lesbian relationships have the highest rates of domestic violence.

  4. Lord have mercy I just don’t know why people can’t let someone go and then just move on. Prayers for the family and friends left behind.

  5. 🙏🙏🙏 I live in Cincinnati. I never heard of this story through the media because it is never publicized. Life goes on though.

  6. That’s how things are now. People move so fast and jump in relationships and marriages without taking out time to date and get to know a person. If they would’ve she would’ve seen those red flags.

  7. Older people tend to control younger people while in a relationship and abuse them. My condolences to the victim family and may she rip. 🕊️😔❤️

  8. Women marrying women. People taking each other out over rejection. This world is so jacked up smh. God bless us all.

  9. Repent. These demonic relationships only end in misery. This goes for same sex relationships and heterosexual relationships where people think they can just live in sin and think everything is sweet. The wages of sin is death. And no matter how much people toss around the phrase, there is no “resting in peace” for those who choose to live in sin.

  10. I wish I could say R.I.P but I know what my bible says about living in sin..This lifestyle is and abomination before God and the wages of sin is d3@÷h..Repentt people, turn away from sin and seek the Lord while he may be found, hell is a real place….

  11. Women on women relationships are the worst! Too much estrogen. Not that I like any same sex marriages, these are by far the worst. Domestic violence super exceeds any other type of relationship it’s scary.

  12. Relationships are toxic, abusive and not worth the trouble these days. You never truly know a person nor what goes on behind closed doors. People have no conflict resolution skills that do not involve violence. Just leave and walk away. Being single is safest these days.

  13. Disgusting. Same sex marriage, living in sin, letting rage take over them, just gross.

  14. The Devil came to collect a 2 for one get those abominations out of here

  15. Ironically according to the D-V stats lesbians are blowing men out the water with how wild they get and the amount of times. But sadly the system doesnt view it the same and pair that with the legal system “softer on women” standards in court gives these women so many window of chances to go to the utmost extreme snapping points. I reviewed the stats this year and the amount of violence from womn on womn relationships dwarfs hetero relationships even when combining both man and women in the D-V. its 7x the violence rate as traditional dynamics but the agenda will never let that hit day light for a moment.


  17. 2 people with the same demons/spirits on them of course it’s going to go left every-time I hate it had to end with someone’s life being taken but God never intended men to be with men or women with women

  18. I wonder what men hurt them to the point where they said “We’ll show them… we don’t need them…let’s pretend we’re happy together!” Gooffies.

  19. God is not pleased, this what happen when u serve the devil and his agendas.

  20. @Jeremiah Holmes: Shut up this is happening more to straight couples than gay couples. And who are you to speak for god and judge anyone?

  21. This is what happens when you don’t follow God’s law, remember Sodom and Gomorrah?

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