A viral video shows an exasperated single lady venting about the paucity of eligible bachelors.
Jenifer Lewis slams black men who voted for Trump

Jenifer Lewis rips black men.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
NEW YORK — Democrats are still peeved about losing the presidential election. Now they’ve gone scorched-earth 🔥🔥🔥 on anything with a phallus. During a recent appearance on the “Stephen A. Smith Show,” 67-year-old thespian Jenifer Lewis lambasted Black men and Latinos for voting for President Donald Trump. It’s her assertion Kamala Harris garnered diminutive support strictly because she’s a female. During the profanity-laced tirade, Jenifer defended a woman’s right to get an abortion before claiming Trump now has complete autonomy to have negroes extirpated by law enforcement. The old lady has clearly lost her damn mind. “What do you have to say to Black men and Latinos who were not in favor of supporting Kamala Harris?” Stephen A. asked. “Oh honey. Oh honey. When your favorite niece and your 13-year-old daughter gets raped by your alcoholic brother or the next door neighbor and she tries to abort that baby inside of her from a rape, you’re going to regret that,” Jenifer replied. “They want to keep women in their place. It’s so disgusting, I can’t even put words to them [not] voting for her because she was a woman.”
“They didn’t care that she was smart and powerful, educated, beautiful, kind, joyful, fearless,” Jenifer continued. “She would’ve taken care of this country. She would’ve protected the people. She would’ve surrounded herself with great minds. But keeping women in their place was more important to them. And black men, that was just shocking because honey he’s going to give the military and the police permission to shoot you in your back and there will be no immunity. So baby, y’all done f*cked up. You took every right from your children. There will be no social security and pensions and rights… He’s gonna be in charge of the military. We have f*cked up!”
“End of story!” she added.
Jenifer also said black men are the only ones shooting themselves in the street and they “voted for [Trump] because they hate themselves.”
Rather than put Jenifer in her place for fearmongering, Stephen A. did what he does best.
He started simpin.’
Social media reaction was wild.
One commenter wrote, “Between her and Joy Reid’s psychotic episodes, I believe they need to seek mental health ASAP!”
Another chimed in with, “No immunity? I think she meant to say that there will be immunity for the Cops. Lol!”
A third viewer added, “Keep women IN THEIR PLACE. Inferring that there is in fact a certain place for women.”
What’s my take?
I’ll preface my argument by saying I’m not a Democrat nor a Republican.
There’s simply too many nuances to tie myself to a particular party.
That said, Black Alpha males and Latinos joined forces to put Trump in the White House simply because we’re sick and tired of descrying men in dresses entering women’s restrooms. As a society, we’re pissed at Democrats for putting LGBT textbooks in schools to anchor a gay curriculum. We’re fed up with chicks with dicks competing in women’s events (à la Juwanna Mann).
Kataluna Enriquez made history by becoming the first transgender woman to be crowned Miss Nevada, and it’s a f*cking disgrace.
What Jenifer doesn’t understand is by voting Trump in office, men of color basically said we’d rather get shot in the back than rehash Sodom and Gomorrah. And I love it!
See… the election, in my opinion, wasn’t about whether or not America was ready for a female president.
It was about Alpha males conquering Beta males and gays to reclaim our country.
Had Kamala won, there’d be rainbows 🌈 all over the f*cking place.
She would’ve also put a Planned Parenthood on every street corner.
Rival nations like China and Russia have lost respect for us.
America became a laughingstock.
But, with Trump in office, we’re in position to get things back on track.
As for gender roles?
Yes, Jenifer, women should stay in their place and we men should stay in ours.
If God wanted us to be the same, he would’ve made us that way.
The same is true with race.
If the heavenly father wanted us to be the same color, it would’ve transpired.
I’m black, proud and wouldn’t trade pigmentation with anybody.
Whatever color you are, you’d be sagacious to embrace it.
God doesn’t make mistakes.
We’re black, brown, white and yellow for a reason.
Anyway, back to gender.
The bible outlines our roles and they’re Dr. Seuss simple.
Here’s a trio of corroborate scriptures:
Ephesians 5:22-24 – “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23) For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. 24) Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.”
Genesis 3:16 – “To the woman He said: ‘I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you.’”
Ephesians 5:25-27 – “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26) that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27) that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.”
In other words, to quote the great LaVar Ball: “STAY IN YO LANE!”
Look… as Alphas, we don’t give a damn about a woman’s career.
We simply want a feminine, prepossessing, domestic wife as biblically described in the aforementioned scriptures.
Mr. Beta, on the other hand, is overly concerned with a woman’s métier because she’ll be the one taking care of his broke ass.
It’s imperative society understands the difference.
It should be noted, Jenifer was diagnosed with a bipolar disorder in 1990 after her father died.
So she’s non compos mentis.
Probably didn’t take her meds.
Also, four years ago, the “Black-ish” actress was fleeced out of thousands of dollars by a black man in a romance scam.
Antonio Mariot Wilson — a personal trainer at 24 Hour Fitness — pretended to be in love with Jenifer, then hoodwinked her and three other women into investing nearly $400,000 into his phony business.
“He was handsome, well spoken. He was educated,” Jenifer told reporters.
“This man came into my life, came into my home, into my bedroom and then into me. I was embarrassed. I felt like a victim, which I don’t like that word.”
Damn, no wonder Jenifer despises black men.
We’ve caused her nothin’ but pain.
Anyway, watch Jenifer go “Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.”
Share your thoughts.
She is bipolar. Nothing to see here.
Why do they let these clowns speak
Lewis has been diagnosed with mental health issues. Facts. I know her history. She was in an abuse relationship. She was nearly bankrupted by a ex con.
has she taken her bi-polar meds recently. she needs to shut up. she dont know everything about k harris. she just wants a black woman in office, but its more important than that. look at the shape our world is in, mostly from j biden. we have to have order. plus she dont know all of us black men, and how we feel about america
Jennifer Lewis here to scare black people back on the plantation
This is why black guys date white chicks.
The vast majority of American black women want superiority over the American black men!! This garbage started with the “Baby Boomer”generation of women. Those women are the most disgraceful/dishonorable women in the history.
I dont know what Jennifer is talking about, but these are the facts when it comes to why women get abortions. A study from the pro-abortion-rights Guttmacher Institute found that only about 1% of abortions are sought for reasons of rape, and less than 0.5% are sought for reasons of incest. The institute found that only 1% to 3% are performed for medical reasons. The majority of abortions are performed for economical and social reasons which are referred to as convenience reasons and are used as a form of birth control to get rid of unwanted pregnancies for several reasons. Examples: a woman’s low economical status unable to financially care for the child, or being in short unreliable sexual relationships where an unintentional pregnancy occurs, or promiscuity with multiple men, or infidelity against a spouse or sexual partner.
That chick is crazy 😂. Keep her away from normal people please 😂. Shes clearly delusional.
No motherfuker you lost your mind!!!
I voted for President Trump and I don’t hate myself.
This is all bullshit
There’s too many SELL OUTS in this world……. Wait til Trump fuks up the country…. Then you A$$Wholes will run to the Democratic Party
As a black man that didn’t vote, but rooting for Trump, I think men in general would have voted for someone like Candace Owens ALL DAY over Kamala (I know she is a Republican, but just saying). Too many reasons to list here, but it definitely wasn’t race or gender.
Some black men just want to be part of the system. They have forgotten about the past and how whites did us.