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Single black female claims she’s done with black men

Black chick done with dating.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
ATLANTA — If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times. “Love’s a bitch.” A viral video shows an exasperated black chick telling her TikTok followers she’s done dating black men. In her 4-minute vlog titled “Still love black men but I’m over it lol,” the negro popsy said she’s grown weary of n*ggas punishing her for what women did to them in the past. “I’m over black men. I am so over black men,” babygirl ranted. “The reason why is… it’s too much energy. They want you to stick around with all their bullsh*t. They want you to stick around while they grow up, and they won’t do the same for you. They’re not patient with you. They’re not understanding what you go through as a woman. It’s like, as black women, we always gotta fight for what we deserve in relationships with black men and I’m so tired of that. I just feel like a lot of sh*t just don’t be fair. And me, personally, I don’t feel like I have to f*ckin’ go to war with trying to get you to understand that I genuinely love you. I genuinely care about you. I’m here for you.”
“It’s so exhausting dating black men,” babygirl continued.
“I wouldn’t say date outside my race… I’m not opposed to dating outside my race. But I think right now I’m so exhausted with dating black men. I don’t know what I’m saying anymore. It’s just exhausting.”
A black man who knows the woman personally disseminated a rebuttal, saying the reason she’s going through so much hell is because she keeps spreading her legs for Pookie & Ray Ray while spurning nice guys. “You’re dating a gang banger. A Crip,” he retorted. “Y’all date gang bangers, drug dealers and scammers, then complain about black men? Y’all date the worst black men. Go date a man who works a legal job. I can’t wait until they delete TikTok, bro. Delete the app. Ban TikTok, please. I’m tired of this sh*t.”
Social media reaction was equally vicious.
One commenter wrote, “It’s like buying an unreliable car, then complain about repairs.”
Another chimed in with, “The uncomfortable truth is that they are getting what they are worth. If gang bangers, bums, and habitual baby mama-makers are all you getting, it’s literally a ‘you’ problem. A good smart man with some sense wouldn’t even bother. How about we stop making decisions based on race. Who we date/marry, where we shop, who we vote for, who we listen to or seek advice from… Making a decision based on race is racism. Whether it’s good or bad, it’s racism. Date someone because of their character, morals, values. Patronize businesses because they provide value. Vote for someone based on their values and beliefs, etc.”
A third viewer added, “I’m not sure what kind of black men she’s dating. My man is black and he’s sweet, loving, patient, humble, tough, manly, smart, and reliable.🙄”
Babygirl admitted she’s still f*ckin’ a black dude.
But she’s at her wits’ end.
Are you frustrated with the dating scene?
Do Pookie & Ray Ray have bigger phalluses than nice guys?
Watch babygirl vent her exasperation.
Share your thoughts.
When yall get so tired to the point yall stop making videos about it… then we’ll believe yall done. Then she said she’s with somebody. Yall be having one foot in & one foot out. Dont know what to do 🤣
I’m sorry I love them but they never loved me back. I gave up on them and now i have my dream life in bodybuilding and about to be married. Im done smh
I’m with someone who don’t want to deal with his own insecurities! I’m getting annoyed! This will be my last relationship. I’m over it.
She did this to get attention and it worked. We have to stop giving energy to this
She’s confusing real Black men with them street ninjas 🥷. She’s dont hate us, she hates her own choices.
I agree with her. Too much liability, struggle, sexual pressure, broke-ness, inconsideration, low quality dates and effort, etc 🙄😒 over all of it ✌️
She represents ALL black women who diss black men online
I just don’t have the capacity anymore. We get blamed for everything and nothing we do is enough. so I’m just tired…
Crazy how anytime black men are depicted and described it is always that of the esthetic of a hood guy smh a lot women love mookie and peewee type guys but don’t like the regular black dudes that’s out here 🤦🏿♂️
girl you couldn’t stopped at “I’m over dating black men” and I would’ve still understood !!
It’s literally how most bw think. They date criminals or bottom shelf Brad
Yes! They never give you that same patience and grace they want from us. So now I act accordingly. 1st time you eff up, you’re out. I stopped dating, it’s exhausting.
When a woman says “As a woman” I tune out.
She said fight for what they deserve. But they get free rides on everything.
Then go date Brad! But when they find your body dismembered, don’t expect us to give a fuck!
For me the big thing the dealing with the sexual expectations, even as a high schooler it feels like nothing but constantly being a sexual object rather than a romantic partner
I think the 30% of black men who voted for Trump are already checked out from them. They don’t have many options with quality men.
Nah I get this. Even if you choose a good guy and there’s no red flags 🚩🚩🚩 they end up showing you they are like the rest.
I feel this 100%. They are too broken & not getting the help they need to heal. I’ve been over it. Been celibate for a little bit over 2 years now & it’s peaceful!
Done with black men? Good riddance. Dont let the doorknob hit cha where the good lord split cha1
This is why the Bible says it’s better to be single because you avoid all this headache! 😩😭
What’s bad about crips, cuz ? 😂😂
I bet instead of picking better black men she’s gonna date a blood next hoping for a better outcome 😂😂
a) Color has absolutely nothing to do with character.
b) You’re not a woman! You still a little girl.
c) So you’re dating a gang member and want to equate that to all Black men? That says a lot about you and your environment!
d) She’s the type who’ll never be happy with a good Black man. By the time she wakes up (if ever), she’ll be damaged goods.
I pray the day comes when black women are TRULY over black men. Including not care when we date outside our race. & trashing us 24/7 on social media. What a day that will be.🙏
Women love toxicity
Baby!!!! Yes ma’am I’m done
4 years clean, Sis. Couldn’t be happier. 🫶🏾🫶🏾
Brother the Bible tells us not to date out of our race!
The thing is with me is….they romance isn’t there. You can do so many things for SOME of them and you wouldn’t get anything in return. Its tiring.
They seek gangbangers cuz pop culture glorifies rappers,crime, etc. If it glorified scientists they would all be seeking black scientists.
Woman love us we are the most desired by all races are options are limitless especially when your a black man with purpose 😂
BW: “I’m tired of black men” (Crip)
Dates the Yakuza
Dates the Cartel
Dates the Illuminati
Just got dumped by one last week on the day we was supposed to get married..and I’m pregnant by him.
I never understood the concept of them saying they want you to stick around through all the bullshit. Woman need to realize that they choose these men on purpose. Biologically they are sexually attracted to these men and they will stick with them. But at the same time they complain. It’s either you pick the bad boy because you like his swag or you get someone who have some sense. But they don’t want that because they love drama in their life. It’s too peaceful with a good man.
They choose pookie and Ray Ray because a man with his act together would require her to get her own act together.
She admitted to being rude and offensive, but she thinks that behavior will be accepted by men from other ethnicities. What?
Yes I’ll be dating outside of my race from here on out, I’ve not had 1 good experience dating black men!
As a Crip myself, I will say she chose the wrong type of blacc man.
SO MANY CULTURES DO NOT DATE AT ALL !!!! Maybe it’s time to stop dating!!!!!!! FEED YOUR OWN DAM SELF !!!!!!.
People like this whether you are a male or you are female get on my last nerve when they even make comments like this.
Every single race of people go through the exact same b***** when it comes to relationships. THE EXACT SAME.
So, if she decides to stop dating black men does she think that dating a white man or a Latino is going to solve her problem? If she attracts the same type of man it does not matter what race he is.
People like this are dumbasses.
I’m sure throughout her life she has had so many Good man tried to talk to her but she will pass them right on by because he does not have the SWAG that she’s looking for.
Da’ Black “Communitah” is finished
Do stupid stuff and complain to the whole world about it. That’s our world today. I mean, no more holding yourself accountable and blame yourself?
Another pookie…smh like wtf!!! She a joke lol you can’t make this sh*t up. Always dating the wrong guy and they blame it on all black guys😂😂😂
Its crazy they say they sick of Black Men, they need to be saying they sick of the Black Men they choose to mess with, its always a certain type dude they go for. When they get mistreated and done wrong by the street dudes they like, they start saying Black Men are this, Black Men, are that, no say the pookies and ray rays you like.
Black women like her ALWAYS choose Pookie and Ray-Ray over the NON THUG black men..
Then they want to complain when we NON THUG black men end up with other races of women and are prosperous
If she was dating a gang banger why would good man want her ?
They love the trill fellas they love the danger
She needs to take personal accountability for her own piss poor choices because she is stupid.