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Skip Bayless & Joy Taylor freaking in the workplace

Sex scandal rocks Fox Sports/YouTube

Skip & Joy freaky at work.

Blog King, Mass Appeal

LOS ANGELES — To Skip Bayless, no means yes. According to a workplace misconduct lawsuit filed on Friday, the quondam Fox Sports analyst is accused of wanting to clap the cheeks of Persian hairdresser Noushin Faraji. Skip, a 73-year-old married man, even offered Noushin $1.5 million (à la Robert Redford in “Indecent Proposal”) to get his phallus wet and she still turned him down. Ain’t that a bitch? The 42-page lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles, states Skip made sexual advances for years — usually after Noushin gave him a haircut. The horny geezer also effectuated “lingering hugs and kisses on the cheek while putting his body against hers and pressing against her breasts” and he made a plethora of salacious comments, including calling Noushin “voluptuous” because of her curvy derrière and plump embonpoint. Then — after she spurned Skip’s million dollar bribe — the former “Undisputed” host allegedly told her, “The more you say no. the more I want you.”

Noushin, a single mom, allowed the sh*t to go on amid trepidation of homelessness.

She joined Fox in 2012.

“Mr. Bayless then started being more aggressive and direct in his advances,” the suit states. “Ms. Faraji continuously declined, stating that she did not date at work as she is a single mom and needed her job.” Skip was jettisoned from Fox in August 2024. Faraji was fired shortly thereafter. “Despite Ms. Faraji being an excellent hairdresser and continuously being requested by talent, she was shrunken down to how much she could appease Mr. Bayless, and once Mr. Bayless was gone, so was her job,” the suit states.

Turns out, Skip wasn’t the only one trying to tap that ass.

Fox Sports executive Charlie Dixon allegedly groped Noushin at a soirée in 2017.

After doing a bunch of heavy drinking, Charlie allegedly put his arm on Noushin’s lower back before “rubbing her body and grabbing her buttocks.”

Faraji faked a phone call to get away from the concupiscent bastard.

“At this point, Ms. Faraji seeks justice,” the suit states.

“She knows that Mr. Dixon used his position of power to coerce women into having sex with him and used it as justification to grope Ms. Faraji.”

The suit also names “Speak” host Joy Taylor, accusing her of f*cking Charlie to advance her métier.

The prepossessing sportscaster, 37, was also married at the time.

“From their body language, Ms. Faraji suspected that the pair were sleeping with each other, and although this concerned Ms. Faraji as she knew Ms. Taylor was recently married, Ms. Faraji kept her opinions to herself,” the suit states.

When Joy’s husband — Richard Giannotti — found out she was giving up the ass, he divorced her.

“Around August 2016, Ms. Faraji attended a dinner with Ms. Taylor and her husband and Mr. Dixon and his wife,” the suit reads.

“During the dinner, Ms. Taylor’s husband became suspicious that Ms. Taylor and Mr. Dixon were having a sexual relationship. Soon after the dinner, Ms. Taylor’s husband found evidence of the inappropriate relationship and divorced Ms. Taylor.”

In addition to bangin’ Charlie, Joy f*cked former NFL linebacker Emmanuel Ocho — host of “The Facility.”

It appears babygirl slept her way to the top.

Jason Whitlock, former host of “Speak for Yourself” with Colin Cowherd, said the reason he didn’t want Joy on his show is because he would’ve been tempted to bang her.

“This is why I didn’t want Joy Taylor on my show at Fox Sports,” Jason admitted on his “Fearless” podcast.

“I know what I’m capable of. That big rack of hers that she showed off constantly. And that peanut butter skin with that big rack. Like, Jay, keep your distance, that’s going to get you into trouble.”

Ladies and gentlemen, Fox Sports is one big orgy.

Noushin is seeking millions of dollars in damages.

Will she get it?

Watch Jason, Marcellus Wiley, and others weigh in.

Share your thoughts.

This Post Has 99 Comments

  1. Shes not worth no 1.5 million
    Even Trump only spent 100k. & Only NOW you come out like 10 years later.
    She’s lying

  2. Women who do sexual favors for advancement in the work place are basically in the same category as prostitutes.

  3. All Cap. Ain’t NOBODY turning down 1.5 mil for about 20 minutes of work… Sorry but you could get pretty much any girl in the world for far less than that.

  4. A female co worker using a male co worker in power for status, money, better shifts, or clout??????? No wayyyy since when has this been happening in corporate America. 😂😂😂 I never heard of parking lot break blowjobs ever. I never had my thumb in her butt and my other thumb on the clock in app no way no how 😂😂😂

  5. 1.5 mill to sleep with him? Yeah right.. that was obviously a joke or it didn’t happen

  6. Joy situation is exactly why men don’t want to work with women. When it benefits them they use us, when they are done we get in trouble.

  7. Men need to stop giving into their impulse around beautiful women even though they dress like strippers. I really want to become asexual, cause every woman is accusing men famous or not.

  8. The whole feminist movement got people hiring women In jobs they got no business being in.

  9. Hahahahaha this all BS. This is what happens when no-talent personalities get paid millions to fart around on a sports set, pretending to like sports….they get bored and then because they are around each other all of the time, start to think stupid crap to themselves if they don’t like each other.

    Just go to work people. Clock in, clock out, go home. Work drama is so wild to get involved in. Get hobbies outside of work or something! LMAO.

  10. Skip too cheap to be offering $1.5 million for some pussy 🐱 I don’t believe that part.

    The stuff with Joy and those other guys is 100% true

  11. Women been doing that. I dont know why this is such big news. Chicks been sleeping with bosses, managers even supervisors just to get better positions. I worked a 9 to 5 and know females who gave it up to managers. Whats new?

  12. You mean to tell me that women are taking men to court now just for spittin game? lol SMH if they wondered why men didn’t approach at first they’re really gonna have a time with this. This is absolutely insane.

  13. Men should speak on men’s sports and women should speak on women’s sports. Right?

  14. Why would you set yourself up for the okie doke knowing that the majority of these women will use their God given attributes to deceive and manipulate their way to the top(Pun intended) and collect as much evidence as possible to use against you when things don’t go according to plan once they get found out to be the exact type they say they’re not.

  15. Remember Skip Baylis is the same guy that called Troy Aikman gay back in the 90s.

  16. I’m guessing Molly Qerim also did some “things” to get her spot. That woman is all looks no brain.

  17. Women dress scantily clad and men who notice are considered pervs…

    Make it make sense.

  18. Crazy as it sounds, trust me when I say this, Jason Whitlock would’ve had a great chance at joy taylor. Folks forget that he was a MAJOR top dawg for many years at fs1. Speak for Yourself with him & Marcellus Wiley was a phenomenal show back then.

  19. I’m an a$$ man and joy got no cakes. It would kill her to be around me. Woman who know they pretty need attention from everybody. She is pretty but I can ignore her all day.

  20. Bro can’t get it in for $1.5 million 😂😂
    I imagine that’s pretty hard on someone’s self esteem

  21. Seems farfetched to me, who in their right mind would pay 1.5 million for a roll in the hay? She’s a C at best

  22. “Hi, this is Joy Taylor on Fox and my co-host Emmanuel Acho, who hits my box!!”

  23. Skip’s a narcissist. Wouldn’t be first time a narcissist cheated on their partner. It’s part of their pathology.

  24. Bruuuuuuuuuhhhh – JASON capping I know for a FACT, that he corny and tried to holla at black co-workers at: ESPN, FOX, and The Undefeated before he got fired from all 3 of those places. To be real? The reason he hates black people so much and loves Trump might be because MAGA made him feel like he is important after striking out with so many black women that he resorted to hookers. He had ……. NO CHANCE with Joy. That’s why he is making the video, b/c he is salty that she would choose anyone but him!!

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