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Cartoon: O.J. Simpson got away with murder… sort of
The Infographics Show reveals everything we don’t know about O.J. Simpson’s mysterious murder trial.
The Infographics Show reveals everything we don’t know about O.J. Simpson’s mysterious murder trial.
There was a rumor that the son did it and it would make alot of sense
What I don’t understand is after seeing pictures of the crime scene, there was blood everywhere. I mean, everywhere. Whoever attacked Goldman and Brown must have been covered in blood, yet, after seeing pictures of the Bronco… I mean… Drops, just a few drops and a couple of smears, the perp must have been covered in blood… How?
What idiot then writes a book if I did it unless they did do it and got away with it……???? Lol
The most crooked disgusting lawyers on the planet were on his dream team.
He did it and now he is answering for his crime in eternity.
The facts in this video are completely wrong Shapiro didn’t want to go-to trial at all
If this crime had been committed by anyone other than a wealthy black celebrity they would still be sitting on death row today
🛑 the mafia killed Nicole. OJ is innocent
The detectives are to blame for the acquittal. Tons of mistakes throughout the whole investigation. Most importantly the evidence that was never collected in his entire household. Just a messy case and terrible investigation for a cut throat case .. (no pun intended)
OJ fell into a Jealous Rage, when he saw Ron Visiting there, which enabled all of that Deep Anger & Emotion (that was building up for years) to burst out of him, Naturally giving him an Adrenaline Flow that’s almost Supernatural (which would help him to quickly Over-Ride any physical deficiencies, weaknesses… etc)…. Easily running through Both of them. I’m sure Mr. Goldman was soo stunned by the Sudden Attack by the Wild & Deranged Big Man, that his Martial Arts Skills were no match for the Rage/Anger level that was being expressed by OJ. Therefore, it Happened soo Fast… the onslaught more than likely just took a few minutes.
In Irony: Racism (The actions of a few Jealously Racist Detectives, moving and planting things/evidence to ENSURE that OJ will be found Guilty, along with Poor & Sloppy Crime-scene preservation: Before the Detectives and ‘CSI’ Crew could show UP, the Crime scene had footsteps and traffic… etc, of regular police all Over the place… being contaminated), is what eventually Exonerated OJ.
The fact that there are people that believe he didn’t do it amazes me
We all know why OJ got off.
OJ did it. Period!
All his attorneys are dead but 1.