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Cartoon: Ten ways Vegas prostitutes take your cash

The Infographics Show reveals how Las Vegas prostitutes swindle you out of cash and dignity.

This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. I guess things have changed in 20 years. I used to go to Las Vegas. Everyone was pretty chill. Never got approached. Mostly ignored. Guessing i looked too poor. Lol.

  2. i went to vegas alone a few months ago. I watched a few videos before going.. almost ALL of the scams were attempted on me LOL. I kept my head down and minded my own business thankfully. I knew any girl that approached me was a pro and wasn’t safe.

  3. Well this isn’t just las Vegas, pretty much how prostitution works everywhere

  4. I haven’t ever been to Vegas, and quite honestly have no desire to go there. I don’t understand the draw for so many people. So, does this kind of thing actually happen there, or is this just the stuff of made-up drama?

  5. Proof that prostitution should be legalized. I would argue for the same reasons behind alcohol and drugs where if it’s not legal, people will find alternatives elsewhere, often times to their own detriment.

  6. As a bartender in Vegas, I see a lot of them, and they are pretty easy to spot. They usually try to scam me first by claiming they don’t have money, or only have like $4, they are waiting for someone, and he will buy the next round, oh honey you so cute, etc. NOPE. Your shot of Henny is $17 we take cash, card, chips, room charge (they never have a room, LOL).

  7. I knew a guy years ago who got “married” in Vegas. The only problem was that he already had a wife & kids in Kansas!

  8. I am so glad I’m a gay man. I go to see the hot DJs up close at the nightclubs. LOL

  9. “Prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas”

    “Then why even go to Las Vegas!”

  10. Why not just rent a car and take a short ride to a county where it’s legal? Duh 🙄

  11. I think the only real threat I’d have to worry about is pickpockets. I’m single and not looking for any excitement.

  12. I spent 13 years living in Las Vegas. I was married and never strayed but I had many friends that did. This isn’t just a problem with prostitutes. You can be anywhere and meet a girl that claims to be a tourist looking for a quick Vegas hook up and find yourself in many of these same situations.

  13. Friend fell for a scam. Girl comes to him at the bar. Acts like his girlfriend. Gets her and himself a drink. He gets drugged and he wakes up with no cash, no debit card and his credit card has charges for designer bags on them. That was $3k lesson for him.

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