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Simp stabbed ex 37 times then shoots her in the face

Phil stabbed Laticia 37 times/Twisted Crimes

Pookie tried to delete ex. 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

COLUMBUS — The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. Philetto Daniel, 50, was thrown in the slammer after he tried to murder his ex-girlfriend, 48-year-old Laticia Walton, because she dumped his ass. The heinous ordeal transpired around 2 p.m. on January 17, 2025 at the Sugar Mill Apartments in Columbus, Georgia. According to reports, Laticia — a victim of domestic violence — told Phil she was sick and tired of his bullsh*t and she wanted out of the relationship. Rather than respect her wishes, Phil broke into Laticia’s apartment and stabbed her 37 times. Then he shot her twice, once in the face and once in the shoulder. Laticia pretended to be dead. Then she called 911. When police arrived, they found Phil outside the complex — covered in antifreeze with zip ties around his neck. Turns out, the simp tried to commit suicide but screwed that up too.

Phil was arrested and charged with aggravated assault, possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime and possession of a knife during the commission of a crime.

Laticia is hospitalized at Piedmont Columbus Regional in stable condition.

She’s expected to make a full recovery.

Laticia wasn’t healthy enough to appear in court. But her sister, Tika Ferguson, made an emotional statement. “It’s truly been a nightmare from the moment that I received a call from my nephew screaming, saying that my sister had been stabbed, then shot,” she said. “I truly did not know if my sister was alive or not… Everybody in the family is suffering due to this senseless act. Most importantly, Ticia is clearly suffering the most.”

Social media reaction was wild.

One commenter wrote, “Plain and simple — God said ‘No!’ It’s not her time. Period. I praise God for His grace and mercy.”

Another chimed in with, “Sleeping with the devil.”

A third person added, “She looks amazing for 48. I wish her a full recovery🙏🏾.”

Phil and Laticia were together off and on for 6 years.

She dumped him in February 2024 and took his apartment key.

Hours before the incident, Phil purchased a chef’s knife and antifreeze.

He shot Laticia with a .22-caliber revolver that was reported stolen in Texas.

“It truly feels like a scene from a horror movie,” Tika said.

Watch the documentary.

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This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Aggravated assault what!? Thats 100% attempted murder.. wow the system is flawed
    I don’t advocate crime or a murder but if I was the son in this case business would definitely be stood on for my moma

  2. So glad the devil couldn’t give him what he wanted. Amazing that Leticia survived! Look at God!

  3. What’s wrong with ppl you gotta be careful with ppl don’t know anyone mental state this is sad a logical thinking person would leave a person when they say it’s over no matter how much it hurts Just let it go but some ppl have emotional issues be careful out here

  4. As the old heads would say, somebody been prayin for this young lady. Prayin overtime. God has a callin on her life.

  5. These men are DEMONS out here🙄..she saved his life YET he tried to take hers😡…I left my ex and he did the same..kicked my back door in middle of the night and tried to kill me..beat me in my face so bad I temporarily lost my vision🥲…GOD BLESS THIS WOMAN MAY SHE HEAL MIRACULOUSLY 🙏🏽

  6. To go through all that & still survive it wasn’t her time & God has his hands on her! This is why I’m a 43 yr old widow these situations that are happening everyday are a turn off from dating. I had my one true love for 20yrs I’ll be single.

  7. Some men really hate the woman they are with and what he did to her proves he hated her.

  8. That ninja didn’t have no clue how strong that woman was❤. He is a jealous ass coward, who needs to be behind bars for the rest of his life😢 She had no clue that she was literally sleeping with the enemy

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