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Democrats made a fool of themselves at public forum

MSNBC humiliated as the DNC Leadership Forum explodes into complete chaos, exposing infighting.

This Post Has 31 Comments

  1. This is why we will be living in a dictatorship led by a narcissistic psychopath buffoon because the Democrats can’t get their act together. May God help us all.

  2. I’ve been a Democrat my entire life. Today I changed my voter registration to Unaffiliated

    This is beyond parody. NONE of this helps make anyone’s life better… SMH

  3. The ignorance and theft of this thug party has been exposed, they are perverted, anti American users.

  4. A BRUNCH OF CLOWNS 🤡😀😂😀😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡💯💯💯💯

  5. Watching this Democrat party is like watching a live cam of a toilet bowl.

  6. 90% of black woman voted for Harris. Are you kidding me? What is wrong with the black culture , I’m serious , what is wrong?

  7. Keep on Democrats. Show the world how stupid you are and keep on losing elections.

  8. What a joke , what they have become what my father and mother use to vote for this party . They have become a party of corruption and sex and sin . And most of all baby killers . I am happy my mother is not here to see there downfall and there ways against God !


  10. This was so embarrassing, why don’t they just kick these buffoons out?

  11. I still have democrats arguing with me everyday about how DEi doesn’t exist and that their not a bunch of clowns, and when I tell them to go watch the DNC convention they refuse to do it, because they’d rather be ignorant then admit how clownish they are.

  12. Who the hell takes these morons seriously ? Who thinks any of them are qualified to lead anything ?

  13. “The best way to fight racism is to quit talking about it.” – famous quote from the great Morgan Freeman.

  14. Hilarious!!! Total clowns! This is why they cannot be trusted to run anything. They can’t even have a forum amongst themselves without hyperbolic, hysterical, and unhinged members disrupting their own meetings!!

  15. ThE very definition of Insanity is doing the same DUMB SHIT over and over again these Nutsacks just keep me Entertained !!😄😜😜

  16. I’m 63 years old this is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life the Democratic wheels has totally fell off. They all look like they came out mental institution! This is why I left the Democratic Party.

  17. African-Americans walked away 67% the highest for a sitting Republican president and to vote Republicans into office and these people just don’t get it especially black Democrat leaders you’re not doing a dog on thing for us and we told you that November 5 it may have took lots of decades to realize it but hell we got there❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  18. Let’s face it–there’s nothing you can do about a shit show. You can primp it up–you can dress it down–but after all that–the Dems still have a shit show. I would guess that Obama himself couldn’t stop this clown show from happening.

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