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White actor rips Kendrick Lamar’s music, slams NFL

Trump supporter slams rap music.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
NEW YORK — “🎵They not like us, they not like us, they not like us.🎵” Uh-oh! A viral video shows “Die Hard” actor Robert John Davi lambasting the NFL for hiring rapper Kendrick Lamar to perform at halftime of Super Bowl LIX. Robert, who’s Italian, didn’t mince words. It’s his contention rap music is ghetto and inappropriate for children. The MAGA supporter also ripped Samuel L. Jackson a new asshole, calling him a monkey for making a guest appearance. “Stop with the ghetto crap,” Robert, 73, vented. “I’ve had it up to here with ghetto… Look at… black and jazz blues artists. Give me the Count Basie band. Give me Duke Ellington’s band. Give me jazz. You wanna go black, go art. Don’t go ghetto. Lift these kids off the streets. Enough with the garbage. Enough with bringing these kids down into the garbage, like that’s the cool thing to do. Enough with this bullsh*t!”
“Who in the NFL hired this act?” Robert continued. “And Sam Jackson monkeying around. I mean that’s just, just I am sorry it just repulsed me. It absolutely repulsed me; what was the point? What’s the point? Let’s lift the kids. Let’s train them in instruments in jazz, and stop this rap crap, that everybody thinks is the new Shakespeare, it’s not, it’s garbage. You have such great musicians. Great black jazz musicians and other musicians that could’ve been used instead of this crap.
“What are they trying to do? What’s the message in the collard greens? This ghetto crap, I’m done with ghetto crap! And black brothers and sisters, you got so much talent out there. Lift the streets, teach your kids dignity. Let’s bring them into dignity instead of sh*tting in the streets! Enough of it.”
Shortly after Kendrick’s performance, NFL officials issued an apology — claiming they had no idea he was that ghetto.
Hell, tennis legend Serena Williams made a cameo and crip-walked during Kendrick’s “Not Like Us” song — freaking out white folks nationwide.
Robert felt obligated to speak out on behalf of the Caucasian community.
Social media reaction was equally venomous.
One commenter wrote, “I’m 51 years old and I wanna tell this dude to shut his old-ass mouth! It’s frikkin 2025 and you talkin’ about Jazz ‘n’ Duke Ellington??? Take yo ass back to 1922 and go sit in a speakeasy or some sh*t! Kendrick is NOT FOR YOU, the NFL halftime show is NOT FOR YOU and white folks been puttin on crazy-ass shows at the Superbowl wayyyyyyyyyyyy before Kendrick Lamar. You got the nerve to talk about some wholesomeness and decorum smdh… Some mofos just feel the need to be heard and don’t have not a damn thing to really say…shut your pie hole and watch the oldies cable channel that caters to your supremacist ego!”
Another chimed in with, “Sorry, what the hell is wrong with white people? Rap didn’t and is not destroying the black community, white people played a major role in slowing down the black community. Aren’t these the same people who historically suppressed black progress and just recently went out of their way to remove black history from K-12 classrooms? This is exactly why many black people do not trust white people. Some white people are good, but all you have to do is wait for many to get upset about something before they say the quiet racism part out loud. If every black person were to leave this country, racist white people would find a way to harass us from afar. Look at what’s going on in South Africa right now. I’ve never seen so many uneducated, American, trailer park filth care about issues in Africa before apartheid beneficiaries started playing the victim. This country really is cooked.”
A third person added, “I agree with him and I’m black. Modern rap is crap. Play something BEAUTIFUL!!! What about STEVIE WONDER??? GEORGE CLINTON???”
Do you agree with Robert?
Is rap music too ghetto?
Watch him unload on the NFL and the black community.
Share your thoughts.
My rant on the Halftime garbage & Sam Jackson!
Not for the weak of heart https://t.co/xgWggGKEZj pic.twitter.com/8gqGxpnM9N— Robert Davi (@RobertJohnDavi) February 10, 2025
He could always go back to the Caucasus Mountains. I mean…really…he could’ve changed the channel just like the other idiots…No one forced them to watch.
I agree with him and I’m black. Kendrick is the most overrated rapper who ever lived…maybe the most overrated artist who ever lived.
Hes right. And Im a black man!!!
@Rootsman: we have a name for you its start with c and ends with n.
I have to agree with Robert Davi on jazz because I’m a jazz fan as well as a jazz musician, but to use the word ghetto in a Black performance is racist!!
Danny Glover cussed his ass out in Predator 2
How old is he 91
Funny, no one spoke against Snoop’s half time show. The signs he threw up. The color and outfit he wore. Selective bigots. Willful ignorance to boot.
White people demonized jazz and rock now they love it?
Never forget what KRS said. “We speak in code the devil cannot see through.”
That’s Robert Davi, an Italian American from Queens I believe.
The worst racists you’ll find are typically New York made.
What’s hilarious is that the Kendrick show was probably the deepest Halftime show EVER; on a symbolic level. The dipshits in America can’t understand WHY Samuel L. Jackson was chosen to be Uncle Sam because it’s asking too much of them intellectually.
They’ll get Kid Rock next year to even out the scales.
Remember Rappin Duke “Dahhhha Dahhha”
You never thought that HIPP HOP WOULD TAKE THIS FAR”
Now I’m in the lime light because I rhyme tight,
Oatmeal Face has nerve lol
These people complaining like they had a say in the matter. 126 million people watched the Super Bowl. The people have spoken.
Ya’ll I admit that I am not the target audience (nor do I partake televised sports) BUT I do read and: Kendrick Lamar was awarded the 2018 Pulitzer Prize – Just Sayin.
He’s talking about music from 100 years ago dude, Duke Ellington?? people don’t listen to big band jazz anymore. People listen to Hip Hop, that’s popular music people listen to contemporary pop music.
What do you think black music came from, it came from Black American inner cities he came from ghettos all of them.. which is all of America musical genres, Ragtime music… jazz.. blues. Accompanied by country music. For people who don’t know that country music is Black American music…… rock and roll especially.. Soul music gospel music.. funk, house music hip hop.. all of those music came from the underbelly of the Black American strata🤨.
Dude where do you think jazz came from, it came from the underbelly of the black community, in fact during slavery, right there in the middle of new orleans, at the Congo square.. jelly roll Morton used to play in the world famous mahogany Hall brothel in Louisiana there’s a picture of him in that brothel surrounded by prostitutes..
Louis Armstrong came from storyville.. that is the underbelly..
Jazz dances or swing dances like the Lindy hop, that came from Harlem in the 1920s and 30s.. that’s the ghetto..
Rock and roll, that’s from the ghetto too..
Why are we mad at white people for calling Kendrick Lamar’s performance ghetto? It should be ghetto if that’s where he’s from! Evidentially the NFL wanted “ghetto” if they are the ones who controls who performs during their halftime shows. The show was ghetto and that’s the way we like it! We don’t want it clean and boogie do we? That’ll be boring! Quit being mad at people for calling Kendrick’s show ghetto and remind them that “ghetto” pays America’s bills!
Did he just call Samuel L. Jackson a monkey?
It just goes to show you that there are a lot of actors we didn’t know were racist.
The only people I heard crying and whining about the halftime show Is Donald trump supporters Which we all know they are prejudice liars and hypocrites just like him so we expect it that
Donald Trump came to the Super Bowl to see Kendrick Lamar perform😂😂😂😂 Real spill
Turn your tv off 🤷🏾
Who gives a damn about what they like, because the power is bold, Kendrick Lamar is just being himself and he’s damn good at it, there’s no need to switch his style up,you clowns better take what’s told and believe it and accept it you have no choice, it ain’t his fault, stop your blood clot crying
He’s right. I’m black and I completely agree. Tired of my own people pushing ghetto culture.
This clown knows nothing about art, and in what way was that performance not uplifting?! Kendrick’s performance turned me into an instant fan – the man has so much flow in his rapping it turns into a melody without any singing! Absolutely blew me away. Can’t believe I did not know how amazing he is. And it’s clear what these Yte Magas are saying “it’s bad and even morally wrong because we didn’t get it.” Guess what Brad, it’s not for you. The whole point is Kendrick refusing to pander to Yte tastes. It’s your job to try and understand it, not Kendricks to make it palatable to you (or me) bc that would go against the essence of what makes art good.
Maga hate group members are everywhere in the USA 🇺🇸
We are entering rough waters here folks. It’s time we face what’s really taking place in this country. The propaganda. The lies. The bullying. America has elected an Oval Office full of white nationalists. What’s the end game here? Your anxiety is up because you know where this is all going. It’s gonna get crazy.
Most of those “jazz artists” that you’re so fond of were “Black and Ghetto” too! Jazz was forged from the same place Hip hop was… OUT OF PLACES REVOLVING AROUND BLACK OPPRESSION! Get your facts straight you Old Outdated Fool!
Basically his message is go back to the 1950’s black culture because it reminds him of a time when blacks knew their place.
It dont surprise me that it went over alot of yt peoples heads. Dude stuck in those 30’s. Peep how he said Samuel Jackson “monking around”, collard greens, and train. Dude definitely didnt hide his racism. Effing piece of shit 💩
If you want to keep knowledge from a white man make the messenger black. The depth of Kendricks performance just whooshed over the r@cists head.
So what makes it ghetto? Because it was rap? Why is rap ghetto but jazz isn’t ghetto?
U tired of ghetto while we’ve been tired of racism since forever plz shut the fuck up
The nerve of this old man. Out of all the music genres, Rap/Hip-hop has the most messages in just 1 song alone. He said in his rant “What’s the message”?
Finally! Someone said it! Rap needs to stop. Trump needs to ban Rap.
Did this man just say Sam Jackson was ‘monkeying’ around? Ayo what the f***?
I could see if kendrick was rapping about killing people and pimping hoes…but he wasn’t…so why is he so pissed?
@ejzahire: His most prominent lyrics were “they not like us” while surrounded by black people. How do you expect white people to interpret the show?
Hip hop is the number 1 genre now don’t hate congratulate
You blacks think Emmitt Till went walking around with the crip walk? He had a suit and tie. He would not like these bogus blacks today.
I guess his career has been over for a while, so he has nothing better to do but to go on a rant, and as Cyndi Lauper would say… “I see your true colors shining through” lol
If you don’t like it don’t watch it. Quit crying!
The problem is that black men should be saying this he didnt say anything racist he spoke truth
He’s an Italian from Queens, I’m not surprised with him giving this kinda rant 😂
But let’s make 20 more mafia movies!
Give the Indians their land back. Give black their reparations. Go back to your European country. you can’t always get what you want. So deal with it.
Rap is a part of American culture. You don’t like it move to Russia.
Funny how I don’t see black people get riled up when white people put their culture on display, which is all the time
He should try having sex while listening to rap. He’ll get it then.