Two thugs murder local rapper. Blog King, Mass Appeal FOREST HILL -- The adventures of…
Dad killed on his birthday after man ogles his chick

Father killed at Walgreens.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
MIRAMAR — The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. Jaime Taylor, 28, was thrown in the slammer after he murdered 27-year-old Anthony Souvenir over a chick. The homicide transpired around 11:20 a.m. on February 3, 2025 at a Walgreens in Miramar, Florida. It was Anthony’s birthday. According to reports, Jaime was in the pharmacy loading money to his Cash App when Anthony, his girlfriend and their 1-year-old son came inside. Jaime must’ve liked what he saw because he was “looking too hard” at Anthony’s woman and, at one point, ogled her booty. A bout of contretemps quickly ensued. After the argument, Anthony walked away only to mistakenly interpret Jaime’s phone call as a negative comment towards him. “I’m not even f*cking talking to you, I’m on the f*cking phone!” Jaime yelled. Another squabble broke out. While talking sh*t, Anthony noticed Jaime had a gun. “I see you got one,” he said. “I got one too.” As soon as Anthony reached for his gat, Jaime blew him to smithereens.
The girlfriend called 911. “Hello, my boyfriend got shot in Walgreens,” she told the operator. When asked who pulled the trigger, she replied, “I don’t know, sir. Some random guy at Walgreens. He ran off.” Anthony was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. Jaime, who fled the scene, turned himself in later that day. He was arrested and charged with second-degree murder.
Anthony’s mom, Linda Souvenir, still can’t believe her son is gone.
She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year.
Now she’s burying her child.
“He was an amazing father. He loved his son and had big dreams for him,” Linda wrote on Anthony’s GoFundMe page.
“I remember talking to him and how excited he was for the future.”
Anthony’s dad, Yves Souvenir, said too many dudes are bitches who are quick to pull out a gun in lieu of fisticuffs.
“People have too many guns,” he vented.
“You can fight, but don’t use guns. Guns are weapons that kill people.”
Should we men be ok with other dudes staring at our women’s derrières?
Should it be considered a compliment?
Watch the explosive documentary.
Share your thoughts.
I want men to look at my woman!
Dude was definitely insecure. How you mad somebody looking at your girl? I thought men liked when their woman is desirable, doesn’t it boost their ego? I can see if dude was trying to holla and being disrespectful but looking? So many folks out here with a low emotional intelligence, the victim and the gunmen.
Niggas wanna live the lifestyle not knowing that the lifestyle going to out live you
Dummy move. This should have never gotten this far. No one fights anymore. SMH. Walk away people. SMH. He was a dad. Smh
Stop showing off around these girls
I ain’t going to fight over no chick Learned Young that if that woman is going to leave you for someone else let Her go because she wasn’t even stable with you anyway she was waiting for the next big thing you never had claimed on that Problem because I can do bad by myself
Died over NOTHING!! He was staring probably bcuz his woman was attractive but if he didn’t “say” anything disrespectful how u gonna have a good looking woman then tell another grown man he can’t look👀@ her????? Sounds like a entitled SPOILED man who’s used 2 getting his way..Well he ain’t gotta worry about nobody looking @ HIS GIRL no more😂not even him..
Omggg that’s my birthday too💔💔🥺
All this flexing and your momma cant even afford to bury you without begging on GoFundMe…make it, make sense.
She’s giving another man head as we speak 🤣😂
All for a woman
Silly shit.
That’s why I don’t like being around black people maybe old ones I can be more safe around but not the young ones
I can bet that woman he was with saw the other dude staring at her and probably told him and wanted him to do something about it and probably started the whole fiasco.. I’m gay as hell and one time some dude came up to me and said “my girl said you keep looking at her” I’m like.. uh.. ain’t nobody looking at her, I was staring in that direction waiting on my man.. and he was like oh my bad and then when he told her I was gay she laughed and said sorry.. I was so annoyed cause it’s like girl.. bye.. you just Tried to have yo man beat me up or k*ll me for simply thinking I was lookin at you.
Now his girl about to get her back beat in while he’s deceased, crazy world
Souvenir was a stupid pill popping dummy….say bye bye!
Never vent with other people just let it go. That’s how you don’t create enemies. Gotta learn how to move the right way to survive. Everybody wants to be the tough guy sometimes you gotta just let the other dude vent and move on. There’s a lot of black men in the cemetery because of their egos.
Lost a friend in the early 2000’s…guy called out to his gf,got into an altercation n was stabbed and killed…#riperic
Brothas start getting your passports and travel across the world
Over him staring at your gf 🤦🏽♂️ 🤔 ?
Looking is not a crime. If the guy was going out his way to talk to his girl, it would have been different.
Damn on his birthday 😮😢 and he was a nice looking young man this so foul all these young ppl not even making it to see 30
This side of the black community is pretty much how the world thinks black men act. I don’t recognize them nor does it represent me and most black men. Chris Rock said it best. Black folks vs Ninjas 🥷🏿 and Ninjas 🥷🏿 have got to go!
Another child without its father😢
I’m sitting here laughing at this whole story blah blah blah
Another pookie who got smoked while acting crazy with his Keisha, SYSBM
Somebody looking at your gf was not something worth dying about that man went in there looking for trouble ! This is sad and all could of been avoided
This is sad ppl racing to prison yard for stupid shit!
In Florida wear a bulletproof vest not chains