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Redman claims he is done smokin’ weed & having sex

Redman is done with drugs and sex/YouTybe

Redman admits he’s celibate. 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

NEW YORK — “🎵We don’t have to take our clothes off to have a good time. Oh no.🎵” Redman raised eyebrows the other day when he admitted he’s been celibate and drug-free for more than two years. He’s also sundered ties with several close friends to eschew peer pressure. “Like, if you’re trying to quit from not f*cking so much, right. But your boys are constantly going to the strip club… then you have to discipline yourself and say, ‘Ok, I can’t hang around these guys no more,” Red explained. “And, if they’re not willing to understand that… then I can’t be these guys friend no more.” Red’s abstinence from weed and copulation has everybody scratching their heads. After all, in his song “Can’t Wait,” the 54-year-old rapper said, “It’s the truth like Funk 180 Proof. Don’t drop your drawers. I’ll f*ck through your Daisy Dukes.” Plus, his movie “How High” is a raunchy comedy about bustin’ nuts in bitches and puffin’ blunts. But Red went through a traumatic breakup. Now he’s saying no to pussy, masturbation and marijuana.

“My girl and I broke up maybe 3 or 4 years ago,” Red recalled. “I was going through such a sh*t divorce that lasted 7 years that played a role and why it took so long to drop muddy waters as well… I had so much on my plate and I actually fasted two years and a half. No f*cking. No smoking. And it was the best thing I could have ever done in my life. And believe me, I wanted to. I was fighting it… I was sweating… I was in my house going crazy cuz I live alone… I was constantly talking to myself, me and God, and we just [went] back and forth. You would think that it was people living in my house how much I was talking to myself.”

Social media reaction was wild.

One commenter wrote, “I haven’t had a real f*ck in 5 years. Never felt better.”

Another chimed in with, “Red just never found a good lady.” 

A third person added, “I dont believe him. I think something is wrong with him medically for this drastic change. Either he has a disease or his dick no longer works.”

Are you proud of Red?

Should more people practice celibacy?

Watch Red make his case.

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This Post Has 29 Comments

  1. I haven’t had sexual intercourse for over three four years.. GOD HAS BEEN MY FOCUS.. HE GUIDES MY HAND.. AND I TRUST HIM.

  2. You can call yourself Christian, but your actions and your relationship with God is everything.

  3. I am so proud of Red Man right now I pray that he will find christ and get saved and continue to talk to the Lord so he can lead him in the right path.


  5. I completely understand. I was a smoker for 8 yrs it was my god. I wanted to quit deep down but i knew i couldn’t do it on my own. I was lukewarm when God put on my heart to quit but i would ignore it. Finally when i surrendered my life to God completely and i was like “Lord im tired of hurting you” He delivered me right where i was. Praise the Lord He set me free.

  6. God is awesome. Won’t He do it? 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  7. Fasting from sex, porn, social media, TV, and other vices will definitely take you on a journey to “The Most High”

  8. If u gotta take a vow of celibacy that mean u been clappin clappin….and recklessly

  9. I been following Reggie Noble (funk doc) since epmd and his own debut album. Been supportive, loving ❤️ his sound of music 🎶. I also am living a celibate life 😊, TMH God has a plan for all of us 🙏. Great 👍 job redman, a fan from philly. 60 + yrs young.

  10. Grand Rising
    Redman was TALKING to GOD

  11. I’m so glad Redman shared this because I haven’t smoked weed in the last 6 months but the urge is still there and just knowing he went two years no smoking and no sex I know I can do it as well

  12. I’ve been celibate for 2 yrs. My wife passed 2 yrs ago so there’s no need to have sex. I was in love. I still am

  13. im in my 4th celibate year…no smoking since 2005 no meat since 2002 no drinking since 2001….thought control are indeed key and critical in abstainign from anything harmfull.Gods Will also pushed me trough.

  14. I couldn’t do what Red did. I can’t imagine is mindset while being celibate for 2 years


  16. That dude is old and is losing testosterone. Of course he don’t care about sex anymore. He ran through every video vixen in the industry. 😆

  17. Keep allowing God to process you Redman……God is so good…

    Romans 14:17

    Kingdom of God is not Meat & Drinks Righteous,Peace Joy in the Holy Ghost‼️

  18. Weirdest thing, I’ve never smoked cigarettes in my life, towards the end of last year, is the first time I’ve ever smoked weed, I did it like 3 or 4 times, quickly came to the conclusion that it wasn’t for me, but every now and then I have dreams of me trying out cigarettes, and loving it. It’s so demonic, and weird honestly, but when I wake up, I just think to myself I’m like wow, “that was weird, I really had a strong desire to smoke cigarettes in that dream, idk where in the world that came from, I’ve never did that in real life”, just odd..

  19. Yesssss the best thing!!! Celibacy No smoking No drugs!!! I feel great!!!! Also studying the Bible. 🙏🏾
    Great Job!!! Absolutely
    GOD JUST TOOK IT AWAY IN A FLASH I DIDNT FAST… however I am slow fasting meaning slowly testing by removing certain food by not eating it for a week… then the next thing…I only listen to worshiping music…JESUS IS LORD!!🤓😇🙏🏾❤️

  20. But he just released a song with method man about weed?

    What do we make of that?

  21. It’s funny how people have an awakening after years and years of debaucherous activities. Now you wanna preach celibacy and shit while some of us have had multiple periods of celibacy (both voluntary and involuntary) for all of our adult lives. After so many years of this, I want to feel the insides of a woman more frequently. Im kind of getting tired of this fake ass awakening bullshit.

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