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Hockey: USA and Canada staged a trio of fake fights

Team USA and Canada engaged in a trio of fake fights within the first nine seconds of their battle.

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  1. Hockey is as fake as all other sports because it’s all about business at the end of the day! I can give so many examples of why and how but I’ll give you a few: so called Dynasty Islanders in the 80s? Fake just to get hockey popular in Long Island New York, Oilers so called Dynasty right afterwards? Fake just to boost Gretzky to help make hockey popular and hockey in another new expansion town team Edmonton popular! Vegas Golden Knights go to a Cup final and lose then go to another one and win within 5 years of its existence! That should be unheard of and not humanly possible 😂 i can go on and on but NHL is rigged

  2. They arent even trying to fake it. I remember seeing hockey fights. They kick off their skiis snd gloves and knock each others teeth out, whats with this goody hugging or spinning their fists around like some looney toon.

  3. a big show to keep Americans and Canadians hating on each other amid these “tariff” tensions

  4. NHL oughta be ashamed for tryin to save face from their sh!tty ratings. This sealed the deal that the NHL is just as rigged/scripted as the NBA/NFL/MLB/UFC/WWE/Olympics/FIFA. I’ve seen better woman catfights on the streets than this pathetic fictitious nonsense..

  5. These guys get paid MILLIONS. Of course they aren’t gonna throw real punches. Who wouldn’t play fight for MILLIONS? Might get a concussion at the very worst, while being paid…..MILLIONS of $$$.

  6. 3 fights, 30+ (im guessing) punches and the only connection was the guy upper cutting his own helmet off! LMAO!!!!!!!!

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