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Olivia says your woman is f*cking a male co-worker

Olivia says women cheat on the job/YouTube

Work husbands are a threat. 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

SEATTLE — Fellas, does your woman go to work every day with a big smile 😊 on her countenance? Is she working longer hours than usual? If so, you may have a big problem on your hands. That’s because a viral video shows “Blueprint” author Olivia Alexa warning men about women cheating on the job with their “work husbands.” Yessir. Your chick is probably gettin’ f*cked on top of the office copier as we speak. In her podcast titled “Work Husband Is Real (And He’s the Biggest Threat),” the prepossessing redbone kept it 💯 about all the freaky sh*t that transpires at places of employment. “No matter how hard some people try to deny it, the workplace today has become one of the top places where men and women interact closely,” Olivia said. “When that happens on a widespread level, it’s almost impossible for all those millions of interactions to stay purely plutonic and professional. If your wife or girlfriend works at a corporate office or workplace setting, she’s going into a den where she meets your competition across every metric every day. Maybe it’s a guy that looks better. Maybe he’s got a way with words. Or, just a man that gives her those feelings of excitement again after she’s gotten used to the monotony of her own relationship.”

Olivia said a recent study revealed more than 70 percent of Americans have what’s called a “Work Spouse,” which is someone they confide in  — making them very close. “A separate survey says something even more disturbing, which is that 40 percent of married people have admitted to outright cheating with their work spouse,” Olivia shared. “As a man, you’d need to have exceptionally high trust and loyalty in your wife or girlfriend to believe she’s entirely immune to all these sexual and emotional temptations.

“And the bitter truth is: More times than not, she’s not immune. And, here’s why: For a woman, cheating begins long before the actual sexual act. It starts with her liking a new co-worker, exchanging texts and conversing with him. Then, she starts to become secretive of her phone and making excuses to spend more time at work or events where she knows he’s going to be.”

“I know you guys are probably familiar with something called ‘The 7-Year Itch,'” Olivia continued.

“Around 7 years is the time when long-term relationships settle into an emotional and sexual baseline… and that newness and excitement starts to die. That’s also around the time when most marriages or long-term relationships break up or end in divorce. Remember, a woman — both consciously and subconsciously — is always craving emotional stability. And, if it doesn’t come from you, she’ll seek it elsewhere.”

Social media reaction was mostly in agreement.

One commenter wrote, “Once the work relationship goes from professional to personal, she’s on her way out.”

Another chimed in with, “She’s not yours. It’s just your turn. Get your passport.”

A third viewer added, “I’ve been a work husband numerous times and I’m currently a work husband now. Married women are the easiest marks because they’re bored with their life. You gave her a ring with your balls attached. She no longer wants you but stays with you for security. You go to work to pay all the bills and to be the ‘man of the house’ while I’m out here being the ‘man in her mouth.’ She loves me because she can’t have me. She can’t have me because you married her, and she loves the security blanket. I’m fun for her, a spontaneous love affair with no strings attached — just the way she wants it. I know all of your secrets. I know your weakness. I even know what you do for work, what time you go in, and what time you get off.”

Is it time to keep women home barefoot and pregnant, where they belong?

Can they be trusted in the workplace?

Watch Olivia keep it a buck.

Share your thoughts.

This Post Has 29 Comments

  1. No woman ever called an ugly man her work husband. Or an old man. Or a poor man. Or a fat man. Or even a short man. If a woman is calling a guy her work husband, he’s got some kind of combination of money, height, looks, physical fitness, and he’s roughly in her age range.

  2. God says stay single but if you burn, it’s your own fault if you marry and she cheats. . Bottom line: it’s not worth it to keep a woman happy.

  3. Monogamy is not realistic for the majority of humans . Hypergamy is natural in a woman and from a biological , primitive standpoint it makes sense . Therefore, never trust them and if you have a relationship maintain your own home , don’t move in with her or allow her to move with you , and never get comfortable .Especially if you are black in America.

  4. We got needs and desires too. And all yall do is ignore what men need want and desire. Then wonder why we cheat.

  5. To be honest they usually cheat regardless. There’s nothing you can do as a guy. Just if you find out just move on.

  6. They cheat as regularly as you cheat. If that doesn’t scare you, the Islamic faith states, there isn’t an incident of infidelity that you partake that God does not force her into similar relationship. Basically you hurting yourselves

  7. I can tell you this is very real im a black dude and have a Hispanic work wife we do everything at work we just even had a great Valentine’s day at work meanwhile her lame house husband never knows lol😂

  8. @HPAPER580: It’s gonna come back to you dude. Ten fold. If u have kids is gonna come back on them. #karma

  9. Please take her off my hands. You can have her. I bet he will regret it after 2 months 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  10. Oh boy, this is happening to me now with a coworker who’s in a relationship.

  11. Thanks for constantly reaffirming all the reasons I choose to work my @$$ off for myself!!!
    The only piece of paper I’m signing to give my possessions away is my Will.

  12. Yall have no idea…I could actually write a book….and make a movie about this topic….this aint for the faint of heart…all im going to say is this….”husbands. men. the pussy isn’t yours ” its a loner. Yall cant watch them all they time. And they know it.

  13. She lost me when she said women need emotional stability. That’s why you should never learn from the fish how to fish.

    These bitcoins are always deluded and pass off self-serving gaslighting and manipulation as dating advice.

    Ignoring her needs. Lol. Don’t listen to this bitcoin. She’s trying to make you simp to women because she’s bitter with some man and chasing him and he doesn’t give her the time of day. So you know what to do.

  14. Work husband is the company playa who gets side panties at work he wants and gets phyiscal everytime and ends up getting both him and her fired . Because the moment it starts folks know believe it or not ! It always ends bad no exceptions . Oh and quess what work wife is always married because the work playa does not want to be bothered by her otherwise .

  15. If she says she has a “work husband” she is willing to cheat and if given a chance will. If a man says he has a work “wife” he’s DL gay.

  16. The only time a ‘work spouse’ is okay is when neither of them are in a committed relationship.

  17. Never had a work wife, but I have called an older lady I worked with my work mom, because she always brought extra homemade stuff to work for me to eat so there’s that 😂

  18. Now you understand why islam is against women working with men coz the devil comes between them n a relationship bringing adultery.

  19. A bunch of guys at work started referring to me as their “work wife” and fake arguing over it. I said to stop and that it was disrespectful to their girlfriends. One of them continued to do so, and he eventually asked me on a date (yes he still was in a relationship). I continued to bother them by asking “how is your girlfriend” after they made an inappropriate comment. They eventually got the hint. Trust me, it’s never just friendly banter.
    I quickly applied for jobs on another team
    What a gross and toxic work environment that was. I am so nervous to be in a relationship because of things like this.

  20. I can’t fathom having a close enough relationship with another person that I call them my “work spouse” without me wanting an actual relationship with them. For me once I have someone it’s like a switch in my head. I only have eyes for them and everyone else is just not in the picture

  21. Moral of the story fellas… Stop marrying these hyenas. If she works u gotta worry about work husbands. And if she’s a stay at home mom, she the most likely to mess around. Keep your peace kings and just keep em on rotation

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